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Dishonest Turkish Clinic


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Dear All,


I can understand the reason why you are so aggressive and try to humiliate our work.


Thanks a lot for your negative feedbacks.


It is the easiest thing to just hit one more kick to the one who fell down and judge him without listening


I hope one day all of you will face a situation where you are not guilty but charged with being dishonest or some other words that you used against me and my Organization.


We already started having patients and they went back home happily. (4000 grafts including hotel and all prescriptions. You think it is impossible but it is possible. Dont be fooled by 10K USDs in Canada, America or UK.). You will see soon their comments and pictures.


AS you know Turkey is the best destination and we have the latest technology and most experienced doctors.


I can easily get rid of by changing domain or just stop publishing the link that you shared but its good that you continuously send me potential patients and 2 of them already bought tickets :)


I simply will keep silence and reply you with our results very soon. Action is always stronger than words.


You can continue bad propaganda but we do believe in the work that we do and results that we achieve.


If someone is curious about the results or any other stuff like the clinic or operation room just give me a facetime call and I will show you all :)


One more time thanks everybody for such support and making our promotion. Well done boys, keep going!


But you are guilty. Your "3rd party" vendor intentionally took H&W pictures, maliciously gave them fake patient names, and then posted them as your own. Seeing that you paid them and gave them a mandate, you are guilty, even if you never knew what they were doing. If that is the case, then you are also an incredibly stupid business owner in letting these guys do something and not even reviewing and approving the website before it went live.

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But you are guilty. Your "3rd party" vendor intentionally took H&W pictures, maliciously gave them fake patient names, and then posted them as your own. Seeing that you paid them and gave them a mandate, you are guilty, even if you never knew what they were doing. If that is the case, then you are also an incredibly stupid business owner in letting these guys do something and not even reviewing and approving the website before it went live.


Dishonest, liar, cheater, stupid!


Thank you bery much to the ones who used those adjactives to showing yourself!


After facing with such low level of discussion quality I will not continue to this thread anymore!


This kind of aggresiveness is the proof of only bad faith but nothing else!

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You decide to response with arrogance. I think your lack of experience in the hair industry is showing. It sounds like you are a referral company (not sure) so your goal is to refer as many patients as you can so you can make money. There is nothing wrong with that but there is nothing mentioned on your website about who the doctor is. How much experience he has, who he is, or anything about the tech. I think this would have taken less effort from the web designer to mention then to take other clinics photos.


I hope one day all of you will face a situation where you are not guilty but charged with being dishonest or some other words that you used against me and my Organization.

Once again you don't believe that a web designer taking photos, making up name and nationalities along with comments and using it as advertising is dishonest? This is an act that is not honest when you deceit the people with hair transplant results that are somebody else's.


We already started having patients and they went back home happily. (4000 grafts including hotel and all prescriptions. You think it is impossible but it is possible. Dont be fooled by 10K USDs in Canada, America or UK.). You will see soon their comments and pictures.

That's is great for the patients I hope they receive a fantastic result. I think you fail to understand that poster on this forum are very educated about hair transplants so maybe you shouldn't be fooled with thinking people actually fully believe you.


AS you know Turkey is the best destination and we have the latest technology and most experienced doctors.

Turkey has some really good doctor and the same technology as other top doctors in the world. Unfortunately there is alot more horrible doctors and clinics than good ones. I have met many patients that had surgery in Turkey that are in need a desperate repair.


I can easily get rid of by changing domain or just stop publishing the link that you shared but its good that you continuously send me potential patients and 2 of them already bought tickets :)


That is a response that I expect from you. Once things get bad lets change the name and domain and keep going. Have you already changed your name from the past? This once again shows your arrogance and experience in the hair industry.

Somebody is going to go to this forum, educate themselves, choose a clinic with no photos, and decide to go to you? I don't buy it but you can continue these stories.

You need people that DONT educate themselves and ONLY look at price.


simply will keep silence and reply you with our results very soon. Action is always stronger than words.


You can continue bad propaganda but we do believe in the work that we do and results that we achieve.

Your actions up to know speak very strongly. The people that read this posts can come to their own conclusion.


I only exposed the truth about what happened. You are in denial about this being dishonest and I kindly disagree with you.


Good luck!

Edited by lorenzo

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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You decide to response with arrogance. I think your lack of experience in the hair industry is showing. It sounds like you are a referral company (not sure) so your goal is to refer as many patients as you can so you can make money. There is nothing wrong with that but there is nothing mentioned on your website about who the doctor is. How much experience he has, who he is, or anything about the tech. I think this would have taken less effort from the web designer to mention then to take other clinics photos.




Once again you don't believe that a web designer taking photos, making up name and nationalities along with comments and using it as advertising is dishonest? This is an act that is not honest when you deceit the people with hair transplant results that are somebody else's.




That's is great for the patients I hope they receive a fantastic result. I think you fail to understand that poster on this forum are very educated about hair transplants so maybe you shouldn't be fooled with thinking people actually fully believe you.




Turkey has some really good doctor and the same technology as other top doctors in the world. Unfortunately there is alot more horrible doctors and clinics than good ones. I have met many patients that had surgery in Turkey that are in need a desperate repair.




That is a response that I expect from you. Once things get bad lets change the name and domain and keep going. Have you already changed your name from the past? This once again shows your arrogance and experience in the hair industry.

Somebody is going to go to this forum, educate themselves, choose a clinic with no photos, and decide to go to you? I don't buy it but you can continue these stories.

You need people that DONT educate themselves and ONLY look at price.




Your actions up to know speak very strongly. The people that read this posts can come to their own conclusion.


I only exposed the truth about what happened. You are in denial about this being dishonest and I kindly disagree with you.


Good luck!




he hasPeople came on this educated website and after reviewing it decide to go have a transplant with a company that nobody knows, has no pictures, using other clinics photos, and decide to go to them? Sorry but I don't buy it.

You need patients that lack the research and only look at your price. The less they research the better for you.


Dear Lorenzo,


Thanks for your comments.


Hopefully I can meet with you in the future and we can discuss the all things face to face.


There was a mistake (which I also accepted) and as soon as I realized (thanks to you) I tried to correct it.


But this discussion is going beyond its aims. (Cause I see some posts just to execute without judging fairly)


And there are some adjectives which is directly to my personality which I cant accept.


AS I said in my previous posts I will not continue to this thread anymore unless I need to defence my personality.


One more time thank you for the ones who have good faith and for the ones who are not I do not care.

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Abrilik your true colors are starting to show. You called an experienced respected poster a cheater and stupid?


No lorenzo. You got my words wrong.


I was called stupid, dishonest, etc... in the previous posts.

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  • Senior Member
No lorenzo. You got my words wrong.


I was called stupid, dishonest, etc... in the previous posts.


Sorry my mistake I misunderstood and took the comments down.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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  • Senior Member
Thanks for your comments.


Hopefully I can meet with you in the future and we can discuss the all things face to face.


There was a mistake (which I also accepted) and as soon as I realized (thanks to you) I tried to correct it.


But this discussion is going beyond its aims. (Cause I see some posts just to execute without judging fairly)


And there are some adjectives which is directly to my personality which I cant accept.


AS I said in my previous posts I will not continue to this thread anymore unless I need to defence my personality.


One more time thank you for the ones who have good faith and for the ones who are not I do not care.


My comments are based on an dishonest action that took place.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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I don't think there is any reason for this threat to disappear. I don't think Bill or the moderators will have any reason to do so.

I am sure you can sue but it is not worth it. I thank them for taking down the photos but do feel that the actions of the web designer were dishonest and done to deceive the public.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Abirlik ,


You're digging yourself a deeper hole . Do yourself a favour and stop .


I agree but this is probably part of the growing pains. The typical person these type of clinics end up booking is usually someone that hasn't researched much. Unlike a dentist where 95% of them are almost the same since they all go to school and learn the same thing. They also have a strict code they must follow.

In most countries once you are a doctor you can start doing transplant. There is no additional training or extra ethics to follow. The average person doesn't know this until they research. In countries like Turkey all you need is a doctor name and all the work can be done by the techs. Sometimes the doctor doesn't even come to the office. This is why websites like this are very important part of the research you do.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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I think someone else mentioned it earlier on , but even the HT descriptions are wrong .The homepage describes a strip surgery and following pages describe FUE .


He also states "AS you know Turkey is the best destination and we have the latest technology and most experienced doctors." Quite the statement considering they seemingly don't know the difference between strip and FUE .


Turkey certainly has the most HT clinics in the world per capita , but I can count on one hand the no. of surgeons / clinics that I would even consider .

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  • Senior Member
I think someone else mentioned it earlier on , but even the HT descriptions are wrong .The homepage describes a strip surgery and following pages describe FUE .


He also states "AS you know Turkey is the best destination and we have the latest technology and most experienced doctors." Quite the statement considering they seemingly don't know the difference between strip and FUE .


Turkey certainly has the most HT clinics in the world per capita , but I can count on one hand the no. of surgeons / clinics that I would even consider .


one finger more like haha I joke I joke. another about how the website they spelled "graft "as "greft" or is that Turkish?

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alirlik sounds like a business person that also promotes/recruits other medical procedures as well as hair transplants. There is nothing wrong with that but it sounds like he has a bit to learn about it but that is my opinion. He came on to the top forum with the most educated posters and tried to question us. Now he shouldn't look at this as a bad thing because if he was a humble student he can educate himself a lot by reading posts on this forum.

As I stated before I don't think this will affect his business because anyone that educated themselves probably wont have them on the list to consider.

People who research have a lot of question that I don't feel his website answers.


Who is the doctor? I don't know

What technique? I don't know

Before and after pictures? No

How long have they been in business? I don't know.

Is this a tech only clinic? I don't know.


These are very important for people that are enquiring about a hair transplant.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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In countries like Turkey all you need is a doctor name and all the work can be done by the techs. Sometimes the doctor doesn't even come to the office.

Aaaaaaa. So terrible.


This is why websites like this are very important part of the research you do.

So right.

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