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  1. No lorenzo. You got my words wrong. I was called stupid, dishonest, etc... in the previous posts.
  2. Dear Lorenzo, Thanks for your comments. Hopefully I can meet with you in the future and we can discuss the all things face to face. There was a mistake (which I also accepted) and as soon as I realized (thanks to you) I tried to correct it. But this discussion is going beyond its aims. (Cause I see some posts just to execute without judging fairly) And there are some adjectives which is directly to my personality which I cant accept. AS I said in my previous posts I will not continue to this thread anymore unless I need to defence my personality. One more time thank you for the ones who have good faith and for the ones who are not I do not care.
  3. Dishonest, liar, cheater, stupid! Thank you bery much to the ones who used those adjactives to showing yourself! After facing with such low level of discussion quality I will not continue to this thread anymore! This kind of aggresiveness is the proof of only bad faith but nothing else!
  4. Cause I wait their approval! never mind!
  5. Dear All, I can understand the reason why you are so aggressive and try to humiliate our work. Thanks a lot for your negative feedbacks. It is the easiest thing to just hit one more kick to the one who fell down and judge him without listening I hope one day all of you will face a situation where you are not guilty but charged with being dishonest or some other words that you used against me and my Organization. We already started having patients and they went back home happily. (4000 grafts including hotel and all prescriptions. You think it is impossible but it is possible. Dont be fooled by 10K USDs in Canada, America or UK.). You will see soon their comments and pictures. AS you know Turkey is the best destination and we have the latest technology and most experienced doctors. I can easily get rid of by changing domain or just stop publishing the link that you shared but its good that you continuously send me potential patients and 2 of them already bought tickets I simply will keep silence and reply you with our results very soon. Action is always stronger than words. You can continue bad propaganda but we do believe in the work that we do and results that we achieve. If someone is curious about the results or any other stuff like the clinic or operation room just give me a facetime call and I will show you all One more time thanks everybody for such support and making our promotion. Well done boys, keep going!
  6. Dear Lorenzo, For sure I don’t expect you to believe my words from the first second. However, I also think that it is not fair to blame an entire organization for only because of an unintentionally mistake of a third party vendor. As you can also appreciate we immediately removed the photos. Visuals with our previous patients (from our ex organization) are also at the preparation process. Once they will be ready they will take place in our web site with real comments. I do respect your sensitivity to the subject. On the other hand it is really a very bad position for us to be listed as "DISHONEST" in such a valueable forum. I also take this comment personally on myself and since I saw this post it really hurts me psychologically. I hope I could explain myself clearly. Regards, Ayhan
  7. Dear All! First of all thank you very much for you to raise this unpleasant situation. Second, let me explain the situation. We are a very new service provider which is relocated to Turkey from another country. Our website isn’t fully functionable yet and still under construction. Our advertisements are also in trial period and they are under performance assessments. The third party IT supporting company that we outsource our web design and Social Media Marketing process used some images which they found in google images and used them to prepare some visualizations for future use. Just for last one week the images were used and even I personally myself as the business owner today realized with the situation when I checked the referrer links and saw this post. Immediately I contacted with the company and ask them to remove the photos. Myself also a photograph artist and I really care very much about copy rights. Very angry and sorry to have such situation. I hope you will also appreciate the circumstance. Please write me from: abirlik@gmail.com or ayhan.birlik@eurasiamed.com Thanks, Ayhan
  8. Welcome to our Hair Restoration Social Community and enhanced discussion forum. Feel free to customize your profile by sharing your story, creating blogs, sharing your treatment regimen, presenting your hair restoration photos, and uploading videos. You can also join groups and interact with other members via public chat and instant message those you add to your friends.

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    If there's anything I can do to help or make things easier for you, don't hesitate to send me a private message or post on my wall.

    All the Best,

    David (TakingThePlunge) – Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant of the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the new Hair Restoration Social Network and Discussion Forum

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