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Dr. Bisanga, BHR Clinic. 2151 FUE. 0-8 Months

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BHR Clinic

Dr. Bisanga

2151 FUE

Hairline-Temples case

Age 39

Medication: No

Medium-Fine hair



- 1s: 419

- 2s: 715

- 3s: 558

- 4s: 431

- 5s: 28


That is 2151 FU = 5387 Hairs = 2,50 Hairs/FU.



Pre-post surgery
























8 Months









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  • Senior Member

Very nice improvement. More than what some other docs can achieve, especially with just around 2000 grafts. Dr Bisanga work on any repair patients or had any repair patients that had donor halos due to poor extractions? Also, any cases with hairline and temporal repairs? Would like to see those as I need to get things repaired and corrected. Thanks.

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  • Senior Member

I'm just curious about Bisanga's hairlines. He always designs them with a U shape in the middle and the curved lateral sweeps on the sides.


Does he transplant differently in these two zones or does he just draw it that way to get the shape right?

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Thank you very much for the new comments.


@ Sean, here I share a couple of cases where Dr. Bisanga rebuilt hairlines of patients who already had a HT. They were repair cases. Hope it helps:





Dr. Bisanga has performed many repair procedures during these years, but it all depends on the donor capacity of each patient. Unfortunately there are cases where a new HT is not possible.


@ Matt27, hairline design is very personal. In order to draw the line Doctor Bisanga takes different measurements of the face of every patient according to bone structure, etc. But obviously we take into account the goal and comments of the patient and if they can be achieved. It is always decided by both parties.


@ Bill, thanks a lot for your comments.They are very appreciated.


Warm regards,

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