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Post FUT hairstyle

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I'm on day 5 from approx 3500 FUT grafts which has left me looking like a Klingon with hairs on the sides, back and top back. Unfortunately the frontal half was shaved by the clinic by mistake despite requesting to keep my hair ( NW3) so I'm now left with having to face the world unprepared.

The worst part is having to go back to work and explaining what has happened to my head as I heavily used concealers before to create an almost full head of hair. There is no medication in this world that would grow back my native frontal hair within 2 weeks.

I am now depressingly having to accept that people will notice that I had a hair transplant. I could buzz all over to balance the head but since its a FUT, I have a long suture at the back which isn't due out until after 10 days.

Any assistance on how I can style my head without making it look absurd will help.



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Two options, I guess:


1) Try all sorts of fibres, pastes, creams and haircuts, which may very well damage your long-term result at this stage. Or...


2) Make a virtue out of necessity and front the fucker out. Tell the world - out and proud - you've had a hair transplant.

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I'm on day 5 from approx 3500 FUT grafts which has left me looking like a Klingon with hairs on the sides, back and top back. Unfortunately the frontal half was shaved by the clinic by mistake despite requesting to keep my hair ( NW3) so I'm now left with having to face the world unprepared.

The worst part is having to go back to work and explaining what has happened to my head as I heavily used concealers before to create an almost full head of hair. There is no medication in this world that would grow back my native frontal hair within 2 weeks.

I am now depressingly having to accept that people will notice that I had a hair transplant. I could buzz all over to balance the head but since its a FUT, I have a long suture at the back which isn't due out until after 10 days.

Any assistance on how I can style my head without making it look absurd will help.




How did the clinic shave your hair by mistake? i would have gotten up and walked right out of there. What next, they by mistake cut your head open when taking out the strip, or by mistake make the incisions all over your forehead?


Just get them to shave the rest of of your hair to balance it out, and wear a cap for the next month. Tell work you fell and cracked the back of your head open, hence the sutures.

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How did the clinic shave your hair by mistake? i would have gotten up and walked right out of there. What next, they by mistake cut your head open when taking out the strip, or by mistake make the incisions all over your forehead?


Just get them to shave the rest of of your hair to balance it out, and wear a cap for the next month. Tell work you fell and cracked the back of your head open, hence the sutures.


The technician that shaved it either forgot I was retaining my hair or there was a breakdown in communication.

There's nothing anyone can do now so I just have to live with it. The whole purpose of going for the FUT instead of the FUE was to have it done unshaven.

It sucks.

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The technician that shaved it either forgot I was retaining my hair or there was a breakdown in communication.

There's nothing anyone can do now so I just have to live with it. The whole purpose of going for the FUT instead of the FUE was to have it done unshaven.

It sucks.


Look at it this way, having the recipient area shaved definitely would have made the procedure itself a lot easier for the surgeon making the incisions and the techs performing the graft placements - so you just increased the likelihood for a better result.

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Look at it this way, having the recipient area shaved definitely would have made the procedure itself a lot easier for the surgeon making the incisions and the techs performing the graft placements - so you just increased the likelihood for a better result.


Yes that could be the only positive thing but the long wait for results is killing me especially as I did not prepare for this outcome.

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Look at it this way, having the recipient area shaved definitely would have made the procedure itself a lot easier for the surgeon making the incisions and the techs performing the graft placements - so you just increased the likelihood for a better result.

I agree with this statement I believe you upped the chances of your success rate when they did this. It's easier for the doctor and techs to do good work and it will be easier for you to take care of. I know it sucks for you trying to hide it now but at least there is a positive side to it.

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I would not use concealers yet. As someone that wanted to use them as soon as I could, the most conservative estimate I heard was a month. I'd wait that long before introducing anything to the recipient. I waited longer but I had decided ahead of time to do some travel.


I would shave it if you can pull off the look. Better to have a scar and tell people its from an accident on the football field or maybe bc you rescued a hot chick from a burning building? ;)


But really, if you can buzz your head and throw some couvre on the scar to minimize the appearance thats the way to go. If you need to buy a few, use a couple of sick days or work from home. The donor is still quite raw after the sutures are removed.

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I would not use concealers yet. As someone that wanted to use them as soon as I could, the most conservative estimate I heard was a month. I'd wait that long before introducing anything to the recipient. I waited longer but I had decided ahead of time to do some travel.


I would shave it if you can pull off the look. Better to have a scar and tell people its from an accident on the football field or maybe bc you rescued a hot chick from a burning building? ;)


But really, if you can buzz your head (some are blessed here, some are not) I would do that and throw some couvre on the scar to minimize the appearance. If you need to buy a few, use a couple of sick days or work from home.


I used Couvre topped up with Toppik pre surgery so which of these two do you recommend to avoid for the time being?

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i'm not positive, but I think some docs & clinics, like H&W and Rahal, require that the recipient area be shaved for the exact reason Stig mentioned, so that incisions could be made accurately, so there is no transecting of native hair, etc. So you're definitely better off that it was shaved, just do the back & sides as short as you can to conceal your scar and let the top heal and grow in. We've all gone through it, its not fun, feels odd, etc. but you'll get used to it to the point where you won't even care, believe me... don't stress about it

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I used Couvre topped up with Toppik pre surgery so which of these two do you recommend to avoid for the time being?


I had the exact routine pre-op as well, masking the majority of my loss. Speak to your doctor, but most say to abstain entirely for at least 2 weeks. More conservative docs will recommend a month on recipient. It's fine to put on your donor once the wound is fully healed.


What did your doctor say?

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I had the exact routine pre-op as well, masking the majority of my loss. Speak to your doctor, but most say to abstain entirely for at least 2 weeks. More conservative docs will recommend a month on recipient. It's fine to put on your donor once the wound is fully healed.


What did your doctor say?


The clinic advised to not use any concealers for 3 months which I will find very difficult.

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3 months would be the most conservative timeline I've heard. I asked each of the 8 doctors I consulted with, including my own, and the general consensus (the entire topic is subjective) was that once the scabs have fallen and the recipient is clean it's ok to apply--but to rinse daily. Wait longer for couvre/dermatch than toppik if you can.


Can you pull off the shaved head? To me thats a good look even with a scar if you've got the shape for it.

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