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Advice on Konior,Rahal,Shapiro for 2000 grafts FUE


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You landed on 3 of the best, and I highly doubt you will go wrong with either of them. They have different approaches and styles, so what exactly are you looking for? If you want an aggressive hairline/high density of the frontal third, then Dr Rahal is untouched. If you are looking for a more conservative hairline, and can live with coverage over high density, then I really like Shapiro. I am assuming you are talking about Ron and not Paul? I liked Konior as well, and have nothing negative to say about him. I had my 2nd procedure with Dr Rahal this past December, and had an outstanding experience with him to date. Let me know if you have any questions. Seeing you are going with FUE, did you consider Lorenzo or Feriduni?

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All of the doctors you listed are elite. They all got their reputations from fut not fue so I don't really know how to answer this. There really aren't many results from them that show their fue

work. I am probably going fut so I am personally choosing Konior. The other doctors listed are great as well so I am not saying they are not great either but Konior is simply the best personal decision for me. His hands on and aftercare are unmatched. If you are dead set on fue then I would keep researching.

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After all my research, from this forum, I flew from California to Chicago and meet with Dr Konior. Had two previous failed HTs. Dr K preformed a biopsy and we found that I have LPP which attacks the hair follicles. He found me a renowned specialist in California and I'm working toward proper treatment with daily support from Dr K. The moral to this story is find that Doctor that won't give up and will go the extra mile. He is my best supporter knowing that my scalp might never become inactive enough for a HT.

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As others have already stated, you are selecting between three outstanding hair transplant doctors. I've had the privilege and pleasure of meeting and speaking with all three of these doctors in person and I know all of them quite well. All of them are world renowned surgeon and have an excellent bedside manner. In my opinion, each of the surgeons you are considering will give you their 100% all and do their very best to help you meet your needs. In my opinion, consult with each of them and view results by using this community which will help you narrow your selection down and ultimately decide on one.


Good luck in your decision making process,



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  • Senior Member

I know that Shapiro, Konior and Rahal do FUE as well. They're not as well known for it, but I don't think you'll go wrong with them. There are a few reviews/results with them, but not as many as some of the other more well-known docs that focus on FUE.


I had Konior do my FUT and I wouldn't hesitate to let him do FUE. In fact, he even offered after I bumped my head and knocked out some grafts.

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  • Senior Member

This may sound odd, but when you've narrowed it down to those 3 it really comes down to you, and your rapport and personal connection with each. You can find wow results for each of them, but particularly on the FUT side.


If you consulted with Matt Z at SMG you'll find his FUE results on here @ Zup. I can't remember the patient's name, but Konior has had a few oustanding FUE results recently too. Do a quick search. Admittedly, I haven't reviewed Rahal's FUE work as closely.


Speaking of a search, spend an hour or so going through the pages of their results. Think that'll help if you enjoyed your conversations with each.

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  • Senior Member
This may sound odd, but when you've narrowed it down to those 3 it really comes down to you, and your rapport and personal connection with each. You can find wow results for each of them, but particularly on the FUT side.


If you consulted with Matt Z at SMG you'll find his FUE results on here @ Zup. I can't remember the patient's name, but Konior has had a few oustanding FUE results recently too. Do a quick search. Admittedly, I haven't reviewed Rahal's FUE work as closely.


Speaking of a search, spend an hour or so going through the pages of their results. Think that'll help if you enjoyed your conversations with each.


Is it Spanker?

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  • Senior Member
Thought you were trying to identify one of Konior's patients. He goes by the name Spanker.


Yes,of course Mr. Spanker.


There was a guy named Matt who had a real nice FUE result too. But this one more recently. Thought was pretty clean.



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