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Rahal or Erdogan


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I am a 23 year old male and have spoken with the consultants at Rahal's clinic in the summer. I was told i would need 3000 grafts to the frontal region.


I have had my heart set on Rahal ever since.


However, over recent months I have started to see very impressive results from Dr Koray Erdogan. His Hairlines and Denisty seem to be up there with the best- as well as being FUE and cheaper (I live in Europe).


What do people think in terms of hairlines and density. Who is the better doctor? Is the more expensive Rahal worth it? If so I am willing to spend the extra money no questions asked!


Thanks for your help


(picture taken in summer- mabye more loss now I'm not sure. Also my hair is darker during winter months.


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  • Senior Member

Who else have you consulted with? They are both great. My advice would be to speak with a few more docs before making a decision. Just me but I think more top surgeon opinions the better, even if you arrive at the same conclusion.

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  • Senior Member

Also at 23 with that much hair loss I'd want to be maximising usage of grafts so you need to be on meds and I'd personally have FUT first. If you just have FUE you're limiting your graft count considerably. You can have FUE after FUT but not really the other way around. For strip personally I'd consider hasson, konior or Shapiro

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  • Senior Member
Also at 23 with that much hair loss I'd want to be maximising usage of grafts so you need to be on meds and I'd personally have FUT first. If you just have FUE you're limiting your graft count considerably. You can have FUE after FUT but not really the other way around. For strip personally I'd consider hasson, konior or Shapiro


What he said.

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  • Senior Member
Thanks for all your answers.

In terms of density who do you think comes up trumps?

Is this correct that FUT should always be before FUE?

In terms of density FUT will beat FUE every time as there's approx 20% better survival. As far as FUT being before FUE it's fairly common knowledge. FUE thins out the donor making it harder to hide a strip scar so if you want both FUT should be done first

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  • Senior Member
Thanks for all your answers.

In terms of density who do you think comes up trumps?

Is this correct that FUT should always be before FUE?


That's a hotly discussed debate, FUE or Strip, there are many arguments and counter arguments regarding this topic.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Feller


Dr Feller Jan '09 2000 grafts


Dr Lorenzo Dec '15 2222 grafts

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If I was going with Rahal I would have FUT no doubt.


My hair is also wavey/curly. I wonder if one surgeon is better than the other for that type of hair.


Because of the hair characterisitic, it seems that I can cover alot with minimal hair- for example the way i wear it in the picture.


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