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Bobman Growing it Long!"


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Hey everyone! Wow...can you believe it's been 5.5 years since my first surgery!?! I cannot express how much my life has changed for the better because of Hasson & Wong's amazing abilities. So my plan is to let my hair grow like crazy. As long as I can for at least the next six months to a year. I'll be posting pics very soon from the start of all this. Damn it feels good to have those options again!

PS: It was a pleasure to meet you Shakeel...best of luck with your surgery this month!


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  • Senior Member

Hey everyone! Wow...can you believe it's been 5.5 years since my first surgery!?! I cannot express how much my life has changed for the better because of Hasson & Wong's amazing abilities. So my plan is to let my hair grow like crazy. As long as I can for at least the next six months to a year. I'll be posting pics very soon from the start of all this. Damn it feels good to have those options again!

PS: It was a pleasure to meet you Shakeel...best of luck with your surgery this month!


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Damn Bobman, just saw your weblog. Outstanding results and a remarkable transformation (and not just your hair). Way to inspire!!!

Dr. Rahal - 4069 Grafts - December 11, 2008


1's - 720, 2's - 2197, 3's - 1152 = Total Hair - 8570


Proscar 1 mg - Rogaine 5% - Nizoral 1% (3 times a week)


My Hair Loss WebLog


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ReadyForChange: Thank you! Your results look good too. Not bad for four months out. But the kudos must go to Dr.Hasson for his outstanding dedication towards constant improvement in his field. I was just the canvas for which he used to paint on. icon_wink.gif

Wish me luck with my hair growth. This will be the first I've let it grow long since I was 23 years old. And even then it wasn't "that long". Hope I can hold out.


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Just amazing! You've got a lot to be happy about brother. Grow that mop out! I've been hoping to see more examples of HTs worn in a longer style. I'll be following your progress.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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TakingThePlunge: Thanks...I really am happy. You and I both have the same feelings regarding HT's and length. So, I'll be the first then. Who knows...some say I look good buzzed, others say a little longer, maybe really long will be "the look". Thanks again!


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I will be happy to see how long you get it. My hair was not "long" but it was getting unmanageable so I cut it. Being long covered some flaws. I had no idea how see through some of my transplanted hair was. I wish I left it long but at least now I know. icon_frown.gif

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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You know I've seen my share of patient results. If we ever put together a before and after hall of fame you'll be at the front of the hall, close to the brightest light. As for me, after seeing the hair super stars of the past few years, I'll be putting my before and afters down the hall in a storage closet :-)


Always amazing to see you and your transformation! You are indeed a super star in the annuals of hair geekdom.


I'd wish you good luck but I don't think you need it any more.



Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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wantego: Hmmm...interesting. I know what you mean about cutting it due to managability. But in order to get that "look", I guess you have to go through another "ugly duckling" stage, right?


hairthere: They came in perfect! Just take a look at my photos when I post them soon.



phxind: Thank you sir! Just doing my part to show those less informed what a quality hair transplant result should look like. Cheers should go to Hasson & Wong though.


Pat: I appreciate your nice compliments. I know you're sincere and I look forward to viewing the unveiling of that hall. icon_wink.gif


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LOL...I should have clarified. The "ugly duckling" stage is something I coined long ago and it caught on like wildfire. This time I just mean going through that period where the hair doesn't look quite right as it grows out long for me.


I'm sure you will find that place where you have the perfect length. My brother found his about twenty-five years ago and has maintained that same look by getting it cut religiously every five weeks. So when you find it...I guess keep it that way, right?


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You've been a true inspiration to those with extensive hair loss (like me) who desperately want "Bobman" hair. You are living proof that this kind of transformation can be possible for those who are qualified.


Wear your new crown of glory proudly and enjoy it :-).



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Bill: I will! You said it right...Quality comes from the best. Results speak for themselves. It did to me when I was just gathering info.


kaounis: LOL...yeah, it will certainly be something to see if my vision is correct.


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Hello All


I'me new to this and have been reading a lot this last couple of days off of here! I think I did this wrong by replying to a "Dr Rahal" Subject that was last discussed like a year ago...

I need some help from as many of you as I can and as fast as you can *crossing fingers*.

My Story quickly....

Losing hair since 23 and have finally decided to go with an HT. The funds are now available and want to really take the plunge.


I'm from Toronto Canada and considered a couple of doctors. The doctor I was thinking to go with has had some good and bad reviews on here...dating back as far as 2002 I believe.

Dr Robert jones is the one I was thinking of seeing. To defend him on the negative reviews, he did ask (welcome) the proof to be shown but nobody seemed to come up with it?


I would like to ask you guys now, who would you honestly recommend and would I be in good hands if I chose Dr Jones?

I have seen Dr Rahal as the guy to go to for sure but Dr Jones is a lot closer.


I hope to hear from someone soon

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Thinline: If the funds are available and you really want this forum to help you to decide...then I must say with respect to your up to date research, please consider Hasson & Wong. Yeah, I'm partial to them because of my results...but also the countless, YES COUNTLESS others results as well. I traveled to the other side of the United States..and I would have traveled to the other side of the globe with the results I found from this clinic. The travel shouldn't make any difference...because YOU are the guy that is living with this...so do it right the first time. Check 'em out...you'll thank me.


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