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Everything posted by ReadyForChange

  1. You're looking good dude??¦. though I do agree with Ron that the spiked look was killer. Screw looking professional??¦. You can always get another job??¦.a 6'5' male model maybe?
  2. You look like a different dude.... congratulations. One of the most impressive 6 month updates I've seen so far. I'll look forward to your subsequent updates.
  3. Very nice, even under the harshness of sunlight. Your hair looks very natural.
  4. Mick, Ron and Petchski: Thanks for the positive comments guys ??“ I'm keeping my fingers crossed though not much has changed since my last post. I've updated my blog with 6 month pictures. I'm going to grow my hair out to see if it helps with density. As always, your thoughts and comments are always appreciated.
  5. Just updated my weblog with my five month pics. Your views are always welcome (nay, encouraged)
  6. Damn Bobman, just saw your weblog. Outstanding results and a remarkable transformation (and not just your hair). Way to inspire!!!
  7. Excellent work; you must be thrilled to say the least. Enjoy you new full head of hair and hope to see your 6, 7 and 8 month crown pics.
  8. The implanting of artificial fibers has been banned in the United States since 1984. Though this is fascinating stuff though, the risk seems very real. Various online resources place the failure rate between 11% to 20% over 2 years. I wonder how that would compare to HTs success rate overall? I realize its apples and oranges, but still would be interesting to see some metrics on overall patient satisfaction from an HT.
  9. Hi Guys: It's been a while since I've posted or updated my weblog so I thought I would do both today. I've been lurking silently in the shadows and regularly viewing the posts and results. I've seen some spectacular results in the past couple of months and am thrilled for the posters/bloggers seeing them. Congratulations guys!!! I'm at the four month mark; the worst is over. I think I can safely say that I'm out of the doldrums and have entered my growth phase. It's a slow process, but patience is a new virtue in my arsenal (sometimes). I'm looking forward to the coming months and hope to see some of the bare patches fill in (which is a current concern). Also, has anyone experienced thinning at the crown after an HT? Your feedback on the two and four month pictures is always appreciated. Let me know if you see any areas of concern (with my OCD, it's easy to set me off)
  10. Hi OM: Congratulations on getting the procedure done. now all you have to do is wait to see the results . You seem to have done your homework well on the different options and research going on, but as thanatopsis mentioned, 10K is a solid amount and should be more than enough to give you decent coverage. On the 'current' research going on, don't hold your breath; I've been reading the same research for nearly 5 -6 years now and there has been minimal progress. Also, don't waste your money on a laser comb. I remember reading a fairly comprehensive thread on the benefits (or quackery) of laser combs and laser therapy on this forum - I think it will help you in making an informed decision. Who was your HT doc? Also, any reason you decided to go with only 2600 grafts?
  11. buba: Congratulations! You'll be healing in no time. Keep us posted with your progress..
  12. I'm feeling ok so far; no physical discomfort. I'm bummed about the shock loss and can't wait to hit the 5 month mark. On the Rogaine, I just think it was too soon and too close to the scabs falling off. I'm applying it twice a day since the three week mark and it's been fine.
  13. Thanks Dabuski! I did switch from dutasteride to proscar. Dutasteride is not for everyone, and about 18 months in, I started to see a noticable difference in my sex drive. I consulted a urologist and he suggested I go off dutasteride for a few months (half life is 14 days with dutasteride). I did and the difference was day and night. I've been on proscar ever since and have not had any issues with it. It's an icky subject, but young men (I was 25 at the time) need to know that these drugs can affect your hormonal equilibrium. I mean hair is great and I'll go to great lengths to keep it on my head, but I'd rather be 100% bald than forego my sex life.
  14. Wantego, Wow! The difference in your appearance is HUGE! Its only been 6 months and you look like you never experienced any hair loss to begin with. I'm blown away by your results and can only hope that my 6 month results are close to yours in terms of thickness, fullness and coverage. And theres more thickening to come....very inspiring.
  15. Well, I'm at the 1 month mark (30 days) and I've updated my weblog with new pictures. I've lost all my grafts and I'm seeing considerable shock loss in the recipient area. I'm seeing some loss in my crown (which was untouched) and wanted to know if that was normal or expected? I've got pimples on my forehead and some on my recipient area, but I'll live. Time just can't fly by fast enough. I wonder how far they've come with cryogenics
  16. Great progress so far arion... and you have more thickening to come.
  17. Wantego: Congratulations! That's a thick mop you have for 5 months; you are a fast grower by comparisopn to other weblogs. I would be thrilled and delighted if my results are like yours at the 5 month mark. Hairline pics look awesome too. Great stuff.
  18. Hi Predator: Your results are visibly coming in now. There is a noticeable difference and obvious progression between your 2, 2.75 and even 3.5 month pictures. Maybe its the lighting, but I don't see too much of the redness really. Also, you seem to have enough growth to adequately cover the recipient area. You may not be ready for cartwheels just yet, but from what I've been reading, you aren't even at the half way mark in terms of fullness yet. I'm playing the waiting game myself and am far far behind you. Good luck to you; keep us posted.
  19. Thank you all for the good wishes, encoragement and advice. Its day 18 and I took Eman's advice and buzzed my hair down to be level; I don't scare little children as much anymore . I've also shed majority of the scabbing and crusting (and with is, a LOT of my hair). No doubt shock loss is in play as well. I've posted new pics on my weblog; please do take a look when you get a chance. The redness is mild and I'm hoping it won't get worse (especially since I'm starting on aloe). I tried the rogaine but it burned so I stopped for now and will revisit in a few days. I'm thin on top and am expecting to get thinner, so I bought a fedora to prepare The weblog only allowed 6 pictures, so I attached the 7th to this posting. Thanks,
  20. Dewayne: Looking great both front and back. What a remarkable difference and very natural looking. Both you and Dr. Cooley must be very pleased.
  21. Eman: It's looking great; you do have little sprouts coming in.... the first of many. The back looks very normal; the scar is completely not visible in the pics. I know what you mean about the Chicago water and the harsh chemicals. I feel like I've lost more hair than I should have in my 6 years in chitown because of it. I'm excited that you posted your 3 month pics; gives me a small glimpse into the future.
  22. Question: Since multiple people have recommended that I massage out the scabs, I was wondering what the drawback of having the scabs hang around and drop naturally (eventually) are? Is there a negative to having the scabs other than the nasty appearance? Also, does it matter much if I massage wet or dry?
  23. Thanks Latinotus! My first HT was with the Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa (aka Tulsa Hair Clinic) which is where I got the scar and the pluggy look. Hair Transplant Center of Tulsa Link Their claim to fame is nurse Betty Ann Studier who worked with Dr. Norwood in coming up with the Norwood scale in 1967. I had the HT in 2004; the results speak for themselves. I was disappointed in the results to say the least and I'm so very glad I did my homework the second time around; this site was invaluable.
  24. Very nice Hair Brewer, the difference is definitely noticeable. Like others have said, 1700 grafts is on the lower side and you should ask your doctor what the rationale was behind going with the lower number of grafts. Is your donor area density low? What is the largest session your Dr. has performed? Getting an HT is a life changing decision, but it's still an uncomfortable experience. Moving forward, you should make sure you get adequate coverage your next HT. I recommend getting an estimate from your doctor and posting to the site; the folks on here are awesome and wont steer you wrong in their advice.
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