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VIDEO Dr. Lindsey reviews 2 VERY challenging heads McLean VA

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This video discusses a very challenging guy who came in for a consultation, with very little hair or options. And a similar guy with enough hair to work on a repair plan.


Bottom line. Do your research and plan for the future!


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA



William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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The first guy could consider a full cap system. His donor is really really bad and wouldn't support a topper.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Very interesting insight Doctor. The first patient's outlook sadly does look grim. I'm curious, is it ever viable to extract the recipient grafts and plant them back into the donor(in the strip scar and/or FUE sites) and just have the patient content with a natural norwood 6 look with the ability to cut the back and sides down to a grade 4/5? I see alot of body hair cases where instead of the approach I mentioned above, the surgeon loads the patient up with body and beard hair and tries to make them a norwood 2 again which to me looks a bit strange. Maybe the patient would prefer to have hair in that case, I'm not in their shoes. What is your take?


Also, did not recognize you at the start of the video! Changing styles :P

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Yep, the first guy had 3 options, if you read my captions, a hair system we discussed in person but I got sidetracked filming and neglected to talk about it. But he has limited options indeed.


I do not offer body hair and feel that its characteristics and growth cycle time make it a poor option. I have only see angry patients with failed (I guess) body hair transplants fly in for evaluations...uniformly they are angry. There must be happy ones out there but they have never come by my place.


Mickey.. that FU is my mid life crisis. Couldn't afford a sports car so I quit shaving for a while at the beach and wife made me trim to this. And she forbids a motorcycle, so this is what we have for a while.


Dr. L

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Very interesting! Thanks for sharing, Dr L.

Dr. Blake Bloxham is recommended by the Hair Transplant Network.



Hair restoration physician - Feller and Bloxham Hair Transplantation


Previously "Future_HT_Doc" or "Blake_Bloxham" - forum co-moderator and editorial assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, Hair Restoration Network, Hair Loss Q&A blog, and Hair Loss Learning Center.


Click here to read my previous answers to hair loss and hair restoration questions, editorials, commentaries, and educational articles.


Now practicing hair transplant surgery with Coalition hair restoration physician Dr Alan Feller at our New York practice: Feller and Bloxham Hair Transplantation.


Please note: my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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I do not offer body hair and feel that its characteristics and growth cycle time make it a poor option. I have only see angry patients with failed (I guess) body hair transplants fly in for evaluations...uniformly they are angry. There must be happy ones out there but they have never come by my place.



Dr. L


There are happy ones out there, I'm one of them. No offense, but most doctors who pan alternative donor sources as being unreliable or question their "growth cycle time" (whatever that means) are themselves unable to harvest and utilize this resource. It requires practice and lots of effort to make it work, but for those of us who it has worked on, it has been a true lifesaver.


I simply could not wear a hair system, I could not shave my head, and had to wear a hat for over a decade until I found out about beard hair in 2007, oddly enough in the clinic of a well respected doctor, whose nurse made an off-hand comment about it (Exact words: "Don't try beard hair")


That turned on a lightbulb and I regained hope in a repair almost overnight.

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Dr. Lindsey,

Thanks for presenting these two cases. I will be performing SMP on a client with a similar situation next week. He had two early 90s strips done with poor growth/large grafts and a wide scar. He's been living under a hair system since. I'll gladly send you the results when he's finished, and perhaps you'll agree SMP can provide another viable option.

Edited by hairthere

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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I'm glad you found that it worked for you. That however does not change the fact that I have only seen really sad or mad patients coming here after body hair transplants with a chest full of scar tissue and no results. Perhaps if one or two people actually came in with ANY result other than feeling defrauded I'd change my mind.


If you are ever in DC...come by. And if you posted your case, send me a link please.


It kind of reminds me of facial fat transfers, which I find are extremely inconsistent. Some do in fact work, however I routinely see people from all over the east coast who have had either no, or a short term only, result from fat transfer...


And Wylie, nobody has ever accused me of being the smartest guy in the room.. but I'm reasonably adept at figuring things out. I did fat transfers from 2000-2003. I'd guess 1/3 go zero results. 1/3 got 6-8 months of results, and 1/3 got decent results that lasted a while. Even those ratios are dismal....and I gave it up. And still see lots of people each year with no results.


Its just I have never seen anyone who has come in here OR emailed a consultation, that got any significant result from body hair. Its being done, so you'd assume there are satisfied patients out there. Just haven't seen one in person or via email.


Dr. Lindsey

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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I'm glad you found that it worked for you. That however does not change the fact that I have only seen really sad or mad patients coming here after body hair transplants with a chest full of scar tissue and no results. Perhaps if one or two people actually came in with ANY result other than feeling defrauded I'd change my mind.


If you are ever in DC...come by. And if you posted your case, send me a link please.


It kind of reminds me of facial fat transfers, which I find are extremely inconsistent. Some do in fact work, however I routinely see people from all over the east coast who have had either no, or a short term only, result from fat transfer...


And Wylie, nobody has ever accused me of being the smartest guy in the room.. but I'm reasonably adept at figuring things out. I did fat transfers from 2000-2003. I'd guess 1/3 go zero results. 1/3 got 6-8 months of results, and 1/3 got decent results that lasted a while. Even those ratios are dismal....and I gave it up. And still see lots of people each year with no results.


Its just I have never seen anyone who has come in here OR emailed a consultation, that got any significant result from body hair. Its being done, so you'd assume there are satisfied patients out there. Just haven't seen one in person or via email.


Dr. Lindsey


Anyone who has relied strictly on body hair for a HT is going to get a poor result. I don't know of a single patient that has gotten a strictly body hair result that would be considered acceptable. Body hair can only be used as an adjunct to scalp hair, and I don't say this as a medical professional, just someone who has pored over the internet for many years studying various BHT results.


That said, I had 4000 beard grafts added to my scalp, purely the front half (bald crown) and still am not 100% satisfied with the result. (About 80% satisfied, which is a huge difference than being 0% satisfied prior) But my feelings of what is a success is likely far different than what yours is. I am someone who doctors looked at and literally could say nothing positive about my hair, as they knew there was no scalp donor to fix half a head full of "mini grafts", and I was forced to wear a hat for over a decade.


Dr. Umar used beard hair and gave me a result that allows me to go confidently without a hat now. For over a decade I thought that this would never be possible. Without beard it would not have been. With that said, I'm not at all surprised you have seen poor results with body hair. I don't trust the growth rates of any body donor other than beard hair. Chest hair to me is too risky to bother with using, and beard has to be used appropriately with scalp hair to get a decent looking result. The good news is that it does work, the bad news is that it is still unpredictable what result you will get, even in the best of hands. If it is not blended with scalp hair by someone who has experience doing it, you are likely going to see exactly what has been walking into your office.


And thanks for the offer to stop by, I might find myself in D.C. in the next year or two (my sister lives nearby and I love visiting the Mall area) and if there I will stop in for a visit.

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Sounds good. Let me see you if you visit her. MAYBE you'll change my mind. Either way, I'm glad you found something that worked for you.


That mall is 5 minutes from my office. Actually 2 malls beside each other....expensive and really expensive. Both so crowded I can't even go in the parking lot!


Dr. Lindsey

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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