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Best hair transplant surgeons

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I am 23 years old and have been on prospects and romaine for two years now and halted my hair loss. My receding hairline is almost a Norwood three and I am considering a hair transplant. I was just wondering who would be the best to got to ? Who are the top three doctors? Thanks

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Hi soundgrower,


I am European and went to have a FUE HT in India with Dr. Bhatti who is one of the best FUE surgeon in the world.

Feel free to ask any questions


Check his website and cost: darlingbudsindia.com


Darlinglocks: 1528 FUE grafts

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Hi Ryan, the general consensus is that 25 years old is minimum age to be a good candidate for a HT. Dr Bhatti is great FUE surgeon, take care seth

June 2013 - 3000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2013 - 1000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2015 - 785 FUE Dr Bhatti


Dr. Bhatti's Recommendation Profile on the Hair Transplant Network

My story and photos can be seen here


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What would be my best option in the UK / Europe ? I need some FUE as a second procedure.


Stay away from the UK, the best in Europe are Lorenzo of Spain, Erdogan of Turkey, and Feriduni of Belgium. Not only are these the best in Europe, but hands down are also the best in the world.

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It's funny seeing all these members claiming some guy in Libya or Kazakhstan is the best hair transplant surgeon in the world lol.


The two best surgeons in the world are Dr. Paul McAndrews in Pasadena, CA and Dr. Robert Bernstein in NYC. Of course no one on this forum likes that because they cost 3 times more then everyone else.

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It's funny seeing all these members claiming some guy in Libya or Kazakhstan is the best hair transplant surgeon in the world lol.


The two best surgeons in the world are Dr. Paul McAndrews in Pasadena, CA and Dr. Robert Bernstein in NYC. Of course no one on this forum likes that because they cost 3 times more then everyone else.


8/10 would read again.

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It's funny seeing all these members claiming some guy in Libya or Kazakhstan is the best hair transplant surgeon in the world lol.


The two best surgeons in the world are Dr. Paul McAndrews in Pasadena, CA and Dr. Robert Bernstein in NYC. Of course no one on this forum likes that because they cost 3 times more then everyone else.


I reread this thread and am very confused now, where do you see Libya or Kazakhstan?


Seeing Dr Bernstein charges around $9 a graft for FUT, I damn well hope he is the best in the world! I have only seen more conservative results from him, but very solid surgeon.

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My advice would be don't be in a rush.

Take a good look around on this forum & others to see what former HT guys has said & shown.

You will soon work our what is best for your situation.


Good luck.

Edited by ontop
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I reread this thread and am very confused now, where do you see Libya or Kazakhstan?


Seeing Dr Bernstein charges around $9 a graft for FUT, I damn well hope he is the best in the world! I have only seen more conservative results from him, but very solid surgeon.


In this thread alone I see Turkey and India, both of whom are hardly cradles of cutting-edge medicine. And searching the forums I see other budget surgeons from other questionable locales being touted as the best in the world.


And yes Bernstein is $9 a graft for simple FUT. That is McAndrews price as well. I paid $38,000 for 4,200 FUT grafts with McAndrews and you pay that because you are getting the best.

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That's your op..& you had a good outcome good for you, now if you paid all that money 38K for a FUT & it was average or even sucked you wouldn't be braggin off you paid all that money would you for FUT? which is well over tho top for most blue collar workers.


I'm not going to have a pissin contest with you while you toss out $$$ numbers we can all do that inc me.

The other poster was given advice on the best bang for your buck & yes like it or lump it Europe / Turkey & india is using cutting edge for FUE anyways..

Just because you paid a whoppin 38K don't by any means you had the BEST that's your op.

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now if you paid all that money 38K for a FUT & it was average or even sucked you wouldn't be braggin off you paid all that money would you for FUT?


And that's why you pay $38k instead of $10k, so you can be assured of a good result instead of one that sucked. Which is why the surgeon can command those fees (and easily get them) in the first place. You don't see Bosely charging $9 a graft for FUT do you? That's for a reason, no one would pay it for what they are getting in return.


The other poster was given advice on the best bang for your buck & yes like it or lump it


No he wasn't. He was given advice on who is the best hair transplant surgeon (as the title of the thread states). And the advice was wrong. If the question was "Who is the best budget surgeon in the third world?" then your answer might be correct but being that his question was "Who is the best hair transplant surgeon?" then your answer was incorrect.


Just because you paid a whoppin 38K don't by any means you had the BEST that's your op.


He's not the best because he is paid a lot, he is the best because he is the best. Just like Lebron James isn't the best because he makes the most money, he's simply the best because he's the best (for the record I hate Lebron).

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^^^ I said nothing of Canada. I pointed out India and Turkey, both of which are most definitely not 1st world countries. Then again when I lived in Italy for 2 years I felt like it was a third world nation so maybe I'm just spoiled (it was even the richest part of Italy too).


Despite you wanting to break this down into some argument on class warfare you have still failed to argue why the surgeons you or others in this thread mentioned deserved to be classified as the best.

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And that's why you pay $38k instead of $10k, so you can be assured of a good result instead of one that sucked. Which is why the surgeon can command those fees (and easily get them) in the first place. You don't see Bosely charging $9 a graft for FUT do you? That's for a reason, no one would pay it for what they are getting in return.




No he wasn't. He was given advice on who is the best hair transplant surgeon (as the title of the thread states). And the advice was wrong. If the question was "Who is the best budget surgeon in the third world?" then your answer might be correct but being that his question was "Who is the best hair transplant surgeon?" then your answer was incorrect.




He's not the best because he is paid a lot, he is the best because he is the best. Just like Lebron James isn't the best because he makes the most money, he's simply the best because he's the best (for the record I hate Lebron).


I agree but money nor travel should be ever a issue on having your head sliced & diced.

What really matters is who's the best Dr worldwide who can fix ones problem with a decent long term outcome & each Dr here in the US or wherever is the hardest part when you go for HT as each Dr worldwide will have his or her place for somebody, somewhere.

Its not about money nor travel, its about who can serve you best for your needs only.

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^^^ Look I will just concede that the word "best" is a vague term that needs to be defined by the op before we can argue any answers. To someone like me "best" means who will do the absolutely best job no matter what, to someone else "best" might mean someone who does a good job but not leave them bankrupt.

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And that's why you pay $38k instead of $10k, so you can be assured of a good result instead of one that sucked. Which is why the surgeon can command those fees (and easily get them) in the first place. You don't see Bosely charging $9 a graft for FUT do you? That's for a reason, no one would pay it for what they are getting in return.


With all due respect, the amount of money one pays for a hair transplant has zero influence on the final result. L. Lee Bosley used to charge more than 9 bucks a graft and he easily got it too. I mean seriously, I've seen some of the most expensive hair transplants in the world and some of them did not hold a candle to some much less expensive results I've seen. I personally know someone that has spent 125K and he reverted back to a hair system. He was a virgin scalp, non-repair patient too. I've seen some results from what you would call "third world" clinics that would shame some of the biggest names in the business. They're all using the same tools, they're all using the same techniques. No one has "the secret" and no one has a monopoly on "cutting edge" technology. It just comes down to natural talent, enough experience, knowing which tools to use that are freely availabe on the world market and actually giving a damn about doing the best work that can be done. Money can't buy that, but research can find it.

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Just because you paid the highest $ don't ness mean you had the best IMO just like you say your Dr is the Best....Bottom line is that your happy good for you.


The other poster gave his Op on HIS Best & yes that's his choice as your choice is your Dr again good for you, but for you to toss what you paid in your op is the best Dr is insulting to many guys couldn't afford that so i. Just wanted to point that out to you that's all.


Now who's the best....

Ill answer again, the best is the Dr worlwide & even third world if so be it, is the best who gives the Pt what he want....That's the Best.

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While I agree with the idea that high cost does not automatically equal high quality, patients should always remember: "there is no such thing as a free lunch." While all tools, techniques, and information is freely available, it still costs money to purchase these tools and properly utilize the techniques. Some of these "inexpensive" clinics make up for the costs of very low price per graft surgeries by not using -- or properly caring for -- the cutting edge tools, by using technicians to disregard the best techniques and instead remove as many grafts as possible in as little time possible, and disregard the best available information because it isn't in line with this hair mill model.


Also, remember that we aren't talking about life-saving heart transplant surgery here. This is an elective procedure, and this needs to be kept in mind as well. A patient can easily spend more time researching, saving, and utilizing preventive medications -- whereas the same can't be said for patients traveling to other areas of the world for medical procedures.


Cost is important; I get this. However, price shopping elective surgery usually isn't recommended and often times costs more in the end. There is a reason why surgeries cost different amounts in places like the middle east and India, and patients should know why and determine if this is worth the cost.


This is proper consent.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Thanks Joe that's my whole point...

Just because you paid top $ don't mean JS. You could of gone to several Drs at a fraction of the cost & had the same if not better outcome.

Again I'm happy it worked out for you, I really am, good on you.


Each & every Dr worldwide has something a little more or less to offer each seperate guy.

Its just a matter of picking the BEST Dr who can provide the Best service for our only needs for our situation & needs will be different for each of us.

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While I agree with the idea that high cost does not automatically equal high quality, patients should always remember: "there is no such thing as a free lunch." While all tools, techniques, and information is freely available, it still costs money to purchase these tools and properly utilize the techniques. Some of these "inexpensive" clinics make up for the costs of very low price per graft surgeries by not using -- or properly caring for -- the cutting edge tools, by using technicians to disregard the best techniques and instead remove as many grafts as possible in as little time possible, and disregard the best available information because it isn't in line with this hair mill model.


Also, remember that we aren't talking about life-saving heart transplant surgery here. This is an elective procedure, and this needs to be kept in mind as well. A patient can easily spend more time researching, saving, and utilizing preventive medications -- whereas the same can't be said for patients traveling to other areas of the world for medical procedures.


Cost is important; I get this. However, price shopping elective surgery usually isn't recommended and often times costs more in the end. There is a reason why surgeries cost different amounts in places like the middle east and India, and patients should know why and determine if this is worth the cost.


This is proper consent.


Some of the cheaper clinics even use well known industry tools used by docs in North America. To say they don't, is misinformation. Can users have a list of brand name tools so they know what to ask a clinic? Harris SAFE fue system? Lion implanter pen? Serrated blunt punch? Other scribes and punches? Some doctors have their own patented punches, Dr Umar's UGraft system? List can keep going. So is there a list of definite branded tools recommended clinics use versus the other so called cheaper clinics that put out the same quality and in some cases, possibly better due to direct doctor handling and surgical FUE protocols? What does it mean some surgeons do not properly care for their tools? I think for these concerns brought up, it will be nice to get a list of proper tools and caring techniques that should be undertaken.

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With all due respect, the amount of money one pays for a hair transplant has zero influence on the final result.


Wow. I can't believe you think that. Guess I should trade in my BMW for a Ford since money means nothing. You're just wishing for a hair transplant disaster aren't you.



Thanks Joe that's my whole point...

Just because you paid top $ don't mean JS. You could of gone to several Drs at a fraction of the cost & had the same if not better outcome..


No I couldn't have. I know, I researched.


So tell me one doctor at a fraction of the cost that does the whole procedure himself instead of some medical assistant with hardly any training? I have read the experiences of every doctor that has been listed in this thread and every patient said how the doctor was just advising most the time while some assistant did the work.


Tell me one doctor at a fraction of the cost that is going to reserve the whole day for you and only you and not try and oversee 10 other operations at the same time while booking more before and after you? These procedures are extremely physically and mentally demanding of the surgeon, I'll be damned if I'm going to be patient number 3 for the day. Not only is there not a budget surgeon that will reserve the whole day for you and only you, I can't even think of other big name surgeons that do this.


Tell me one other surgeon at a fraction of the cost that is going through the extra time and effort to make an incision and stitch that is virtually invisible and has hair growing through it? There's a special name for the stitch that I forget but even top doctors don't bother with it let alone budget ones.


Tell me one budget doctor who has such skill, technique, and knowledge that not only is he demanded to be the lead instructor at one of the most prestigious medical schools in the world but he is also the main consultant for the two biggest multi-billion pharmaceutical companies that are in the hair medicine business?


You think that these cheap guys you mention are good but they are horrible based on the experiences and documentation by members of this very forum I have seen. Every doctor you mention in this thread I have seen do surgeries for 5,000, 6,000, even 7,000 or more grafts at once! My doctor won't do more then 2,500 because you are losing tons of donor hair when you do that. You seem to think killing off your donor hair unnecessarily means nothing. You think it doesnt matter when surgeons mentioned in this thread put 4,000 grafts on a tiny thin hairline of a 25yo with almost a full head of hair. My surgeon would tell you that's about the worst thing a surgeon could ever do. Your surgeons listed passionately promote FUE despite the procedure completely destroying your very limited donor hair which is why mine won't do it. I have seen the after photos of all the surgeons you listed in this very forum and you misinformed people say "My god look at how closely those grafts are packed together this guy is the best surgeon!", I look at the same pictures and say "My god look at how closely those grafts are packed together this guy is a horrible surgeon why would he ever waste the hair packing them so close!".


So yeah money does mean a little bit whether you like it or not. Sorry if that disappoints those who were hoping to rub two quarters together in Tijuana to get the same results as in NYC or LA but its the truth. If you can't handle the truth that is your problem. I'm just trying to help people out.

Edited by Alpine1
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