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Hair Transplant without meds?


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Hi Guys,


I'm very much thinking about booking my ht and wondered if it's absolutely necessary to take meds? What are all the side effects? I'm not a big drinker but do like to get smashed with my mates now and then and will this be effected if Im taking meds?


How much does the average ht patient spend on meds a month?


I'm a nw3 but have good density at the back and sides. 85/90/100.


Really appreciate any help.

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  • Senior Member

Hey buddy, you've entered some controversial waters. Couple of questions: how old are you? Has your hair loss stablized or is it progressing still? Some pics would also be helpful.


As a general statement, i think anyone who goes down the HT route without getting on meds is rolling the dice big time. Unless youre older and have a stablized mpb, meds are a necessity to some extent unless youre willing to have several procedures (which you still might need to do even with the meds). While some do experience sides from the meds, i think they are extremely over stated.

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Thanks gram. I'm 33 and I very much just have a receding hairline. I have loads of hair on top and at the sides. I was on the verge of booking my ht but all this talk of meds and side effects is really making me think twice.


I think I'm probably still receding but its quite hard to tell.

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  • Senior Member

Others may disagree, but I strongly believe in the meds. They saved me big time. I also have friends who have regrown a dramatic amount of hair on finasteride who are your age and nw3s. If I was you, I'd give the meds a try for at least a year assuming you don't have sides. If you have the sides then perhaps reasses or modify dosage. At least you will have tried at that point. You might be in a dramatically different place after giving the meds a year to work. A HT is no joke and should be your last resort imho. Some vets will chime in here soon I'm sure.


PS I like to tie one on with my buddies as well. Alcohol won't affect the meds.

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  • Senior Member

Yes medicines are main weapon!!

Start Fin and Minox before opting for HT!

Fin will help you to preserve and minox will help you to thicken, and maybe some regrowth

Remember on internet side effects are blown out of proportion! Its better to try once, if you see any side effects, quit it!



PS- 2years on Fin and Minox Holding great(NW2) with no side effects

Dr.Rahal cancelled my HT! But definitely I will correct my hairline in future:rolleyes:

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  • Senior Member

I no exactly what you mean and are thinking trust me i want a ht done as well.at first i stood strong on me not taking any meds but im slowly coming round to it. its a big thing going on meds because the side effects are no joke and they do happen but its really the minority that get sides i think its like 5% out of 100 so i think ud be pretty unlucky to get bad sides anyway. Its better to maintain the hair you have and propicia is the only thing that can unless you go on rogain which i another conversation i wont go down. But u have cone to the right place for advise i too came her for advise and the members are great at giving it. If i was you id atleast try propicia if it does work without any sides stick with it if u do encounter sides stay away from it. Atleast u tryd it.

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This is very much a not one size fits all question.


I've seen a ton of successful transplants (long term also) in which the patient is not on meds.


I would say the younger you are and more native hair you have the more relevant the question. Not everyone will progress to the upper Norwoods. A lot of people will have a pattern of loss which will establish and not progress that much past making meds less important.


People should also plan transplants on the basis of no meds Imo as propecia can stop working or cause side effects at any stage even after years of working.

Edited by BaldingBogger
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Thanks for the info guys. What are your thoughts on natural alternatives? Nettle Root Powder?


My gf is hoping to start a family soon and obvs im going to be needed for that so that is another worry I have. I was all set to get booked up for a ht and now I'm second guessing myself. I've never taken any meds in the past.

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Imo its entirely up to you mate if your prepared for your native hair to fall out ten by all means go ahead with the procedure but just know its not going to be as good as it would be with your native hair there but if u don't mind it falling out don't take it.. Coz many people have not taken any meds and still had a successful ht albeit there hair was stabilised in order for it to be a success. I to am in the same predicament I've still got native hair there and in order for me to be happy with the end result i would need to go on meds or ill have to spend more money on the places my native hair has fallen out.


And as for kids this is another thing im worried about to so i can understand your worry coz i to plan on having kids and have heard it might affect the baby and all the advise i have for and what advise ingot is that pple have fathered many kids on it so it should not be a problem and if ur really worried stop the meds before trying to conceive with the misses.

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Thanks for the info guys. What are your thoughts on natural alternatives? Nettle Root Powder?


My gf is hoping to start a family soon and obvs im going to be needed for that so that is another worry I have. I was all set to get booked up for a ht and now I'm second guessing myself. I've never taken any meds in the past.


I think if you're serious about maintenance you will try finasteride. There is just no way around it and no natural treatments have been proven to be effective.

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Thanks, Wiz and ko. I think I'm secretly hoping my hairline has stabilised but I can't be sure. My Dad's hairline is very much like mine now. I don't know what my Grandfather's was like on my mothers side.


I told my gf about finasteride and she said Id better march myself down to the sperm bank asap. Maybe not such a bad idea.


This is really stressful. Two days ago I was getting my bank card out to book a ht.

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My advise to you is if going for a ht will make you feel happier then go for mate but just keep in mind that one year after youve had ur procedure its nit going to look as good as if you had your native hair there like it would of been if you was on meds. But at the end of the day its up to you..

Youve just got to be prepared down the line if you dont take meds youll have to go back and do another one to cover up the space where your native hair once was.

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While I agree that arguments and points of view (both sides) can become exaggerated on the internet, in my opinion, there's little doubting the veracity of people laying bare the horrific details of their own sad experiences......

E18: Jay Slattery's Story 06/11 by PFS Global Support | Health Podcasts

plenty more stories on their playlists there. I realise that this is only the anti-finasteride side of the argument, but we can't really expect Merck to sponsor a platform for these voices to be heard.


I'm in similar position and would presently be leaning against meds. It's not as simple either to just "try" them. There are more than a few accounts out there of people "trying" the drug then coming off it years later without even having suffered symptoms and then developing side-effects after having quit the drug that haven't left them years later.

On the other hand, some people claim to have suffered sides which then subsided while they persisted taking the drug. It's risky and there's just no knowing. I'd be very interested to know of any studies being carried out to test and predict who may or may not react positively?


***sorry here's link meant to post before..... http://www.blogtalkradio.com/pfsglobal


and check out the comments under this promo clip......

....in particular that of Andrew Rynne, a well known doctor in Ireland and the interviewee for episode #15 in the pfsglobal radio link above.

Edited by PeterD1983
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
Others may disagree, but I strongly believe in the meds. They saved me big time. I also have friends who have regrown a dramatic amount of hair on finasteride who are your age and nw3s. If I was you, I'd give the meds a try for at least a year assuming you don't have sides. If you have the sides then perhaps reasses or modify dosage. At least you will have tried at that point. You might be in a dramatically different place after giving the meds a year to work. A HT is no joke and should be your last resort imho. Some vets will chime in here soon I'm sure.


PS I like to tie one on with my buddies as well. Alcohol won't affect the meds.


BINGO, A HT without meds is risky, make sure you get FUE so you can still shave and not have a scar


17 years on Fin and Rogaine, no sides...............currently use 5mg/day since 2011 for bph

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@Profoam: Wow 17 years on Fin and Rogaine and no sides. You are lucky man. How did it help you with regards to maintaining your hair/regrowth? I would be really interested to know. As longterm Med users are hard to find :) .


Do you Rogaine Foam would be as effective as the liquid? What are using by the way?

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@Profoam: Wow 17 years on Fin and Rogaine and no sides. You are lucky man. How did it help you with regards to maintaining your hair/regrowth? I would be really interested to know. As longterm Med users are hard to find :) .


Do you Rogaine Foam would be as effective as the liquid? What are using by the way?


I have had 2k grafts done between 1999 and 2006. I have not had any HT's since 2006 and have more hair today than 2007 when my final HT was fully grown and I started Rogaine Foam.


I use Foam and a lot more than they recommend as I have seen hairline growth so I use it hairline to crown.


I use Costco Minoxidil foam in the AM and Rogaine foam in the PM, about one can of each per month.


Upping the dose of fin to 5mg 3 years ago may have added a bit of growth but just as important I have not lost any hair.

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