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Absolute Beginner Hoping to Lower Hairline

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Hello all,


I've just recently started looking into fixing my very high forehead, which has been a constant source and anxiety and embarrassment for me. I'm not very well-off (lower-middle class college student) but I'm prepared to save up 4 or 5k to get this done, as it's something that would make me feel infinitely better about myself for a long long time. I was wondering if anyone could help me with figuring out what kind of procedure would be best for getting my hairline lowered? I think im a Norwood III, but I can post pictures if that would help. I'm also very willing to travel out of the country to get a procedure done, I just cant figure out who I can see who would be reputable, and what procedure to seek out. I found Bhatti but from what i've read his hairline transplants have been less than ideal and more than anything I want a sure thing on the quality of the procedure. Any help would be so so appreciated, thank you all so much for reading.

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I suppose those are good points, thank you. It's just frustrating. But I can cover it with longer hair for now. What do you mean by buzzing it? I thought about it, my head is just really big and kinda lumpy so I'm afraid that would look even worse.

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  • Senior Member

Set up an appointment with a Dr. and discuss all this with them. This way in the meantime while you're waiting to get a transplant, there are some other options you can consider to possibly slow down the hair loss. I'm not sure how healthy/fit you are, but even something as simple as a healthy diet and exercise regime can help to some degree. You can also see if a doctor would recommend putting you on Finasteride, depending on the severity of your hair loss and its progression so that you potentially slow it down enough before it gets too bad. I never took it until a right before my transplant. If I had taken it sooner, who knows how much hair I could've saved.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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Make sure you go to a doc that adequately and effectively can lower hairlines with proper density and equal elevation. The key is to have your face properly framed. This most likely can include bringing temples forward and proper closures if there was noticeable recession . Don't go to a doc that will say they will lower and bring your temples forward but discretely decide to do things their way at time of surgery. This can happen. Once you pay a deposit the doc can refuse your request or you can forfeit that deposit if they do not agree with your wishes. Best of all, ask a doctor for their actual surgical consent forms prior to any deposit being paid so you know what that doctor wants you to initial to prior to surgery. Make it clear the form you request is not the deposit agreement but the actual consent forms. Some folks mistake that form as the consent form and are surprised after travelling so many miles on the day of surgery. In some cases, these surgical consent forms can be more than 15 Pages long. If they do not agree to informing you of surgical consents prior to deposit, then look elsewhere. Ask them if techs will do the procedure or to what extent. The majority of the procedure should be by th doctor themselves and/or with close attention (esp if they are recommended across forums by various businesses based on certain qualities, traits, screenings businesses say the doc adheres to). Ask them is the procedure personalized for you only or will there be multiple procedures being held he same day. Are you considering FUE? If so, Europe and Turkey has one of the best price per graft rates. Not only that, you can find a lot of manual fue docs there (thats even with plane ticket and lodging included). Good luck to you and i wish you the best.

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Yeah, the thing I don't like about "hairline lowering" is that just because you lower a hairline doesn't mean it will look "natural". It's hard to tell when you're first looking at pictures on these forums, and you see a bunch of new hair after a newly lowered hair line after a transplant surgery. However, consider that you can glue a wig on in the same place where you wish you had hair, but it doesn't mean it's going to look soft and natural! I think there's a lot of hype about "natural" looking results of hair surgery. Also, I think it's very difficult to get density correct the first time around - or even the second.


Click the below link, as this is what I'm talking about with regards to noticing the difference between hair quality of transplanted and native hairs. But also, like ProspectivePatient said above, HT's take time. My social life was effectively cut off for 2 years while I waited for initial results as well as a 2nd HT for improvement. That's a long time out of a young person's social life. I do not recommend it. "Initial results in 6 months!" - eh...that's some serious BS.


Hair Restoration Social Network ? Community for and by Hair Loss Patients

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  • Senior Member

I do not know the thruth as I have Not experienced a HT , But going by the posters here , there is a consensus that by the 8th Month , it looks quiet dense and blends well with your native hair ... 2 years is a Over stretching ... But as I said some decent growth pics have been uploaded by a few patients around the 6-8 Month Mark , and the density is Not that Bad either !!!

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