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Scar Repair FUE Dr Jose Lorenzo Farjo


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I am so happy for you. Dr. Lorenzo reaffirms he is the premier FUE surgeon in the world, what an incredible transformation. This thread serves as a testament that butchered patients can once again have hope.


I do have to add you have excellent donor for this repair. My hair is very thin, and what little I had left for my repair could only be used at the hairline, a mere 1500 grafts. But I was able to use around 5k beard grafts to camouflage absolutely dreadful work from the mid-90's.


I'm late to the party but I have read all 11 pages and am really glad you are updating with pictures, your hair is looking great!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Hairweare .....


I am so sorry for the late reply but I did not get a notice that anybody had written on my forum post.


To answer your question, 2000 beard hairs were used over the two procedures. 500 from each side over a total of 4 sessions ......


I hope you are well !


Pepe ....

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Hi Wylie ......


Thank you for your kind words and yes it is amazing what a beard can do. I used to curse having to wet shave every day and now I am pleased I have a good beard !


5000 beard hair is alot and wow ! Mind you it is amazing how quickly the face heals and you cannot tell anything has been removed my beard.


I am pleased that you have managed good repair work too and hopefully you are as delighted as I am with your results .....


Thx for writing ....


Pepe ....

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Hi Pma .....


Thanks for the message ....


I dont really think that there are any new hairs coming through as I seemed to hang onto alot after the procedure was done. So, when I look in the mirror all I seem to see is what it was like at the 5/6 month stage.


With regards to thickening of the hair then I believe that is happening at the moment albeit very slowly. I am at the 7 month stage after the second procedure and so I may wait another month until I am at the 8 month stage and do some more pictures and then finally at the 12 month stage.


Personally, I am not sure it will get much better as there seems to have been little change over the last month. But we shall see ......


I will update if there seems to be any significant improvement or if I get to see Dr Lorenzo in the forthcoming months when/if he comes to England again.


I have to say though ... combing my hair in the morning never gets old .... 8-)


Have a great weekend and thx for writing ...


Pepe .....

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Hi pepe , wow you have come along way from march !! I spoke to you in the waiting room in Manchester I was in for consultation before you . I am very happy that you have got the results you deserve ! Happy growing :)

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Hi Wibbles (what a great name)


Yes I do remember you from the clinic and it was good of you to get in touch .....


It was quite a journey through 2014 but I am happy with the way things have turned out.Considering where I came from then I am very pleased with the results,


My scars were the priority and I feel that they have come out excellently and the coverage on top was more than I expected - so I am a happy bunny.


Hopefully, your journey is on the right path and I would love to hear how you got on in PM. (So as not to overload the thread).


Thx so much for writing and my very best regards to you ...


Pepe ....

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Hi Pepe,


I must admit your results are amazing and if I get similar results to yours I will be over the moon. Congratulations.


I have just had 2700 grafts with Dr Lorenzo in Spain. It has been 2 weeks since my first procedure with Dr Lorenzo and I think I am in a similar situation to you. Reading up on you story has given me the confidence I needed as to why I paid so much for Dr Lorenzo. I had FUT procedure done 5 years ago. my scar is from ear to ear and is approximately 1cm thick. I had just over 300 beard grafts placed into my scar and the remainder were placed in the top of my head. I am due to go back to Dr Lorenzo in 5 months for a second procedure for my crown and maybe tweak my scar depending on how it comes out.


I just have a few questions. When I first had my procedure my scar was less visible but now my hair has grown around it the scar is more visible. was this the same for you? I am just nervous that I have damaged the grafts in my scar since I slept on it.


Also it has now been two weeks exactly since my operation, when will I be able to touch my head again as it is very itchy, more now than over the last two weeks.


were you taking any tablets or any medication like minoxidil or finastride or even biotin.


thank you for your help.

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Hi ManchesterAK .....


Thank you for the message and I shall hope to answer some of your questions .....


With regards to the visibilty of my scar, I found that it actually looked better from the start as the scabs on the grafts sort of diffused the scar itself. It may be that you are not used to seeing your scar so much if you had longer hair prior to your procedure but I am only surmising on that. Also, from the initial close shave when the hair begins to grow it will visibly create a stronger contrast with your scar.


There is also a possibility that you may have started to shed a little from your scar as it it usually starts around day 15 but can be earlier or later depending on the person.


Alot also depends on how the grafts take into scar tissue, Dr Lorenzo explained to me that until you see the results of your first procedure then it will be difficult to tell how your scar tissue has reacted. I can say that my right hand side was particularly dense with scar tissue and fortunately that has reacted fine to the grafts so I have every hope and belief that your scars will be fine.


I would very much doubt that you have damaged your scar grafts by sleeping on them as the hair bulbs do take quickly. A little shedding may have occurred which differs from person to person in severity and duration so I would not worry too much at this early stage.


Itching is good sir and it means that you are healing. I had some itching after my first procedure which was calmed down by continuing to spray with water so it may be good to get your saline bottle out, fill it with water and give it a good spray when you are itching. Also a couple of paracetamol may help too. It is difficult to say how long the itching will last as every person is different in the length of time it takes to heal. Once you are at the month stage you should be pretty much back to normal and feeling fine.


If you follow the post operative care plan (and you should be in the massaging stage already) then you will find that many of the scabs will be falling off and your itching decreasing. Do not go at it too hard but a gentle massage to loosen the scabs and if they are stubborn then let your shampoo rest on your scalp for about 3 minutes.


I did follow the post op care plan to the letter and was ever so gentle with my scalp for probably longer than was necessary but my two first procedures contrasted greatly in recovery, My first procedure I shed very little and itched considerably and yet my second procedure I itched very little and shed quite a lot.


I would not worry, you seem to be coming along fine and a couple more weeks and you will be right as rain. I do not believe that you have damaged any grafts unless you have banged your head so just let your recovery proceed. There are good times and tough times ahead when you are willing things to happen but you are in good hands and I am confident you will be happy .....


I have never taken any meds and kinda wish I had done but the time I came to think about it, it was a little late for me.


I have attached a couple of pictures (not very good ones) of my scars, which are kinda tricky to find now.


Happy growing sir and best of luck ......


Pepe .....




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Your scar isn't visible in them pictures but its great work by the doctor. thanks for your prompt reply. I do not have any scabs left now and some of the shedding has already started. I guess it will be a waiting game now. When Dr Lorenzo first put the grafts in the scar was not as visible so I may have shed from my scar. I cannot wait to see how it looks in a few months. If it is as good as your transplant I will be over the moon. Especially around the scar.

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Hi Manchester .....


Yes, you are in the waiting phase now and it can seem to take forever. It is good that all your scabs are off and now it is just a case of letting the head settle down and recover from the shock of your surgery. I did find that the scabs and grafts vastly reduced the look of the scar until they healed and the shedding started - so you are right on track.


When I went for my 2 month check up I thought that there was not much going on until I saw under the microscope thingy they have there and Dr Lorenzo could show me the new hairs growing in the scar. So, if you fel you have not got that far in 2 months do not fret as there may be more going on than you think.


Good luck and keep growing sir ... I have every confidence that you will get a good result !


Pepe ...

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