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Everything posted by ManchesterAK

  1. I will upload some pictures of my progress until the four month mark.
  2. Hi. How do i upload pictures on my forum from my phone?

  3. Your scar isn't visible in them pictures but its great work by the doctor. thanks for your prompt reply. I do not have any scabs left now and some of the shedding has already started. I guess it will be a waiting game now. When Dr Lorenzo first put the grafts in the scar was not as visible so I may have shed from my scar. I cannot wait to see how it looks in a few months. If it is as good as your transplant I will be over the moon. Especially around the scar.
  4. Hi Pepe, I must admit your results are amazing and if I get similar results to yours I will be over the moon. Congratulations. I have just had 2700 grafts with Dr Lorenzo in Spain. It has been 2 weeks since my first procedure with Dr Lorenzo and I think I am in a similar situation to you. Reading up on you story has given me the confidence I needed as to why I paid so much for Dr Lorenzo. I had FUT procedure done 5 years ago. my scar is from ear to ear and is approximately 1cm thick. I had just over 300 beard grafts placed into my scar and the remainder were placed in the top of my head. I am due to go back to Dr Lorenzo in 5 months for a second procedure for my crown and maybe tweak my scar depending on how it comes out. I just have a few questions. When I first had my procedure my scar was less visible but now my hair has grown around it the scar is more visible. was this the same for you? I am just nervous that I have damaged the grafts in my scar since I slept on it. Also it has now been two weeks exactly since my operation, when will I be able to touch my head again as it is very itchy, more now than over the last two weeks. were you taking any tablets or any medication like minoxidil or finastride or even biotin. thank you for your help.
  5. any advise on how to aid my transplants and have a high success rate would be appreciated. It has been 14 days and I have not wore a baseball hat. But from tomorrow I will be wearing one which will be loose over my head. I have also started using Biotin 150 a day. I have not touched my head although it is very itchy only when I was it. I have been using saline solution which was given to me by Dr Lorenzo. I have not used a shower head over my head yet instead I have been pouring water from a jug onto my head.
  6. Hi, 5 years ago I had a FUT procedure in Pakistan with Dr Humanyu. He left me with a huge scar across the back of my head which went from ear to ear and was at least 1cm wide. The transplant was awful and there was no after service nor did I get a good result. Seems like Dr Humanyu was just interested in money and had no ethics whatsoever. I made a mistake by having a hair transplant at the age of 22 as I had a receding hairline. Anyway 5 years on and I decided to do something about this. I visited Farjo clinic in Manchester to find out what my options are. I was advised to wait another 5 years before Dr Farjo would operate on me. But again, I was not happy with this. I advised Mick that I could not shave my head as I had a huge scar at the back of my head and nor could I go out without a baseball cap due to my hair loss. Mick then advised me to see Dr Lorenzo and arranged for me to have a consultation with him within a week as he was visiting Manchester that same weekend. I was advised that he is the best in the world for FUE. Dr Lorenzo saw my hair and advised me I would require 2 procedures. 2500 grafts at the front of the head to make my hair look natural again and 2500 in the crown with some going into my scar to cover it up. I was eager to have my procedure started sooner rather than later as I am starting work in September. Dr Lorenzo is relatively expensive but I did not wish to risk going to another "cowboy doctor" and ruin my doner area. So I felt this is my last chance to do something about my hair. I did not wish to look back in 10 years and wish I had spent that extra money on a good doctor so I decided to go with Dr Lorenzo. In my first procedure I had 2700 grafts. approximately 330 in my scar and the rest in the front area of the head. It has now been two weeks since I had my procedure with Dr Lorenzo and I am hoping for some good results this time around. I will upload some pictures of my hair before the procedure. I have been taking pictures every couple of days since I have had my transplant this time around. So I will be able to give a good detailed review at every stage I am going through.
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