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Hi bllorayne


I'm not sure if there are many surgeons who perform ultra megasessions but I'm sure alot of them can perform 4000+ grafts on one day with FUT method; I know personally that dr Feriduni can go up to 4000 and more and is now also trying to get to 3500 grafts a day with the FUE method; just to make it more comfortable for the patient; ofcourse not everyone needs these amounts of grafts but I'm sure many others can perform around 4000 and more a day.

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The only docs that can do this everyday of the week would be Hasson & Wong. Other doctors may get lucky here and there and achieve 4000 or more, but never consistently. One exception may be Rahal.

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3500 grafts a day via FUE
Bad idea imo. It's about yield. And until I see steady consistent yield for quite some time and patient reviews I will stick to this opinion. Docs can write up whatever they want on the internet but it's up to us patients to see the results in person to see if he can achieve it.
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No this is what the dr is striving for lately; one week ago he had given someone almost 3000 grafts in one session with FUE but he can go to 3500; depends on how many the patient needs and how his donor is allowing them to extract them.

But ofcourse it takes a long time but the doc and technicians first extract half or more grafts and will place them first when all grafts are settled in ,they start the other round of extractions and will place those final grafts immediately after; the doc and his team start at 9am and the doc and 3 of his techs will stay until after 10-11 pm just to make it happen in one session; it takes some devotion but he says it makes the patient feel more comfortable knowing that it can be done in just one session.

But he's trying to set the limit at 3500 fue grafts per day.

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This is a guy who has received 2917 grafts through Fue on one session with dr Feriduni. The forum is in dutch but you can see his immediate post up results on the pics which are added underneath this guy's post.

It says that the first session of extractions were going as it should be but the second round was harder since they had to extract from the sides which were harder to harvest then those in the back of the head.


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The majority of the Coalition doctors can and will do sessions over 4000 grafts when appropriate for the patient.


As Spex pointed out, use the patient websites and photos presented by patients and physicians as a guide on this website.


Remember that the ability to do larger sessions doesn't mean that all patients are qualified candidates. Having seen your photos in the past, I know that you could quite possibly benefit from a larger session. Whether or not your donor characteristics are optimal for this kind of session should be evaluated and determined by a qualified physician.


In my opinon (if you haven't already), consult with 3 or 4 leading surgeons that impress you the most and get their professional medical opinion. Consulting with these doctors in person would be optimal so they can test your scalp elasticity and evaluate your donor density.


Best wishes,



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From what I see on these forums, Drs. Hasson and Wong are the only doctors who perfom 4k+ procedures on almost daily basis. I'm not saying that others don't do it, I'm just basing my statement on cases presented on these forums.


The thing that I see here is that most people who are NW5-7 usually get more grafts and more coverage in 1 pass with H&W. Other doctors can do the same but with more than 1 procedure.


I'm personally NW2-3 so I have a BROAD range of doctors to choose from. But to be completely honest (at least with myself) if I was a NW5-6, H&W will be my doc(s).


But since I am not, my favorite docs are (in no particular order) Feller, Alexander, Rahal, Ron and Paul Shapiro and H&W.

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We routinely do 4000+ Mega sessions at this clinic. Dr. Rahal has a staff of 12 technicians, so we can quite easily go up to 5000 grafts in one sitting, if the right patient characteristics exist.

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I havenet seen any clinic do 4000 grafts on a daily basis . If that was true we would see at least 4 posted a week but usually its just one if that.

I know that there are clinic CAPABLE of doing this.

If any clinic does 4000 and up cases everyday that would be super suspicious as most guys dont need that many.

Even Jotronic has posted in the past they do more cases under 4000 then over.

He was trying to let people know they do and welcome all size cases.

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PGP I undserstand but at the same time H&W present more 4k+ (some 5-6K) cases than any other doctor on this forums in particular. I don't read other forums so I don't know about other doctors posting results with at least somewhat close to H&W graft count. I've tried other forums and sites and I don't like them very much.

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I agree this is the best site.

Jotronic does a good job of putting there work out there.

They do post more 5000 graft sessions then anyone else out there.

Most guys fall in between 2000-4000 category .

If your in need of more only a few clinics are capable of that on a daily basis

Usually if your in need of 5000 grafts the first session then your going to need at least one more .

One and done is hard to accomplish on a high norwood

If your in need of 7000 grafts then some clinics will try and do 5000 and then 2000,and others 4000, and then 3000{usually to avoid potential complications] Then others that will use 3 sessions to accomplish 7000[These are the clinic I would avoid}

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Yup I completely agree, I would do everything with the least number of procedures.


I'm still in a "shopping mode", hopefully I'll get all the money saved by early next year.


Since I'm NW2-3 and pushing 40 (37 to be exact) I think I'm going with FUE. I like to wear my hair short and spiky. I'll be talking to SMG and Dr.Feller although SMG's price is a lot cheaper for FUE (if I remember correctly Jason said that their FUE is $6/graft, Dr. Feller's is $10).


I've only met with Dr. Keene (before I thought about FUE) and she quoted me around 1800-2000 grafts)

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Please keep in mind that it the number of hairs moved rather than the number of grafts that gives you the outcome. So when you make your decision on where to have hair restoration surgery, remember to compare the results rather than solely the number of grafts.


That being said, sometimes spreading out the grafts into and dissecting mainly 1-2 hairs per graft can cover more area when you have limited donor, but if that is the goal, obviously it will not be dense packing. So that is another factor to consider--numbers of hairs vs. numbers of grafts.

I am a medical assistant and hair transplant surgical assistant employed by Dr. Keene


Dr. Keene is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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