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Weak donor area, Pics attached, Any Advice ?

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sounds like I am the un-luckiest guy on earth ever,



after some online consultation, only the well-known ETHICAL doctors told me that I have a weak donor area and they will not be able to get more than 2,000 or 2,500 grafts ... but other ordinary clinics were sure that they can easily collect +4,000 !! what a confusion :S



The ethical doctors said I need a minimum of 5,000 or 6,000 grafts !


I am attaching some pictures so expert guys here could say a word or help, have anyone been in my place before ? any stories ?


do you think 2,500 grafts will make a difference in my hopeless case ?

will I be satisfied ?


hope some of the doctors here will be able to give their opinion



Thanks in advance everyone





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I personally don't think 2500 is enough, sorry I had almost 3000 and im happy but its not enough (Its never enough)lol But really your donor hair dosnt look good and your kinda far along ...Sorry but the good news is you seem t have a nice shape head for being bald.....I have a horribale shape head..... I really don't think a hair transplant will work for you...Sorry

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Im sorry, your head looked god to me. I have a cone head...Im sorry but ive seen people in your shape (hair loss) and it looked worse....Good luck and I really wish you the best....Im 55 and still want hair.....it never ends ...I really thought your head looked good

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Well firstly it would be good to know what dotors or clinic said what ? Also what type of procedure are you looking at FUE or FUT. Regarding donor, im certainly not going to argue with what any doctor or clinic have said, but donor hair from a photo can be decieving. Someone could have very good donor, but if cut short in a certain light, angle of photo etc, their donor can appear to look poor. Your best bet is go to a clinic and have a consultation. In my opinion i certainly wouldnt say that you donor is ''not good ''. Ive seen a lot of clinics perform fantastic results with donor a lot less depleted than yours. Your not dipping at the back yet which is a good thing. I sent my photos to a lot of FUE clinics in europe, lots of clinics in turkey with my donor hair grown out to a grade 5, and they reckon i clould get 4000 + grafts wise. I also sent photos to some clinics with my hair at grade 2 and the clincs said it was hard to tell because of light etc, so i would have to have a consultation. Have a look at some photos online , also at european FUE forums and i think you will be suprised what can be achieved. But bottom line i think when it comes to donor, unless its blindingly obvious its poor ( which its not from your photos ) then the only way you will know is if you have a consultation.

Good luck mate.

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  • Regular Member
your not that unlucky, I found out 4 years ago I had prostate cancer. Its always something, just enjoy your life,,,fix what ya can and live with what you cant,,,,Im a very happy person with or without hair


I totally agree with you

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  • Regular Member
Well firstly it would be good to know what dotors or clinic said what ? Also what type of procedure are you looking at FUE or FUT. Regarding donor, im certainly not going to argue with what any doctor or clinic have said, but donor hair from a photo can be decieving. Someone could have very good donor, but if cut short in a certain light, angle of photo etc, their donor can appear to look poor. Your best bet is go to a clinic and have a consultation. In my opinion i certainly wouldnt say that you donor is ''not good ''. Ive seen a lot of clinics perform fantastic results with donor a lot less depleted than yours. Your not dipping at the back yet which is a good thing. I sent my photos to a lot of FUE clinics in europe, lots of clinics in turkey with my donor hair grown out to a grade 5, and they reckon i clould get 4000 + grafts wise. I also sent photos to some clinics with my hair at grade 2 and the clincs said it was hard to tell because of light etc, so i would have to have a consultation. Have a look at some photos online , also at european FUE forums and i think you will be suprised what can be achieved. But bottom line i think when it comes to donor, unless its blindingly obvious its poor ( which its not from your photos ) then the only way you will know is if you have a consultation.

Good luck mate.




You have good points actually and I guess I will be travelling to Turkey for face to face consultation, hope it will work out


I am considering FUE method only .. the other one scares me lol

and I sent to many random clinics around the world , Turkey and India and Europe, I gotta be honest, Individual Doctors refused or said I will not be satisfied, and private hospitals were sure that they will manage to gather the needed grafts ( I guess they only care for the money )


I will be going to Turkey next week, thanks Yiddo

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I personally do not think 2,000-2,500 grafts will give you a satisfactory and natural looking result in the recipient :( Unfortunately your donor does look thin, I do not think you could harvest 4,000 grafts and have it look undetectable. I have seen donors with high density after 3,000 grafts and even at a grade 1 clip you can see missing follicles. Stay away from the clinics who claimed they could harvest 4,000 grafts from you.


In regards to the 2,000-2,500 graft option, I personally would not do it. Not only will it thin your donor more it would result in an unnatural appearance of either a thinned out look spanning a large area or a dense look in the frontal third and not much behind...


I'm sorry.. I too have a bumpy head which sucks as I can't shave down either.

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its really hard to tell from photos with lighting and all. The back of your head does not really look weak to me. Your sides seem pretty high but that could change. Probably best to have an in person exam, but make sure you are choosing a highly recommended doctor from a reliable source.



My donor on the rear looks a lot like yours and I was told I was an excellent candidate (based on laxicity too). My donor density I believe is average.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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how can you tell donor is weak when hair is cut so short? spex can you infom us on why you say that, i always thought when hair is cut that short its hard to gauge one donor denisity. try growin your hair out then have consult by same clinic , maybe thier will be a difference.

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my donor looks just liek yours when cut that close, iv been to 2 elite elite docs in new york, one told me i have 4k and the other 5.5k, so i suggest you go in person,, also i dont think fue is a good idea because the docs told me its to much trama on the hair and they might not survive with the weak hair me n u have,, i think you should maybe have them put as much as possible maybe 3k grafts in the front then fill in the rest useing beard and chest hair for coverage in the back

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  • Senior Member
my donor looks just liek yours when cut that close, iv been to 2 elite elite docs in new york, one told me i have 4k and the other 5.5k, so i suggest you go in person,, also i dont think fue is a good idea because the docs told me its to much trama on the hair and they might not survive with the weak hair me n u have,, i think you should maybe have them put as much as possible maybe 3k grafts in the front then fill in the rest useing beard and chest hair for coverage in the back


With several Doctor's telling him his donor area is thin I can say for sure that an FUT scar will be highly visible on him. Just because two Doctors told you FUE causes trauma to the hair does not make it a rule. Some Doctor's prefer to utilize FUE for only small cases like Norwood 1 and 2 patterns while some are more comfortable and have ventured into higher Norwood patterns.

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  • Senior Member
sounds like I am the un-luckiest guy on earth ever,



after some online consultation, only the well-known ETHICAL doctors told me that I have a weak donor area and they will not be able to get more than 2,000 or 2,500 grafts ... but other ordinary clinics were sure that they can easily collect +4,000 !! what a confusion :S



The ethical doctors said I need a minimum of 5,000 or 6,000 grafts !


I am attaching some pictures so expert guys here could say a word or help, have anyone been in my place before ? any stories ?


do you think 2,500 grafts will make a difference in my hopeless case ?

will I be satisfied ?


hope some of the doctors here will be able to give their opinion



Thanks in advance everyone


I see you're in Egypt.


Book a flight to Belgium and visit Bisanga and Feriduni. If they can't do anything for you (FUE) then no one can.


You may be able to get something resembling a hairline, some BHT and SMP, for a decent buzzed look.


It could be a complete gamble.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • Senior Member

thnks spex for the info, i just remebered a poster a few years ago london lad, and when he posted his pics online alot of people said he wasnt even a candiate, and he went to HnW and recieved around i believe 10,ooo grafts over two surgries, what if this poster goes on meds for a yr, and it improves his donor , would he then become a good candiate?

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