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Everything posted by Miizoo

  1. You have good points actually and I guess I will be travelling to Turkey for face to face consultation, hope it will work out I am considering FUE method only .. the other one scares me lol and I sent to many random clinics around the world , Turkey and India and Europe, I gotta be honest, Individual Doctors refused or said I will not be satisfied, and private hospitals were sure that they will manage to gather the needed grafts ( I guess they only care for the money ) I will be going to Turkey next week, thanks Yiddo
  2. you have no idea how horrible do I look when I shave all the hair, I have curves in my head lol thanks for passing by anyways
  3. sounds like I am the un-luckiest guy on earth ever, after some online consultation, only the well-known ETHICAL doctors told me that I have a weak donor area and they will not be able to get more than 2,000 or 2,500 grafts ... but other ordinary clinics were sure that they can easily collect +4,000 !! what a confusion The ethical doctors said I need a minimum of 5,000 or 6,000 grafts ! I am attaching some pictures so expert guys here could say a word or help, have anyone been in my place before ? any stories ? do you think 2,500 grafts will make a difference in my hopeless case ? will I be satisfied ? hope some of the doctors here will be able to give their opinion Thanks in advance everyone
  4. it's a great thing to know that he is being reviewed by your community, hope he will pass cause I guess I will be visiting him after 2 weeks will keep you guys updated
  5. Hello everyone , Based on my previous research and having some online consultation with random doctors and clinics around the world, I found out that I need something like 4,000 grafts I am only thinking about FUE method but very very CONFUSED where to go , I had many offers from many doctors and hospitals but still can not decide , an ethical and professional surgeon is needed transssmed are calling every day and assmedd also ( both in turkey ) , some people suggested dr batra ( bpefectt india ) and others told me to go for doctors in turkey ( esker and hakan and others ) Money is not my biggest issue right now , I really need some help/opinion/tips ?? I uploaded a picture in case someone is curious thanks in advance
  6. Dr Eser has a good experience as I see , but she is not popular around and through the internet I guess you are the only one who talked about her glad that your procedure went well and you are satisfied
  7. it would be nice if you can guide me to your blog regarding this procedure
  8. Sorry I am totally new here as you can see this is my second post, I could not find his website and I reached his profile here but I got no idea how to send a PM thanks mickey and actually I did my research based on you mentioning his name some where here, so I guess it's a double thanks
  9. Hello everyone , I have made my research and I guess I will be visiting dr. Hakan in Turkey but the thing is I cannot actually reach him .. any ideas ? thanks
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