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Dr. Keser, FUE, 2500 Grafts Ongoing NW Va


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Thank you for your replies. I really hope that these are only shedding hairs and will grow back. I'm not using minoxidil or any medication.

Today I will start to try aloe vera gel, I read that helped many people who suffer from head skin eczema.

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I'm glad you're posting about this, because this has been going on for me since about day 12 after having 2000 FUE with NeoGraft. Everyone shows pictures of their shock-lost scalps, but never the hairs themselves. This has me concerned, because mine appear to have that all-important bulb, which I can't seem to see in your pics- it just looks like scabs, to me anyway. I'm hoping like hell mine didn't dry out and pop up, because it does seem like my scalp was a bit tight to begin with. If I can figure out how to post a pic from my phone, here, it would be easy to compare to yours. I'm interested how things turn out, for you, and wish you good luck.

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Here's a pic of what's been coming out of various recipient sites. Oddly enough, most of them are from the crown, placed between existing hairs. Quite a few grafts placed on my frontal hairline are still standing strong. It's these, which appear to have a bulb, or whitehead like ball attached, that worry me.

Have I lost these grafts? Did they dry and pop out?


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I hope really for both of us that these are only shedding hairs which come back. But the big problem I have is the eczema, I need to get rid of it. I think this can affect the growing rate heavily. A friend informed me about a similar case in the french forum (I hope I'm allowed to post this here):


(link removed by moderator)


You can use Google Translator to translate it. He was also like me two months post OP and suffered from an eczema. At beginning the result looks fantastic, but the final result was really bad...maybe because of the eczema.


I have the following symptoms on the reception area: Greasy hair, scurf, itching and I feel tenseness and also a hot feeling maybe because of the inflamation :(. I'm taking the Cortison foam for about 1,5 weeks but the symptoms are not better :(...


Other opinions especially from doctors or ht surgeons or people with same experiences are very welcome. This would help me and others in this forum who has or maybe will have the same problem.

Edited by TakingThePlunge
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  • 3 weeks later...
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Here is the 3 month Post OP update:


I look now even more worse than before the HT :(. The scabs (or maybe dead skin) of the eczema is mostly away, but with the scabs also a lot of hair as every time a scab released there was hair in it (still not sure if these are complete grafts).


I still have problems with the eczema and next week is my next control date at the dermatologist. I still has the symptoms itching and tenseness of the skin on top and sometimes also a "hot feeling" of inflamation next day after spraying cortison.


Next week I will also cut my sides and donor, it looks not good/strange having so much hair on sides and donor and on top very less hair.


Hope everything will turn out well. Here are the pictures.







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Here is the 3 month Post OP update:


I look now even more worse than before the HT :(. The scabs (or maybe dead skin) of the eczema is mostly away, but with the scabs also a lot of hair as every time a scab released there was hair in it (still not sure if these are complete grafts).


I still have problems with the eczema and next week is my next control date at the dermatologist. I still has the symptoms itching and tenseness of the skin on top and sometimes also a "hot feeling" of inflamation next day after spraying cortison.


Next week I will also cut my sides and donor, it looks not good/strange having so much hair on sides and donor and on top very less hair.


Hope everything will turn out well. Here are the pictures.


Martin, you're right on track. Whilst it's entirely normal to look worse at 3 months than you did pre op.... YOU really don't, I'm amazed you think you do. Comparing your pics youre def in a better place but more importantly massive improvements since your last post, things are starting to happen now.


Sorry to trott out the usual cliches but 'patience'. I know it's hard... I'm only at 3 weeks post op myself. :eek:

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You are through the most difficult part.


It will all start to happen now.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hey Martin28!


Can you please give us some updates?


I hope you are in good position after 4,5 month of your HT and you are seeing already some nice results of your surgery. Have you beaten eczema?

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First of all thank you guys for your replies :)! I waited to get response and also didn't get always a notification e-mail that there are new posts in this thread.


I will make updates every month with photos and I think this is enough to document my case, doesn't make sense to make updates every two weeks, especially when nothing changed since the last update. Today I'm 3,5 months Post OP, still the same problems suffering from eczema :(, the symptoms as stated above. I really hope that the eczema is not permanent for life (this seems to be very often). As written I never had any problems with my head skin, no dry skin, no eczema before the HT, so I think the reason for my eczema must be in the HT! One thought of me was that it may have to do with the antibiotic creme I got from Dr.Keser. The creme is extremely greasy and maybe I put too much of it on the skin, so that the skin couldn't breath...Maybe...But I don't know. I hoped that people how also suffered from eczema after HT post here, it seems to be not often the case.


To the question: Why I don't want to take Fin: It was my decision to not take any medicine like Fin which you must take for live and can have heavy side effects. Before I take such medicine I would rather arrange with me to get bald. I know it may turn out that my HT and also in the future other HTs without taking any medicine would not result in a satisfied result for me, so that I spent money, energie and time for nothing...I hope it will not turn out so. As said my expectations are very low, I would also be happy with low density better than to get bald. It's everyones decision to take that high risk.


Yes, I think today I look worse than before the HT, this was also what other friends (who know about the HT) think. I really hope that hair will start to grow soon and not permanently fall out with the scabs as described above.

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do you think the eczema could have to do with kesers clinic not being clean / sterile enough? anyway, wishing you all the best, hope you get rid of that eczema and good growth!

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No, I really don't think that the eczema have to do with the clinic of Dr.Keser being not clean or sterile enough or the work of Dr.Keser. Everything went very well and the clinic looks really nice and very clean.


I think the eczema came from the antibiotic creme or maybe the HT itself has lead to very dry head skin which resulted in the eczema. I hope I will get rid of it very soon. Dr. Keser said that he never had such a case "eczema after HT", but he has done HT on people who already have eczema. Notice: Eczema is not infective.

I will post updates in July...

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No, I don't think that this has to do with the 4 consecutive day procedure. I also think it is better to split in several days and not too many grafts per day as Dr. Keser did (max. between 650-800 grafts per day as already written in this thread).


What would be interesting for me: Does anyone of you have itching and tension feeling on the reception region after 3-4 months Post-OP (when transplanted hair starts to grow)?? Would be interesting for me, because I think this symptoms may also occur when transplanted hair starts to grow not only because of my eczema.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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4 months Post OP update:


I look much better than after 3 months, but from my meaning I look now nearly the same/only a little bit better than before the OP --> only some few hairs more in the front region at the temples where before the OP was no hair. I really hope that much more grafts will start to grow because I do not see any more new grafts/hairs and I thought after 4 months you can see a little bit of the new grafts/hairs that start to grow.


And I still got problems with the eczema :(. Nothing changed, the same symptoms expect that the scabs are completely gone and it can not be seen anymore that I have eczema. Only when I do not wash my hairs for two days the hairs become very fast greasy and "oily" and there is also scurf. The worst is the tenseness feeling over the complete top of head, I hope I get soon rid of that. My dermatologist send me to a special clinic/another specialist for dermatology because he didn't know what to do anymore... In the clinic I got a new shampoo with ketoconazole which I should take for about three weeks and see if the eczema would be better or hopefully gone :).


Here are the pictures. Note: The pictures are taken about 3 hours after hair wash so my hair might look better/with more volume (because dried directly after hair wash).









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thx for updating, looking much better. and ur only 4 months out. glad to hear scabbing is gone. thats great news.


man i think u will have a killer result. pls keep us posted on ur progress. i cant wait to see u at 8-9 mnths post op.


btwm how painful did u find the numbing shots to be?

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The numbing shots were painful especially the first ones, but it's not that hard to withstand...Before the OP I thought it would be much more painful...it's really good to withstand, a bit more painful that the numbing shots at the dentist ;)


Thank you hairshopeing, I hope it would turn out in a good result although I also have eczema :( now... But I personally don't think that my current state is more better than Pre OP photos (on second page of this thread, the Pre OP photos are also taken directly after hair wash and after hair dried), maybe a little bit better...expect the new hairs in the temples (but there are not many so far) where there was no hair before.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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5 months Post OP update:


As promised here are the 5 month update photos (I make updates every month so we have a documented case from month to month and can see the improvements or not...):


I know it is an improvement since Post OP especially in the temples, it is really better. But overall it is so far for me not that improvement I expected for 2500 Grafts in the front and temples... I have expected more density in the front, but maybe it will become more dense in the next months :).


Since last month I do not see any improvements and also no new hair that starts to grow. Hopefully the eczema has no or not much negative effect on growing rate...Still fighting and suffering from the eczema with the described symptoms...:( Tomorrow is the next date at the clinic and I will tell that the new shampoo with ketoconazole had no effect, still suffering from the problems.











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hi martin, thx for continuing to post your progress. although i agree there is not much more improvement from month 4, i do still see some improvement from mnth 4 which is good.

it is still early in the game and i know many patients experience exponential growth at month 7 and 8, keep us posted,

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