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Everything posted by Martin28

  1. A bit of improvement can be seen in comparison to the previous months, but I think this is the final result, because no significant improvement can be seen anymore. Regarding the eczema: Nothing helped me, went to so many doctors. The eczema cannot be seen anymore, but I still have this tension and dry feeling of head skin and my head skin still gets very oily only after one day after hair wash (before the HT I never had any problems with dry or oily head skin or dandruff). Also a bit of drandruff can be seen after one day after hair wash. I accepted it that I cannot do anymore and need to live with that for life.
  2. Next week I will cut my hairs so that they're short, but not that short like a buzz cut (I really don't like it, but better than no hair/shaved ) . I'm using Nizoral shampoo already for about a month, but nothing changed, my symptoms (thumb/tension feeling on head skin on the whole top of the head, very oily skin when I do not wash my hairs for two days --> before the HT my hairs never get that oily) are not better. The dermatologists also don't know what do to anymore, I've tried everything... . The head skin looks normal now: No redness or symptoms of an eczema for example no dandruff or itch anymore. But I still have this thumb feeling on my headskin on the complete top of head, it is like wearing a very tight head and it's really annoying . One thought I had, was the following: Is it possible that the thumb feeling does not result/or not only result from the eczema, but also from the HT itself: Maybe some nervs in the head skin are hurt and cannot recover . I heard from cases where people, who had a FUT HT, suffered from a thumb head skin feeling over years. But I never heard of people, who had a FUE HT, suffered that long (I'm nearly 8 months Post OP) from a thumb head skin feeling. Next month I have a date with a neurologist to check if that maybe the reason for my annoying thumb feeling on headskin...
  3. Thank you guys for all your feedback. I hope that the result will further improve in the next months, although I did not see any improvement between month 6 and 7 and also see no other/new hairs started to growing... I have no problems during the OP, everything went very well and Dr.Keser as well as his assistent and all other guys who saw my photos predicted that my result would be fantasic. I know it's definitely an improvement looking at Pre OP photos, but not that much as I expected for 2500 grafts only for temples and front. @stinger99: The photo you picked from the Pre OP photos is really the worst, I think because of the lightning. To assess the results all Pre OP photos (at starting of this thread) should be watched. Looking at the results now, I think it is impossible for me to sustain a satisfying hair status with less density (my expectations are really not high) by other FUE sessions, if my hair loss progresses further (this was my plan ). I mean I spent 2500 grafts for the temples and front --> the half of grafts I can spend in total by FUE. Crown and top is left...and maybe I need also more grafts for front, if the existing hair (not the transplantated grafts) falls out...
  4. I think the best month was 6 month Post OP and I don't think that the result will get better any more (I also see no new hair starting to grow). On the pictures of 7 month Post OP, the result looks a bit worse than on 6 months Post OP. I'm not that satisfied with the result for 2500 Grafts for the front and temples. It is an improvement but not that much as I thought for 2500 Grafts for the front and the temples. For another FUE OPs I have another 2500 Grafts left and that's it... Overall I think I cannot get a good result with another OPs if my hairloss progresses further... But the worst is the eczema, still has the described problems and I think that I maybe will have that for life ... nothing I can do anymore I tried everything...
  5. First of all thank you all for your support. Sorry for updating late , but here it is (as said I want to make a month to month documentary) After 6 months Post OP:
  6. 5 months Post OP update: As promised here are the 5 month update photos (I make updates every month so we have a documented case from month to month and can see the improvements or not...): I know it is an improvement since Post OP especially in the temples, it is really better. But overall it is so far for me not that improvement I expected for 2500 Grafts in the front and temples... I have expected more density in the front, but maybe it will become more dense in the next months . Since last month I do not see any improvements and also no new hair that starts to grow. Hopefully the eczema has no or not much negative effect on growing rate...Still fighting and suffering from the eczema with the described symptoms... Tomorrow is the next date at the clinic and I will tell that the new shampoo with ketoconazole had no effect, still suffering from the problems.
  7. The numbing shots were painful especially the first ones, but it's not that hard to withstand...Before the OP I thought it would be much more painful...it's really good to withstand, a bit more painful that the numbing shots at the dentist Thank you hairshopeing, I hope it would turn out in a good result although I also have eczema now... But I personally don't think that my current state is more better than Pre OP photos (on second page of this thread, the Pre OP photos are also taken directly after hair wash and after hair dried), maybe a little bit better...expect the new hairs in the temples (but there are not many so far) where there was no hair before.
  8. 4 months Post OP update: I look much better than after 3 months, but from my meaning I look now nearly the same/only a little bit better than before the OP --> only some few hairs more in the front region at the temples where before the OP was no hair. I really hope that much more grafts will start to grow because I do not see any more new grafts/hairs and I thought after 4 months you can see a little bit of the new grafts/hairs that start to grow. And I still got problems with the eczema . Nothing changed, the same symptoms expect that the scabs are completely gone and it can not be seen anymore that I have eczema. Only when I do not wash my hairs for two days the hairs become very fast greasy and "oily" and there is also scurf. The worst is the tenseness feeling over the complete top of head, I hope I get soon rid of that. My dermatologist send me to a special clinic/another specialist for dermatology because he didn't know what to do anymore... In the clinic I got a new shampoo with ketoconazole which I should take for about three weeks and see if the eczema would be better or hopefully gone . Here are the pictures. Note: The pictures are taken about 3 hours after hair wash so my hair might look better/with more volume (because dried directly after hair wash).
  9. No, I don't think that this has to do with the 4 consecutive day procedure. I also think it is better to split in several days and not too many grafts per day as Dr. Keser did (max. between 650-800 grafts per day as already written in this thread). What would be interesting for me: Does anyone of you have itching and tension feeling on the reception region after 3-4 months Post-OP (when transplanted hair starts to grow)?? Would be interesting for me, because I think this symptoms may also occur when transplanted hair starts to grow not only because of my eczema.
  10. No, I really don't think that the eczema have to do with the clinic of Dr.Keser being not clean or sterile enough or the work of Dr.Keser. Everything went very well and the clinic looks really nice and very clean. I think the eczema came from the antibiotic creme or maybe the HT itself has lead to very dry head skin which resulted in the eczema. I hope I will get rid of it very soon. Dr. Keser said that he never had such a case "eczema after HT", but he has done HT on people who already have eczema. Notice: Eczema is not infective. I will post updates in July...
  11. First of all thank you guys for your replies ! I waited to get response and also didn't get always a notification e-mail that there are new posts in this thread. I will make updates every month with photos and I think this is enough to document my case, doesn't make sense to make updates every two weeks, especially when nothing changed since the last update. Today I'm 3,5 months Post OP, still the same problems suffering from eczema , the symptoms as stated above. I really hope that the eczema is not permanent for life (this seems to be very often). As written I never had any problems with my head skin, no dry skin, no eczema before the HT, so I think the reason for my eczema must be in the HT! One thought of me was that it may have to do with the antibiotic creme I got from Dr.Keser. The creme is extremely greasy and maybe I put too much of it on the skin, so that the skin couldn't breath...Maybe...But I don't know. I hoped that people how also suffered from eczema after HT post here, it seems to be not often the case. To the question: Why I don't want to take Fin: It was my decision to not take any medicine like Fin which you must take for live and can have heavy side effects. Before I take such medicine I would rather arrange with me to get bald. I know it may turn out that my HT and also in the future other HTs without taking any medicine would not result in a satisfied result for me, so that I spent money, energie and time for nothing...I hope it will not turn out so. As said my expectations are very low, I would also be happy with low density better than to get bald. It's everyones decision to take that high risk. Yes, I think today I look worse than before the HT, this was also what other friends (who know about the HT) think. I really hope that hair will start to grow soon and not permanently fall out with the scabs as described above.
  12. Here is the 3 month Post OP update: I look now even more worse than before the HT . The scabs (or maybe dead skin) of the eczema is mostly away, but with the scabs also a lot of hair as every time a scab released there was hair in it (still not sure if these are complete grafts). I still have problems with the eczema and next week is my next control date at the dermatologist. I still has the symptoms itching and tenseness of the skin on top and sometimes also a "hot feeling" of inflamation next day after spraying cortison. Next week I will also cut my sides and donor, it looks not good/strange having so much hair on sides and donor and on top very less hair. Hope everything will turn out well. Here are the pictures.
  13. I hope really for both of us that these are only shedding hairs which come back. But the big problem I have is the eczema, I need to get rid of it. I think this can affect the growing rate heavily. A friend informed me about a similar case in the french forum (I hope I'm allowed to post this here): (link removed by moderator) You can use Google Translator to translate it. He was also like me two months post OP and suffered from an eczema. At beginning the result looks fantastic, but the final result was really bad...maybe because of the eczema. I have the following symptoms on the reception area: Greasy hair, scurf, itching and I feel tenseness and also a hot feeling maybe because of the inflamation . I'm taking the Cortison foam for about 1,5 weeks but the symptoms are not better ... Other opinions especially from doctors or ht surgeons or people with same experiences are very welcome. This would help me and others in this forum who has or maybe will have the same problem.
  14. Thank you for your replies. I really hope that these are only shedding hairs and will grow back. I'm not using minoxidil or any medication. Today I will start to try aloe vera gel, I read that helped many people who suffer from head skin eczema.
  15. It's time for an update. Now I'm 2 months Post OP and have problems : Before 1,5 weeks I noticed on the whole top of my head a scab, my hairs are very greasy and stick together there on the completed top of head. It's like a skin layer in yellow/brown, you can see it on the photos. My top of head is itching and I feel tenseness, but this was also directly after the HT and not stopped yet, I taught it was normal. I noticed also a lot of scurf on the hair which came from the scab. I contacted Dr. Keser and was told to go to dermatologist to check it as this seems not to be common. The dermatologist looked about 10 seconds on my head and told me directly that I have an eczema on the top of the head. He advised me to use Clarelux 500 Mikrogram which is a foam that is a strong Corticosteriod. This foam I need to put on top of head after washing and I should only wash my hairs 2 times a week. I used baby shampoo till now and switched now to Eucerin 5% Urea shampoo because of the eczema. So far the scab of the head goes slowly away, I think with the help of the foam and also because I carefully tried to slacken the scab. On the pictures you can see the outstanding positions on the top of head which have scab --> the positions with a yellow/brown layer. As notice here: I never had any problems with my head skin before the HT. My concerns are :confused:: Evertime a chunk of the scab falls off a lot of hairs fall out with it, maybe complete grafts :eek: I'm really not sure if these are complete grafts --> fall out with the chunk of scab see the pictures. I was really shocked :eek:. Can you please help me with your experiences and meanings about that, maybe there are also some ht surgeons or doctors here who read this and know about similar cases. Are the hairs that fall out with the chunk of scab complete grafts so that no hair will grow there anymore?? On one of the pictures I marked areas in red circles where a lot of hair came out with the chunk of scab and there is no more hair there.
  16. Update: Pictures 2 weeks after last OP day. Almost all redness gone , only one big red point on front left top side.
  17. Experience Report HT by Dr. Keser 2500 Grafts over 4 days day 1: 600 Grafts, day 2: 650 Grafts, day 3: 650 Grafts day 4: 600 Grafts I returned from my HT performed by Dr. Keser in Ankara/Turkey and I'm so far very satisfied with all. Pre- and Post OP pictures uploaded in this entry. The 2500 Grafts were placed in the front and temples. The front was densified and I was told that if all of the existing hair fall out, I would need another front densification for full density. I must say I have expected that with 2500 grafts a larger area can be covered with good density, but unfortunately this seem not to be right. On the first day the graft placement and hairline is discussed with the patient and immediately drawn on head., hair is washed and the HT is started. Duration of the procedure very OP day approximately 4-5 hours with some breaks. The injections are a bit painful, but good to sustain. During the procedure itself I had no or only a bit pain, but as you notice pain you need to talk to Dr. Keser then you get another injection and then mostly everything is fine and without pain. I was wondering because it was not so painful as I expected. You get antibiotics and painkillers from Dr. Keser. I needed the painkillers as almost every evening after the OP I had pain, but good to sustain with painkillers. During the work of Dr. Keser you really notice how good and professional he and his assistance work together. Want to thank Dr.Keser, his assistance and Mehmet (the german translator) for all !! Dr. Keser advised me, like Andreas Kraemer (a german hair loss consultant), to try Propecia. I have read a lot about medication and still want to not use any medicine like Finasterid or Minoxidil. I really hope that I can handle my hair loss only with FUE hair transplanations. My expectations are not full density I'm also satisfied with less density. If it turns out to be not a good end result or something goes wrong with the HTs, I would cut off and wear my hair very short. I saw pictures of patients who have 5000 grafts and more, I can live with the FUE scars and short hair. Dr. Keser estimated my donor reserves (if it not turned out that my donor is also thinning, NW6-7) as following: I can take another 1500 Grafts the next time and another 1500 Grafts the third time if needed (so totally with the first HT: 5500 Grafts). The hotel you stay in Ankara is the Savis Hotel, which I can recommend: Very clean, friendly personal, near the centre in which you have lots of shopping opportunities/restaurants and so on. The only negative thing of the hotel is the breakfast: Sparse selection of foods and drinks and every day nearly the same breakfast. After the first two days I went to breakfast outside because I just don't want to eat every day the same breakfast. I would be very thankful for every opinion and advise for my case. Thank you all in advance .
  18. Thank you for your replies and feedback. I will post post op pictures approximately in 3 weeks and a report about the HT. Here are some pictures of my hair style from earlier days where I was not suffering from hairloss / where I was satisfied with my hair status. First picture is from summer 2005, the other two pictures are from 2007 (one styled and one directly after getting out of bed ), where I had blond highlights but only on top of hair.
  19. Thanks for your posting krapok. It would be interesting for me what your NW status is and going to be and how many grafts Dr. Keser estimated for you. I agree with you with all your points you have written. Regarding your questions: The only information I get from Dr. Keser is the graft estimation by having a look at my pictures I sent him (how are also posted in this thread). I have not discussed with him the hairline design and what is the plan/idea in which areas to transplantate first or cover the whole balding area and then add density later if needed. My expectation is to look better than now after the first operation of 2500 grafts. In the planning it should be taken into account that I will lose all my native hair on the top (NW Va or NW 6 --> long-term planning) and the permanent shockloss risk of native hair that may occur because of transplantating into existing, "weak" native hair. I don't want to look exactly like now or even worse than now after the first operation if all transplantated hair grows on, but on the other hand all existing "weak" hair fall out due to permanent shockloss. I want to do most of the grafts in the first frontal part, but also some grafts in the other parts of my balding area in the first operation if appropriate. But all these questions you asked I need to discuss with Dr. Keser before the operation, because I also don't know how "good"/ how many grafts can be harvested from my donor. I would also like to have a nice rounded hair line and a bit lower hair line because now I have a very high forehead but this depends on the analyse of my donor graft reserve and long-term planning that I turn into a NW5a or NW6 over the time. I will upload post op pictures and then every month update pictures.
  20. 2500 Grafts in one or two days!?! Thats quite a lot for FUE, especially by manual punch (I would never do micro motor). No, Dr. Keser would never do 2500 Grafts in one or two days, as said as I know max. 700 grafts per day. I'm one week in turkey, 4 days for operation and 3 days for recovering, from business I'm on holiday for one month, thats no problem for me. I have not considered other HT surgeons in turkey. How I decided to do the HT by Dr. Keser: I'm active in the german forum for hair restoration over half a year. Dr. Keser has a very good reputation in the forum, all of the members how have done the HT by Dr. Keser where very satisfied with the result. Dr. Keser has very much experience (do FUE since a very long time) and transplantate all grafts by himself. I also have a talk to a german hair restoration consultant, Andreas Kraemer, where my situation was evaluated and also get very good advice from there. At this point a special thank to Andreas Kraemer for all support from him. He also advised me to Dr. Keser (after talking about my conditions and expectations I have), he was personally in Ankara and have a look of Dr. Keser's work. And finally all results that are on the web from Dr. Keser impressed me really, although there are no documented cases from Dr. Keser on the web with higher NW status like mine, so I think my experience documentation in this thread would be very helpful. Thank you for the best luck
  21. The work of Dr. Keser looks great . But I think my case will be very interesting because there are no or not many documented cases of Dr. Keser with high NW status like my situation.
  22. Hi , Costs will be 3,50 Euro per Graft. I don't live in turkey, I'm from Germany. Manual punch (according to Dr. Keser's webpage, he uses punch sizes from 0.7 to 0.9mm), no micro motor. The surgery of about 2500 grafts is splitted and will be done on four days. As I know Dr. Keser transplantates a maximum number of 700 grafts per day. I will upload the results and update pictures every month. For opinions and recommendations regarding my case --> thank you in advance.
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