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when going from bald to having hair, what is your explanation?


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I've been thinking and I'm am not in this percentage of people that are fully bald, but I wanted to know how you guys explained how you magically have hair now?


When you're slick bald on top and in 1 year, you magically have a head of hair. Isn't it obvious that you had a HT?


I thought maybe saying "oh, it's the shampoo I use, or oh, I'm on propecia/rogaine and it's done wonders"


But eventually people will find out right? Especially your family and friends who has somewhat been a part of your hairloss

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Guest brent

Sure they will....but when you have a surgery that you are happy with you dont care..you actually have no issues telling them "sure i did,..doesnt it look great?? "

And the people that actually care to point it out dont care THAT much...

Im sure there are assholes who keep pointing things out and make fun, but thats usually if its a crappy transplant...

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If you are bald and then a year later you have hair, yes people are going to know you've had something done. If they look at a picture of you with no hair and then you have hair I'm sure that they will put two and two together.


Anymore it seems that cosmetic surgery is so much more common than it was 10+ years ago. Men and women get all kinds of small and big things done these days. Surgeries aren't kept under wraps that much by the general public like they used to be.


I doubt very seriously if anyone is going to care that much if you've had a transplant. If it's a bad job and obvious, they might stare but I don't think they will be that intrigued to talk about it for 10 hours straight unless they're really that interested.

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first off, azn_guy, I hope you're not asking for personal reasons because your pre-op pics look great too. You'll go from having slightly thinning in front to a nice solid hairline. Big difference then having a large barren desert suddenly reforested icon_smile.gif


That said, I love this thread because I'm starting to wonder what to say. I am a NW 3/4 and if all goes well I'll be a NW 1 / 2.


So far only my brother-in-law has asked "what's up with the acne on your scalp"? He actually advised me to "just shave it all off" so I'm sure he'll have something to say when he sees it all regrown in a few months (again, fingers crossed not to jinx myself!). He's recently shaved his head himself due to MPB so my gut tells me he's not going to be all cool and supportive.


I'm thinking of telling him and others that I don't completely trust not to blab all over about it that I just started using Rogaine and Propecia. Not sure how that's going to fly though and I'll feel bad and stupid for lying. But, there are some people I know won't care while others will judge and look down upon it even though they'll never admit it to my face. No value added to tell these type of individuals the truth.

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Thanks for the compliment Megatron, icon_smile.gif


I only ask this because many folks have different strategies when it comes to hair transplants.


Option 1. Wait until you go more bald, then get it done in one pass




Option 2. Get a HT when you still have hair.


I opted with option #2 because I want to make the transition as seamless and unnoticeable as possible.


In 6-8 months people wont even tell I had one done. If I end up getting another HT in 10 years, that means the 3000 grafts I got did it's job.


Maybe in 10 years I'll get another 3000 and again hopefully no one would notice.


I'm pretty much out and about with the a semi buzz cut and no one knows I had the procedure done. It's kinda neat...

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Ive decided not to tell anyone. My gf knows and thats it. I asked her not to tell anyone else and i trust her. Its no-one elses business. I will say to anyone who wants to poke their nose around without knowing anything about my HT journey that Ive been taking propecia for a year and it works great on some people...I was one of the lucky ones. I have and it is working. Not a lie but not the full story for anyone wanting a bit of gossip to spread around. I told my hairdresser i had some surgery hence the scar cz i knew she would see it anyway. No problem, she asked if I was ok and I said yes im fine...end of story. In 10 years time I'll tell everyone, then its old news with no entertainment value anymore.....cheers



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This is a good topic. I was essentially going really bald. I had the first of what will be two HT procedures done last April and I had impressive results. People now are just confused. The ones I work with saw me everyday and the change was slow so it was hard for them to tell (although I'd get the "what are you doing differently these days, you look good" stuff all the time). However, when I see people that I haven't seen in awhile, they are prettty blown away. Some just stare at my head and don't say anything. Others actually ask. So far, I have basically hemmed and hawed about just letting it grow back in after keeping it so short for so long. That's kind of lame and not so convincing, but people buy it for the most part. After my second HT, the change will be pretty ridiculous (in a good way) and at that point I won't be able to hem and haw so easily. So I'll just come clean and say "yeah, I had some work done." Anyone who give me any sh*t, I'll just ask them what they would do if they were going bald and could do something about it. Wouldn't they? Hell yeah, they would. Ask any woman what she would do. You know they'd move mountains to get their hair back. Yeah, so would I. That's why I did. Next topic.

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This is actually a fun topic for me, as I have thought about this issue quite often. I'm a very early NW 4 these days, and I'm planning on a 4000-5000 session to get back to (hopefully) a pretty solid NW2.


For those people who are casual aquaintences that I see in coffee shops every now and then, I'll have some fun with them. I think I will tell them that I met a shaman in my travels to South America and that he gave me some magic herbs and performed a ritual on me. I'll tell them that from then on I started looking younger and that it was just "mind over matter". Ya know, like Yogananda when he had his epiphany after meeting a spiritual master and he woke up the next day and the aging process just started magically reversing. This will be alot of fun I'm sure, because many of these people are guys with hairloss problems themselves and who have made it a point at times to group me in with them as "getting old". I would call them the "misery loves company" crowd, and it will be a thrill to leave them in the dust!


For close family I'll just say that I started taking Avodart for my prostate, and I just so happen to be in the rare 1% that grows alot of their hair back.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by azn_guy_001:

I opted with option #2 because I want to make the transition as seamless and unnoticeable as possible.


exactly my rationale for not waiting any longer. that, and the younger you are the more I think you can enjoy your new hair.


so I guess the consensus is to tell people it's propecia/rogaine. sounds good to me, I'm on board.

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  • Senior Member

good post...


I attributed it to a combination of drugs and a protein-high diet...people seem to believe it and some balding friends have started on rogaine and protein diets after listening to me.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by drmstx:

good post...


I attributed it to a combination of drugs and a protein-high diet...people seem to believe it and some balding friends have started on rogaine and protein diets after listening to me.


LOL - do you feel guilty that your balding buddies are chasing a rainbow?

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  • Senior Member

LOL - To be precise, these are guys who IMO still have a full head of hair but they think they are going to bald in 10 years from now because of genes, stress etc., My advice to them about the drugs being useful will help them for sure and a little protein in their diet wouldn't hurt either. icon_smile.gif

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In my case I still have hair, but in 8-10 months I know people will ask about my hair simply because the "recession" will have appeared to go away. I will tell everyone it was mainly due to stress and I started using Revita which "did wonders for me".


I think that story will work in my situation.


I agree with most of you, if this was a situation from nothing to something, it's probably more appropriate and real to just tell everyone you got a HT

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