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Need to finalize a surgeon. Need Help !!

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Hello All,


First of all I would like to thank all the wonderful people who post their experiences, reviews, results, and put efforts to share itin this forum. Thanks to publisher (Pat), Moderators (Bill n others). Good work dudes !!


I am losing my hair since 5-6 years and my hairline is thining, temples are receding and hair in crown are becoming less day by day. I have started hating mirrors, digicams, public outings and even bright sunny days ... icon_frown.gif


After using propecia and rogaine, I have decided to go for a HT. After lot of research, I have finalized on two docs:

1. Dr. Rahal

2. Dr. Feller


Are both the docs top notch? Are the results shown for each of them are genuine and upto the mark (ofcourse with some exceptions and that depends on case by case basis)?


My bald spots are visible and I would like to do hairline, temple and crown work done, so looking for a megasession.


Considering the cost, travel and results, whom should I choose. I do understand that its a lifelong investment, so I am least concerned with travel, cost, but surely concerned about results. I want my same life back. So its a big decision that i have to make.


I would be highly obliged if members in this forum can help me out. I am located in Pennsylvania.


Waiting for your replies. Thanks in advance.

Travel is not a concern

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I forgot to mention that I am new on this forum and this is my first post. Although, I read many posts regarding reviews of the surgeons, but still was in two minds. I have a consultation appointment with Dr. Feller on 18th June.


Bill, Pat, Dr. Rahal and Dr. Feller patients, your comments would highly matter to me ... Thanks

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Welcome to our discussion forum.


In my opinion, Coalition members Dr. Rahal and Dr. Feller are among the best surgeons in the world and have the track record to prove it. Both have a long history of providing excellent results.


Take your time to research the hair transplant procedure and look through patient and physician posted results on our forum and patient websites.


Consult with all physicians you are considering and if possible, meet some of their patients in person.


I hope this helps get you started :-).



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Both are excellent surgeons, I personally like Dr. Rahal's hairline design and placement, I also think he is slightly more agressive than Dr. Feller. I suggest you consult with as many HT Dr.'s as possible before making any decisions...



Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

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Thanks guys for your replies.




Just out of curiosity, what do you mean when you say 'agressive'? Does it mean that Dr. Rahal transplant more grafts or does a very dense packing of hair grafts ?


On Dr. Feller's website even, I saw mention of densepacking procedures.


Any inputs in this area guys? In the area of

1. Hairlines and

2. Dense packing .... who turns out to be a better choice ? ...


I know its upto me to do this research and decide, but just in case any of you can help ..


Thanks a lot.

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It's really whoever you prefer. Run a search and look at the results on this site of both doctor's work. Try to find photos of someone who you think has similar characteristics and loss as yourself. They both perform the same state of the art techniques -- you're choosing among the best of the best.


I don't think you're going to get an answer in terms of one over the other. It's whoever you feel most comfortable with. I would try to talk to the doctor's themselves or to their reps and see who strikes you as the right fit.


I had my transplant with Feller and he's excellent in every way. If I had not gone to Dr. Feller, Dr. Rahal would certainly have been among my top choices.

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I had my HT only 6 weeks ago and after years and years decided to go for Dr Feller.


It is such a difficult decision to make and I think once you've recognised the right calibre of surgeons then it just pretty much comes down to a personal preference.


I liked the reviews of Dr Feller on various forums and examples of his work. In addition, I like going to NY so it was something that made me more at ease!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Hello guys,


I have my surgery with Dr. Feller on 5th August. I am pretty nervous, anxious to see the results (although, for that the wait would be quite long). Dr Feller told to implant 3000 grafts in hairline and on mid scalp. Is it possible for me to tell him to harvest more say 3700 and cover area of my back. I am not looking for a full coverage in the first time, I would rather go for a higher density.


Also, if someone could give me a link to pre-op and post-op instructions on this forum, then it would be of great help.


I am hoping for the best. This is my first HT so I have mixed feelings altogather. Would post the pictures soon.


Thanks everyone.

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I really like Dr. Rahal's work, but I think that Dr. Feller's approach is the better one. I see no reason why you won't be completely satisfied with your surgery on the 5th. Congrats on picking a great doctor!

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I have already gone through pre and post op instructions. I had one doubt in mind. Is it OK to use Nizoral shampoo before and on the day of surgery, as it causes flaking. I was thinking of using it but won't keep it for much time on the scalp during the shower. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Even I have started using Johnsons baby shampoo since few weeks and it shows the difference. There is less flaking, hair loss is less and you feel that your hair is getting less damaged when you wash them everytime. I think its time to go to basics when it comes to hair care !! .. icon_smile.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Hello Guys,


I am done with my surgery and I would say that I am satisfied as of now. I would comment on the results after 6 months down the line. Again, I thank all of you for your help and guidance.


I had the surgery at 7:45 AM on Wednesday and I reached clinic at 7:20. I was the first one and then Dr. Feller came in. We entered the clinic and then after sometime he started taking pictures and did markings. He had to shave my existing hair from front and mid scalp because he was not able to do the markings properly.


After all that, surgery began; they took strip, Dr. Feller did the incisions and then the technicians started implanting grafts. Surgery was over by 3:30 PM. As all of you are very much aware of this process, it was pretty much normal. Only two notable points in my case


1. Dr. Feller said that I had exceptional hair density in my donor area and he managed to get 3130 grafts in the strip. He had planned for 3000. Also, he didn't charged my for extra 130 grafts. I can get another same or more number of grafts in future.


2. My bleeding was very much in the beginning. I had followed all pre-op instructions for a month before the surgery. Doc said that its not my fault; some people generally have more bleeding. But in my case, it was very much and as the surgery progressed, it became normal and then better than normal. Dr. said he saw such thing for the first time in his career. I was happy and on the other side little tensed, but everything went on fine.


Now I have a big long wait time and I am probably ready for it. There is still some pain and discomfort in donor area. I am still 3 days post-op.


I would post the pictures soon. Thanks again everyone!!

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Big congratulations on your very recent HT with Feller. Im glad that everything went well, as Im sure it would. Its good that you got slightly more grafts than planned and the comment regarding your hair characteristics and future donor possibilities must be pleasing.


The wait is on, but the hard work is done. The selection of your Dr, and waiting for your date. Not to mention the procedure itself! All photos would of course be hugely welcomed so that we can all follow your progress with you.


Congratulations again my friend!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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