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need 1500 grafts FUE, which dr? here are their prices.


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Hello I need a decision to make. I need about 1000 to 1500 grafts in the 1/3 part of my frontal head. to make hairline denser, temples and the middle top of scalp

I emailed all this great doctors for a FUE HT, but I need help making a desicion. some are more expensive than others but the ones that are cheaper are great doctors too, so I dont know. Here is a pic of where they will be placing the grafts and the prices of all these good doctors.


ERGODAY KORAY (asmed clinic in istanbul turkey) 1500 grafts-$5935 includes price for airplane ticket from USA to turkey.

RON ShAPHIRO 1500 grafts-$10500 dollars

FELLER 1500 grafts-$15,000 dollars

RAHAL 1500 grafts-$10500 dollars

BHR 1500 grafts-$8037 dollars

DORIN 1500 grafts-$13,500 dollars




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You actually might need a bit more than 1,500 to give off a dense, full look but the Doctors know better than I would. FUE is a tricky thing. Most of those Doctors have great cases of FUE but also some not so good cases. Take time in deciding. Might want to add Dr. Lorenzo to the list too. Think he charges 5.5EURO per graft and it drops to 3EURO after 2,000.

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Pick the doc that caters to your goals based on what you show them/ask for. I think it could take 1500 grafts give or take depending on the densities planted. Look at a bunch of results. Every clinic you mentioned above has good results. Good luck.

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personally i think 1,500 is a bit light for the coverage and density you are looking for, more like 2,500


Depends if you are wanting to travel, if so, there are some good FUE surgeons in Turkey that would be cheaper than the prices you have been quoted, even with a long haul flight cost added.


If a long haul flight from the states is say $1,500, based on the package i had (with 2,800 FUE in Istanbul), it would be approximately $8,500


It would be even cheaper if you halved the session and went for the 1,500 only.

2800 FUE, Istanbul

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  • 2 weeks later...
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hello guys dr. Koray from turkey sent me the message below. by the way I would not like to get another strip surgery. I really love to wear my hair short and I would not like to be out of jujitsu for another 6 months like the first time. iam a little concern cause I have read that doing big FUE graft transplants is not a good idea. tell me what you guys think here is his message. I really like dr's KORAY approach though.


Dear Mr. Lopez,


I tried to call you today but could not reach you. My secretary told me that you want 1000 grafts for your frontline-temple to increase the density. I can fix this problem with 1400 grafts in one day operation. But it is obvious that you will be NW 6 so when we fix your frontline in the future you will have problem on your midline and vertex ( crown ). If I have done your first operation I would not change your frontline lower so your donor may be enough to cover all your hair loss area in the future with 1400 grafts. I can increase your frontline –temple but you will have the same problem with your crown area in 2 years time.


So my offer is 3200 grafts startting from front –mid and vertex. which will help you better. But this does not mean that you will not need an operation in the future.


Your donor capacity 6000 grafts for FUE in total and this number can not cover all your hair loss area as original density.


So your expectations should be realistic.




Best Regards,

Edited by TakingThePlunge
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his prices 2.5 euros per graft equals to 3 dollars and 14 cents. 2.5 euros = 3.14 US dollars and I have not seen nothing but good results on this doc. same with dr. kesser from turkey but he is a little bit more expensive. 3.5 euros per graft = 4.39 US dollars. however dr. kesser have not told me how many grafts yet.

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his prices 2.5 euros per graft equals to 3 dollars and 14 cents. 2.5 euros = 3.14 US dollars and I have not seen nothing but good results on this doc. same with dr. kesser from turkey but he is a little bit more expensive. 3.5 euros per graft = 4.39 US dollars. however dr. kesser have not told me how many grafts yet.


Dr. Erdogan is a good doc. He does some pretty decent work from what I have seen on the forums these past couple years. I think what he says makes sense. It's going to buy you time and you may need a procedure later later on since you may head towards Norwood 6 but it should setup a strong foundation and give you more styling options. So your areas of concern will be taken care of and it will help amp other areas. I think it's a good approach.


How much is it costing for those 3200 grafts? Is he including the airfare or are you purchasing your own ticket to add to that cost?


I think it is crucial to have a well established front/hairline with proper framing/density so this tweak should set things for you. 1400 grafts in one day seems like a good pace but is he doing this manual or motorized FUE?


I look forward to seeing your progress. Please keep us posted.

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I'm quite surprised by Dr. Koray's response. Seems like a very honest and accommodating Doctor. Very cool that he tried calling you and replied to your email personally, I like Doctors that have one on one contact with the patient.

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I do not know if he will use manual or motorized FUE. does that matter in the overall results?

I was just thinking last night, maybe I can just do the 1400 right now on my hairline and temples, so I can have a better density in my frontal third. and later in the future I will probably have another one towards my mid scalp and vertex? what do you think? I belive I have to pay my airplain ticket and everything else like food and motel. I am not sure but from what I read thats what it looks like. He has not responded no those questions yet. I will ask him monday again.

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  • Senior Member

Hello mate,


You look to have a good shaped head to pull off the shaved look which makes me think that maybe you shouldn't have an operation at all. But hell, what do I know?! Hair is a personal thing...


Anyway, if I were you I'd go visit one of the US docs so that they can take a decent look at your scalp. I think that would be better than paying a deposit and travelling thousands of miles.


Best of luck.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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yes I been told I have a good shape head but if i shave it off my scar will show more. I am just thinking on doing 1400grafts in my hairline and temples and maybe a little in the frontal part of scalp. also I want to add grafts to the scar. so if I keep loosing my hair in the midscalp and vertex then I can probably cut it even shorter.

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I am thinking of getting around 1500 to 2000 do to financial issues and maybe around 200 grafts on scar. in the future if I need more then we will see. maybe I just shave it off if my scar is not showing a lot. what do you think about putting this amount of grafts in my frontal third?

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  • Senior Member
yes I been told I have a good shape head but if i shave it off my scar will show more. I am just thinking on doing 1400grafts in my hairline and temples and maybe a little in the frontal part of scalp. also I want to add grafts to the scar. so if I keep loosing my hair in the midscalp and vertex then I can probably cut it even shorter.


Oh I see. I didn't realise you have had a HT in the past.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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I do not know if he will use manual or motorized FUE. does that matter in the overall results?

I was just thinking last night, maybe I can just do the 1400 right now on my hairline and temples, so I can have a better density in my frontal third. and later in the future I will probably have another one towards my mid scalp and vertex? what do you think? I belive I have to pay my airplain ticket and everything else like food and motel. I am not sure but from what I read thats what it looks like. He has not responded no those questions yet. I will ask him monday again.


I am thinking of getting around 1500 to 2000 do to financial issues and maybe around 200 grafts on scar. in the future if I need more then we will see. maybe I just shave it off if my scar is not showing a lot. what do you think about putting this amount of grafts in my frontal third?


Regarding motorized and manual, there is varying opinion. Manual usually forces a doctor to work slower whereas motorized speeds up extraction. Some say go nice and slow while some say precision advanced motorized tools may allow faster extractions safely. I guess you are really getting your moneys worth when a doctor does surgery on you themselves and does it in multiple days. Would you pay lets say $5000 for one day procedure or that amount for a 2 day procedure dedicated to you? It's up to you. I would personally like to have a doc by my side until the end of surgery monitoring as well as working on me. I am thinking nice and slow is the best approach. Even artists take it nice and slow to produce a masterpiece painting so I think it makes sense as hair transplantation is suppose to involve art itself.


Your own approach seems pretty good in that you are willing to get another procedure later and accept that scenario. I can understand the issue about financial concerns completely. I paid like over 3 times the amount you mentioned in comparison to your quote with Dr. Erdogan to have work in a similar frontal area you have concerns with right now. I am waiting for my wow result and I will be done with a full duration of 12 months by the end of this month. I had 3016 grafts with very high density placement in my recipient zone, it was a one long day procedure, utilizing motorized punch tool, with varying .8mm and .9mm punch sizes, and etc. But I think your approach is really playing it safe especially if the doctor will be extracting the grafts as well. If the grafts are extracted mosly by a technician then fue shouldnt warrant a higher price. Make sure extractions are performed by the doctor as well as the incisions. Ask them this first. Some doctors may do the exraction, incision, placement, all themselves and it may mean they are forced to do 600-700 grafts on a single patient a day. Others may put the same amount of effort/labor hours if they do over 2000 grafts a day motorized along with recipient site creation, working on multiple patients, and so forth.


In the end I wish you the best and please keep us posted. Hope you get all your concerns resolved.

Edited by Sean
clarification correction
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