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Going to get a hair transplant, but no Minoxidil or Propecia

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Okay, so I'm 27 years old. Probably a 3-4 on the scale of baldness, balding on top and have had gradual hair loss on the hairline too for around 4 years now. However last year it wasn't TOO noticable, it is now.


I took Minoxidil (Regaine foam) for 6 months and it definitely worked (Well worked on the crown) however I gave up using it as I am not looking for a short term fix, I want something more long term. I don't want to have to rely on a drug or shampoo for the rest of my life basically..


Also the side effects (however "rare" they are) from Propecia put me off it.


I have quite thin hair and was considering a HT, however will it look rubbish if I don't use Propecia.etc? I understand that other areas may continue to lose hair but I can always HT them too right?


Anyway thanks :-) just need to save up about ?8000 now.

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  • Senior Member

Using rogaine and propecia is a long term solution as opposed to only doin the procedure. Medication will prevent further hair loss and using it in conjunction with surgery will give you optimal results. If you do not use meds you may very well bald much more severely than you are currently. Consult with a doctor to get some idea of what they expect you to lose in the future.

I am a consultant for Dr. True and Dr. Dorin. These opinions are my own.


Dr. Robert True and Dr. Robert Dorin are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Best you save up 32,000 for the 3 extra HTs in 5, 10 and 15 years time!!


But seriously, it would be good to keep at least the Regaine going. You use Toothpaste to retain your teeth so why not retain your hair with medication.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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If you are going to go forward with HT then it is in your best interest to consider all options for hair loss prevention. Take a good look at your family history of genetic hair loss and current age and think of the possibilities for future hair loss and then decide what is best for you.

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Best you save up 32,000 for the 3 extra HTs in 5, 10 and 15 years time!!


But seriously, it would be good to keep at least the Regaine going. You use Toothpaste to retain your teeth so why not retain your hair with medication.


I understand that, but it is also ?30+ each month on a product which has side effects ( I know they are not severe, but don't want to risk any cardiac problems to be honest)

Toothpaste hardly has side effects and the cost isn't as much, I don't really want to mess around with my body's chemistry too much. Surely if I had hair from the back of my head (which will never fall out) into the front then it shouldn't affect me too badly? My dad who is 65 still has a hair line (although it has receded somewhat) and just has a larger bald spot, would I follow his pattern? (as my mother's side has no baldness?)

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I understand that, but it is also ?30+ each month on a product which has side effects ( I know they are not severe, but don't want to risk any cardiac problems to be honest)

Toothpaste hardly has side effects and the cost isn't as much, I don't really want to mess around with my body's chemistry too much. Surely if I had hair from the back of my head (which will never fall out) into the front then it shouldn't affect me too badly? My dad who is 65 still has a hair line (although it has receded somewhat) and just has a larger bald spot, would I follow his pattern? (as my mother's side has no baldness?)


I guess if you have any health conditions then that is a good reason not to. However, I think these side effects are very rare.


Regaine is costing me around 120-150 pounds a year. I bought 3 months supply from Boots which, if used once a day, can last 6 months. I'm sure there are cheaper internet options out there.


Unfortunately your Dad's hairline is no guarrantee. My pattern is different my Dad's and my older brother is NW 1.5! My uncles on my mothers side are a closer match to me. They are NW4/5 approx and in their early 60s.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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I guess if you have any health conditions then that is a good reason not to. However, I think these side effects are very rare.


Regaine is costing me around 120-150 pounds a year. I bought 3 months supply from Boots which, if used once a day, can last 6 months. I'm sure there are cheaper internet options out there.


Unfortunately your Dad's hairline is no guarrantee. My pattern is different my Dad's and my older brother is NW 1.5! My uncles on my mothers side are a closer match to me. They are NW4/5 approx and in their early 60s.


My dad is probably a NW5, all my uncles still have all their hair (on my dad's side), my grandfather is 90 something but still is about a NW5 despite a major comb over!. On my mum's side (they are all women) but my grandfather had a full head of hair, I would hope that my genetics wouldn't make me end of worse than a NW5.


I understand about buying it, but buying it (either Mino or Propecia) and having to use it for the next 20 years doesn't sound too appealing.


People can talk all they like about Propecia only have a small percentage of side effects, but even 1% chance of permanent ED or anything like that is too much for me to be honest, not to mention the risks of messing around with the body's androgen levels.


As for a HT, I understand I will probably have to have more than one (I want to first get around 4000 FUT grafts in hairline). My crown is already exposed, but I can at least use concealer for that until I sort it out.

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I am in the same boat, i wanna go for an HT so bad but don't want to take any meds (since i always seem to develop side effects from meds in general), but im afraid after i do my HT my baldness progress to a level where i can't fix it even with further HT procedures and i end either keeping my hair long which will look weird and not natural or shaving it and show scars :S . i wish at least there was a scareless procedure so that if things get bad in the future i shave it with no visible scars at all (strip or white dots) which will look good actually since at least if i shave it after an HT, i would have a decent HAIRLINE.

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I am in the same boat, i wanna go for an HT so bad but don't want to take any meds (since i always seem to develop side effects from meds in general), but im afraid after i do my HT my baldness progress to a level where i can't fix it even with further HT procedures and i end either keeping my hair long which will look weird and not natural or shaving it and show scars :S . i wish at least there was a scareless procedure so that if things get bad in the future i shave it with no visible scars at all (strip or white dots) which will look good actually since at least if i shave it after an HT, i would have a decent HAIRLINE.


You could always get scar cover up (with FUE?), also depending on the surgeon you pick you would hopefully end up with a scar which isn't TOO noticeable.


I'm really want to get a HT (hopefully within a year) but not sure if it will be worth it without meds.

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See Carlos's Wesley's website re: upcoming scarless proceedure and call his office for advice.


I was intrested in this, in his website it says it would be availabe early 2012 but no updates about it, and Dr. Wesley mentioned somewhere in this forum that this procedure still under trial and won't be available before end of 2013 and that's alot of waiting specially since the date is not firmed and could be changed again.

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You could always get scar cover up (with FUE?), also depending on the surgeon you pick you would hopefully end up with a scar which isn't TOO noticeable.


I'm really want to get a HT (hopefully within a year) but not sure if it will be worth it without meds.


If i go for HT it will be FUE only, but even with FUE you get white scars if you dcide to shave it in the future, im fine with doing a second or maybe 3rd HT to address and future loss, but the problem is that baldness is not predictable and if i end up being nw 6 or 7 no HTs will do the job and i will end up looking not natural at all since the HT hair will be there and hair around it will be messing. In that senario i would like to have the option of shave it all 0 grade .

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  • Senior Member

I can understand the reluctance to use Propecia but not Minoxidil. The Minoxidil is so simple to use and there are no side effects I can't see why you would pass on it. You say you're not looking for a short term fix but as other posters have pointed out we do a lot of things that are "short term fixes." Putting deodorant on is a short term fix but we don't want to be stinky so we do it!!


Anyway good luck, I would definitely continue to use the Minoxidil. =)

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  • Senior Member
Okay, so I'm 27 years old. Probably a 3-4 on the scale of baldness, balding on top and have had gradual hair loss on the hairline too for around 4 years now. However last year it wasn't TOO noticable, it is now.


I took Minoxidil (Regaine foam) for 6 months and it definitely worked (Well worked on the crown) however I gave up using it as I am not looking for a short term fix, I want something more long term. I don't want to have to rely on a drug or shampoo for the rest of my life basically..


Also the side effects (however "rare" they are) from Propecia put me off it.


I have quite thin hair and was considering a HT, however will it look rubbish if I don't use Propecia.etc? I understand that other areas may continue to lose hair but I can always HT them too right?


Anyway thanks :-) just need to save up about ?8000 now.


Hey Mate;


It is great you are proactive about your hair restoration. Medical treatments are advancing and maybe you won't get the side effects. Consulting with a doctor and seeing if they recommend a trial might be a way to go. Most people who experience a medication side effect do not experience with the cessation of the medicine. So consulting with one of the recommended physicians here would be great. Regarding your cost and savings some center like the one in which I am a patient advocate for make this procedure very affordable at all times. Most of all stay proactive mate and consider a consult in person or online with an HTN recommended hair restoration surgeon. All the Best, Michael:o

Michael James is a Patient Advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi, who is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network; and not a physician. Visit Us On: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn


Comments give here are only for intellectual consideration and in no manner to be construed or accepted as medical advice. It is important to seek the advice of a physician in all medical circumstances including hair restoration, dietary or others directly or indirectly related to the subjects in this forum

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