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My 7 month post op anniversary


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Hello my glossy headed brethren, I hope all are well. Today marks 7 months since my first surgery of 1500 grafts. I know I will need a second procedure to get the density I desire, but take a look at the new pics I posted just now. Please give me some feedback on how you think I will progress and mature from this point. I am only looking to gain realistic expectations, and am fully aware that a second procedure is necessary. Thanks for all the support, and feedback my friends, we really keep each other going.


Oh, and since my surgeon never mentioned my graft count wouldn't be sufficient, and a second procedure would be necessary, I think he needs to make good and help me get the results I want and deserve. I hope he understands what a powerful and valuable asset this community is. A raving review will draw in plenty of local business, but a scathing one will keep new patients away.






2/14/2011 Surgery #1 Dr. Ivan Cohen - 1539 grafts, 1's - 475

2's - 989

3's - 75


2/20/2012 Surgery #2 Dr. Carlos Wesley - 2570 grafts

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A raving review will draw in plenty of local business, but a scathing one will keep new patients away.


Yikes! Sounds like a threat.


It looks like you had perfect yield from your transplant. The work looked refined from what I could tell. I don't particularly like the planing involved though. The front of the hair line sticks far out beyond the corners. They really need to be brought forward to balance out the hairline. It could be that your hair is slicked straight back though.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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You still have months to grow. I'd wait a full year before making a solid assessment. However, from what I am seeing right now. I'd say you should go for more density. What are your own goals? do you want to keep the hairline where it is and fill in with density or to lower it and or to incorporate some temporal work. Based on what you want, that will determine the number of grafts you need for further procedures.


Based on what I am seeing today, I'd say you need a second pass to fill in the thinning areas if you have the donor supply to do it. I think there should be more of a balance as well with the hairline and the corners.

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For that amount of grafts it looks good and you will likely have further improvement but nothing dramatic. In terms of expectations you probably got what you can for the number of grafts. Try to work with your doctor before picking a public fight on the forum with him. You need to decide what you want to achieve on your second pass and see if that is realistic or not. It is so important to be clear with your doctor what you would like to achieve and make sure they agree you can achieve it for you. If not, you have to adjust your expectations to what is realistic.

Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUT 6/14/11 - 3048 grafts


Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUE 1/28/13 & 1/29/13 - 1513 grafts



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Thanks for the feedback guys, I think my post came across the wrong way. I like my doctor, I like him a lot. I chose him based on this networks recommendation, and my level of comfort with him personally. I am just upset that the planning, and communication was so poor prior to the operation. Trust me, I want to write a raving review for him, not only to help his business, but that would mean my expectations were met. I want to keep the hairline I have, just a much denser version. A very dense mature hairline. That was what I had asked for, and he never told me I needed more grafts to achieve it. So I believe my frustration is justified. I don't want to come off as bitter, or threatening. He just needs to stand behind his work, and I think that it sucks that I have to go through the surgery twice to achieve what I should of received in one. I don't know about you guys, but this surgery isn't pleasant. It's uncomfortable for days, very expensive, not just the cost of the procedure, but the week of work I need to miss. Instead of going to Turks & Caicos, I get to sleep in my recliner for a week, and still lose a weeks vacation time. I'm not an asshole, picking a fight, or threatening my doctor publicly. I'm just a frustrated young man, who didn't receive the results or communication from my doctor, that I am entitled to. For the record, I have never even made mention of his name, and don't have it on my profile. So please don't think I am trying to hurt his business, or do anything other than understand what to expect, and get results. I will write the greatest endorsement ever for him when he meets my expectations, but don't you think the network members need to know of a doctor who doesn't meet his patients expectations, and stand behind them when they aren't satisfied? I would only speak poorly of him to prevent all of you, my HT brothers, from having a bad experience, and when you have a bad experience in this type of area, it hurts soooo much. I don't want that for any of you.

2/14/2011 Surgery #1 Dr. Ivan Cohen - 1539 grafts, 1's - 475

2's - 989

3's - 75


2/20/2012 Surgery #2 Dr. Carlos Wesley - 2570 grafts

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fakeplstctrees.....Sorry if I came across the wrong way in what I was saying. I absolutley agree that you have a right to be frustrated and I would encourage you to provide your honest open evaluation of how things went for you. I would be frustrated too if I were in your shoes! Didn't mean to imply otherwise......I have just seen some threads here where doctors and patients aired things out in public and was just offering some advice on that. I think sharing your frustration and issues around meeting your expectations is extremely valuable for people reading the forum and I hope you will continue to post about your experiences. Things like this help potential patients on these issues. I hope you will be able to work something out with your doctor. Again, sorry if my post came across the wrong way.

Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUT 6/14/11 - 3048 grafts


Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUE 1/28/13 & 1/29/13 - 1513 grafts



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Did he recommend 1500, or did you approach the doc with a budget? Sounds like you are laying blame, but if you went in under financial constraints then why does he need to 'make good' on anything without you bringing your part to the table?


If he recommended 1500, then you need to come forth with the doc's name, because you needed 3k+, a thousand or so which need to be used to rebuild your temporal and side recessions.


The board deserves to know if a certain doc is over promising, hope you clarify what was discussed pre-op.

Dr Arocha

3626 FU's


H1: 508

H2: 1741

H3: 1377



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I don't think fakeplsctrees is laying blame on the doctor. He has been very careful and thoughtful. I can understand him wishing for better density. I really think 1500 grafts do not have an enormous impact on density especially if the frontal third is covered. If this guy went in for surgery, requesting to be treated to have a dense mature hairline, as that was his goal, then he should have received it. We do not know if it will get any better because lets face it, he still has to hit the 12 month mark to see how the hair transplant matures. If he is satisfied by then and is a late grower then that is good, no harm done, he didn't mention the doctor. If he isn't satisfied, I'd suggest he contact the clinic and tell them of his concerns. If nothing works, then come back and report the findings. I think that's a good way to pursue this and he is being very careful not to jump the gun.


Hair transplantation isn't a joke. It is a big hassle, time off, post operative care, sleeping in a recliner for a week or so. It's a pain in the ass and obviously if you want it done right, you want it done right the first time. I would feel the same if I am not pleased and fakeplsctress has every right to talk about his concerns on this site to get feedback/advice/and thoughts on the matter and to educate others of the situation. He's doing the right thing. I stand behind him because he really is taking a professional approach to the matter. I can clearly see his concerns. Good Luck fakeplsctrees and do keep us all posted with your progress in the months ahead.


Do you have a detailed breakdown of your grafts by any chance? How many ones / twos/ threes / fours used? This will also help determine what kind of grafts were used in the front.

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fakeplastic, You should discuss this with your doctor in private before coming on the forum and demanding he do the right thing. It sounds like you are saying if he does not give you discounted or free surgery you will blast him publicly. This is not a wise tactic. Most doctors realize this is very expensive surgery and that most of us give up a lot to have it done (time/money, etc.).


Also, 7 months is very early still. Give yourself the full 12 months. You will be surprised by how much more growth, thickening you will have. That being said, your results look pretty good so far.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Judging from your before photos, that looks to be about 1,500 grafts. It appears to me that you got a good yield. I think most people would be happy with it. However, if it's not dense enough for you then you'll just have to go back for another pass. You probably can't lower it anymore. I'd address the corners.


Maybe the doc went so low because you have a poor donor supply, or maybe that is all he could safely get...


I do, however, agree with Aaron that I don't like the hairline design. I think it should be rounded out more but then again that could just be due to the fact that you have it slicked back.




My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Dorin


1,696 FUT with Dr. Dorin on October 18, 2010.


1,305 FUT with Dr. Dorin on August 10, 2011.


565 FUE with Dr. Dorin on September 14, 2012.

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Once again, I really do appreciate everyone giving feedback, it's a great comfort. The problem with this forum, and all written correspondence, is tone can easily be misinterpreted. I am just trying to get the results I was expecting to receive up until a couple of months ago, when the hair first started coming in, and wasnt as dense as I had been expecting it to be. That is a really bad feeling, then to hear that you need another procedure, that just pours salt on an open wound.


I need to stress the fact that I don't want to blast my Doctor publicly, as I said before, I like him, he is going to work with me to get the results I desire. I won't release his name until I am satisified with the results, then his ability will be showcased at it's optimal level. I don't think I would write poorly of him, or blast his talent, because he did a fantastic 1500 graft job. A lot of people on the forum think the hairline is out of proportion with the rest of my head, I think that IS beacuase it is pretty much slicked back in the photo's, but at this point, I need to style it that way, because it looks much thinner if i don't.


I consulted with my doctor in November of last year, and had the procedure in February of this year. during that in between period, I was uncertain if I was even going to go ahead with the procedure, but like I said, I am fond of my doctor, he didn't sell me on anything, he just made me feel comfortable enough to go ahead with it. It's HUGE investment, financially, emotionally, and many other ways.


I approached him with what I wanted, and that was a DENSE MATURE HAIRLINE, and told him my budget, and asked if he thought we could achieve the desired results. He said we could, and recommended 1500 grafts. I had no idea that 1500 grafts wouldn't be enough. I would have adjusted my budget to mee the demand for more grafts. I know there will continue to be thickening of the shafts, and the hairs will mature. I'm excited to see better results, but I also know that I won't be happy with the density afterward. On other threads, members have commented on the lack of grafts in the forelock, and i agree, it is very thin there. I don't look forward to a second procedure, I'd rather be on a great vacation, not in pain, and stuck at home in a recliner at night. So, for that I am very frustrated, I was clear on what I wanted, and the recommended 1500 procedure wasn't enough, it was about half of what I needed. I think anyone would be aggravated in such a position.


So to all of you, I respect all of your opinions, and appreciate your advice and positive feedback. I want to be very clear about this, I am not trying to pick a public fight with my doctor, or threatenting to thrash him on here if he doesn't make right. He has already agreed to work with me on a second procedure, we haven't discussed specifics, but he has agreed to work with me. That is a comfort. I know you all mean well, but I want to assure you that I am not a vindictive person, looking to ruin someone's reputation. But you also need to realize that I am using this forum to work out some of the stress, anxiety, and frustration I am feeling; so some posts might seem like a threat. Also, had he not agreed to work with me, I think this forum is the exact place for that to be voiced. Especially since the doctor is recommended by the network. People need to know these things, I never meant for my post to be a threat to force the doctor into discounting a second procedure, but simply stated the fact that they know this is a small community, and bad news spreads fast, they are aware of that, so it is clearly in their best interest to do excellent work, and correct it when they don't. Does that make sense? I am not a jerk, and don't mean to come off as one. I just want a head of hair I don't have to feel self conscious about, and I really thought I was getting that with the first procedure. So I was very hurt when I found out otherwise. Try to understand that. Thanks everybody, you all keep me going. I love getting email alerts that someone has responded on here, but I also feel misunderstood when people think I am scheming to get what I want, and using this forum for that purpose. Not the case!!!!!! Keep the comments coming though, it's so appreciated.

Much love to all of you,


2/14/2011 Surgery #1 Dr. Ivan Cohen - 1539 grafts, 1's - 475

2's - 989

3's - 75


2/20/2012 Surgery #2 Dr. Carlos Wesley - 2570 grafts

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Judging from your before photos, that looks to be about 1,500 grafts. It appears to me that you got a good yield. I think most people would be happy with it. However, if it's not dense enough for you then you'll just have to go back for another pass. You probably can't lower it anymore. I'd address the corners.


Maybe the doc went so low because you have a poor donor supply, or maybe that is all he could safely get...


I do, however, agree with Aaron that I don't like the hairline design. I think it should be rounded out more but then again that could just be due to the fact that you have it slicked back.






I have far more donor hair than I could ever need, that is not even remotely an issue. You see the hair from strange angles, and it is slicked back. I have plenty of donor hair to tap into, seriously. I am actually quite happy with the hairline, it shapes my face very well. It looks much different in person than it does in the photo's.

2/14/2011 Surgery #1 Dr. Ivan Cohen - 1539 grafts, 1's - 475

2's - 989

3's - 75


2/20/2012 Surgery #2 Dr. Carlos Wesley - 2570 grafts

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OK, knowing you have already consulted with your doc prior to posting is a different story. Glad to hear he is working with you. I know having to go through this again can be very frustrating. I had my first HT six years ago and it's an ongoing process. I am also at 7 months post op and can tell you that while the results already look very good, I can feel tons of new growth just beginning. Plus the hair continues to mature and thicken by the day.


Good growing to you!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Yeah, I know the disappointment in finding out that there is no such thing as one and done in hair transplantation. The good news is that you haven't been butchered. Density can easily be increased with another procedure - but even still it might not be to your liking. There's no way to know.


But you are still 7 months which is early. So give time, stay in touch with your doc, and start looking into other clinics in the meantime.

Edited by aaron1234

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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I don't think fakeplsctrees is laying blame on the doctor. He has been very careful and thoughtful. I can understand him wishing for better density. I really think 1500 grafts do not have an enormous impact on density especially if the frontal third is covered. If this guy went in for surgery, requesting to be treated to have a dense mature hairline, as that was his goal, then he should have received it. We do not know if it will get any better because lets face it, he still has to hit the 12 month mark to see how the hair transplant matures. If he is satisfied by then and is a late grower then that is good, no harm done, he didn't mention the doctor. If he isn't satisfied, I'd suggest he contact the clinic and tell them of his concerns. If nothing works, then come back and report the findings. I think that's a good way to pursue this and he is being very careful not to jump the gun.


Hair transplantation isn't a joke. It is a big hassle, time off, post operative care, sleeping in a recliner for a week or so. It's a pain in the ass and obviously if you want it done right, you want it done right the first time. I would feel the same if I am not pleased and fakeplsctress has every right to talk about his concerns on this site to get feedback/advice/and thoughts on the matter and to educate others of the situation. He's doing the right thing. I stand behind him because he really is taking a professional approach to the matter. I can clearly see his concerns. Good Luck fakeplsctrees and do keep us all posted with your progress in the months ahead.


Do you have a detailed breakdown of your grafts by any chance? How many ones / twos/ threes / fours used? This will also help determine what kind of grafts were used in the front.



I just got the email fro my doctors office with the detailed breakdown of my initial procedure.

1's - 475

2's - 989

3's - 75


1539 total grafts

2678 total hairs


Is it your opinion that I should have had twice that? I am open to other's opinions as well.

2/14/2011 Surgery #1 Dr. Ivan Cohen - 1539 grafts, 1's - 475

2's - 989

3's - 75


2/20/2012 Surgery #2 Dr. Carlos Wesley - 2570 grafts

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I just got the email fro my doctors office with the detailed breakdown of my initial procedure.

1's - 475

2's - 989

3's - 75


1539 total grafts

2678 total hairs


Is it your opinion that I should have had twice that? I am open to other's opinions as well.


That's not that many hairs for strong density I think. But I could be wrong? I think you should have had more than that since that is just 2678 hairs. Take a look at other results by calculating their grafts by the number of hairs and add them up to see if the result is similar to yours in the front. I wouldn't lose hope yet though, let it hit that 12 month mark. Things can change. Good Luck.

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