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Who here regrets their HT??

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Hi Friends,


I’ve now booked my HT with a highly respected Dr. (feriduni) in July. However, its been on my mind a lot and last night I had a strange dream where I was at the clinic in Belgium and there was a huge grizzly bear sat on the operating chair. I guess the bear was symbolic of something I love (teddy bears are cute) and something I’m afraid of (they can also be deadly!), I guess this is probably how I feel about my upcoming HT (not that it’s deadly, but you know what I mean).


As you can see from my profile pic, the shaved head look kinda suits me, but I long for the days when I could look even better just by styling my hair, but I don’t want to regret it…AARGH!! So confused….


So I wanted to ask, who here has had a HT with a forum recommended specialist and regretted it?

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I regret not going to SMG for my first procedure. You're going to a great doc, I'm sure it'll turn out to your liking.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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Hey A8, i'm happy for you... but its normal to have cold feet i would suspect, i dont have a ht yet but i also look like crap with a shaved head... honestly if i looked good with a shaved head i willnt be on this site. If you look good with a shaved head and you are ok with a shaved head i suggest stay with a shaved head. If not, then good luck to you ii wouldnt worry about your results from the reviews i have read about you doctor

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thanks guys, i'm nervous as hell, but at the same time i wish July was next week! lol I do want to go ahead with it, even tho a shaved head looks semi-decent on me, I long for my old look.


I've read lots of good things about feriduni, and i've now booked my transport the only thing worrying me is the time i'll need off work. Luckily i'm a contractor and my contract finishes at the end of June (HT is booked for 7th July), but they want to extend the contract, i'll have to explain i'm going for a HT and will need a month off or work from home for 3-4 weeks. I don't want to come into work looking like the elephant man! lol

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I am a bad patient, i faint at a blood test and It shows how much I wanted the HT that I went through with it 6 weeks ago. I had a few nerves the night before but i have to say it was a very positive experience for me and very empowering taking control and doing something for me. The procedure was no problem at all and in time if I ever felt the need for a 2nd HT then I would go for it.

Good Luck and no regrets.

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Yeah, I was one of those guys who had the right head shape for a shaved head too.


I doned it (off and on) from age 25 to age 41 but always felt like a slave to the razor machine.


Chicks were mostly the ones who would say "you look so much better with the shaved head"; but looking back I realize that was just them being polite because they thought I looked utterly ridiculous when i let it grow out some. And they would always (about 99.9% of the time) be walking out with some dweebish looking dude who was at least a solid NW 2 or less.


Dude, I have absolutely no regrets and now rate my decision to get this HT as one of the best things I have ever done for myself in my whole life!


It is NOT my imagination that women are turning their heads and smiling at me MUCH more often now than they did before; it is plainly obvious because pre-25 when I still had decent hair I was a lady killer and remember those days very, very well. It was so frickin easy because I didn't look like some stupid old geezer, or that guy with the shaved head who is obviously just trying to hide the fact he is balding badly.


Yes, I definitely had the right head shape for the shaved look -- yet it did me no favors from what I can remember of those sad days. :eek:

Edited by EpilepticSceptic
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Hi EpilepticS,


I think that on a personal note, your response has really hit home with me, and it's only reassured even more me that what i'm about to go and do is the right thing.


I can relate to almost everything you said, even down to the lady killer thing(LOL). When I was at uni, i had all the girls dying over me. And after I started losing my hair the looks went from: "regular>infrequent>hardly ever>whatever baldy!"


It's not even about the women though, i'm happily (ish) married it's just a reaffirmation that you are desired, and that's important for human beings, particularly me I guess.


I'm no longer dreading my HT in July, as a matter of fact, BRING IT ON! :-)

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  • Senior Member
Hi EpilepticS,


I think that on a personal note, your response has really hit home with me, and it's only reassured even more me that what i'm about to go and do is the right thing.


I can relate to almost everything you said, even down to the lady killer thing(LOL). When I was at uni, i had all the girls dying over me. And after I started losing my hair the looks went from: "regular>infrequent>hardly ever>whatever baldy!"


It's not even about the women though, i'm happily (ish) married it's just a reaffirmation that you are desired, and that's important for human beings, particularly me I guess.


I'm no longer dreading my HT in July, as a matter of fact, BRING IT ON! :-)



Even in a committed relationship baldness can still be a significant problem IMO. For example, before getting this HT and seeing it grow out if I ever mentioned to my girl that she was getting a bit chubby (and suggesting, very nicely, that we go bike riding more together) she would just get defensive and IMMEDIATELY mention my hairloss. The insinuation was obvious -- "how could YOU, Mr. Baldy, have anything to say about my weight. How dare you !"



How ironic it is that nowadays she has been riding the bike without me even having to ask. :P You see, this is how the female mind works; if she feels she "has you" locked in, she may very well feel comfortable in letting herself go and not caring about her looks any more. But if she feels THREATENED by other women (especially younger ones) being attracted to you, she WILL focus on looking good and keeping you stimulated.


This is why I often laugh at guys on here who claim they see bald/balding guys with hot chicks all the time -- they have NO IDEA about what goes on in those relationships behind closed doors. Many of those guys could be in a living hell situation.


When you get a little older like me you have already been thru alot of this so you have the bigger picture to look at, and the harsh truth is that baldness will ALWAYS be some type of disadvantage !!! It's a lose/lose situation no matter how much anybody tries to spin it.

Edited by EpilepticSceptic
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i m not that old but i can tell u guys that contrary to what the girls might say, at least in the asian society, its tough to be bald. U can be short ( obviously not midget-y short ) or face pilled with pimples ( which can be more easily fixed than hair loss ) but the worst is to spot that shiny bald head. I rank it as the next worse thing than can happen to us guys. Obviously impotency is the unanimous all time worst event that can strike us.

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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  • Senior Member
i m not that old but i can tell u guys that contrary to what the girls might say, at least in the asian society, its tough to be bald. U can be short ( obviously not midget-y short ) or face pilled with pimples ( which can be more easily fixed than hair loss ) but the worst is to spot that shiny bald head. I rank it as the next worse thing than can happen to us guys. Obviously impotency is the unanimous all time worst event that can strike us.


I couldn't agree more.


I find it funny that some of the men on this forum have made comments (and even started threads) about how women are less focused on appearence than men and less superficial, and can even find baldness attractive. Then when you look at the photos of the men saying this they either a) still have alot of hair left or b) have undergone a HT procedure because they simply couldn't tolerate the baldness stigma


In my real world experience I have found it to be completely the opposite; women are 1000 times more superficial and focused on appearence than are men, both concerning their own looks and their boyfriends/husbands/sex partners. I have often seen bald/balding guys willing to sink to the lowest and most debased levels of depravity imaginable just to get laid, whereas even the ugliest and filthiest hags seem to have much more of an easy time finding sex partners and seem to be able to choose more willingly who they'd like to be with.


Yes, there are many examples of attractive women with bald/balding men; but, like I've said before, look closer and you might discover that the picture is not really so rosy after all. Gold diggers are around every corner, and being in the entertainment biz I have come accross COUNTLESS jaded, bitter bald guys who bought the big diamond ring for the hot fashion model only to find themselves (often just 6 months to 2 years later) on the losing end of a bitter divorce -- in some cases even AFTER it was the wife who was discovered cheating on them with (GUESS WHO ?) that good looking guy with a FULL head of HAIR !!!


Again, it's a lose/lose situation and when you get a good bit of your hair back with a HT you suddenly and unexpectedly feel a strange sense of justice. :eek:

Edited by EpilepticSceptic
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I want that JUSTICE!!


I do agree with most of what you've said, I think women, for all their high and mighty sh!t are generally a lot more superficial about looks then men are. Sure looks are important to guys too, but guys get criticised all the time for calling their wives/girlfriends fat, and women retaliate by calling us Bald! but there's a difference, women can do something about their weight, if we could get on a treadmill and get our hair back this forum would not exist, and I'd be investing in treadmill stocks!

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While I agree that bald guys are at a disadvantage, dont make it sound like if your bald, you mine as well climb in a bunker and forget trying to get into a good relationship, etc. There are plenty of woman with blad guys who are in very healthy relationships. Just bececasue your bald does not mean the only way you can be in a relationship is to deal with "issues"; thats just silly.


If I was with someone who would throw the blad thing in my face when she got upset, lets just say I would not be with her for very long. None of my girlfriends have ever done that or would ever do that and yes, they were all attractive.


Baldness sucks (In fact it really sucks) but its not the end of the world.

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  • Senior Member
I want that JUSTICE!!


I do agree with most of what you've said, I think women, for all their high and mighty sh!t are generally a lot more superficial about looks then men are. Sure looks are important to guys too, but guys get criticised all the time for calling their wives/girlfriends fat, and women retaliate by calling us Bald! but there's a difference, women can do something about their weight, if we could get on a treadmill and get our hair back this forum would not exist, and I'd be investing in treadmill stocks!


Ha Ha !


I'm glad I am not the only one who has thought this way about obesity. It's funny because alot of people feel sympathy for the fat women who can't control their eating habits and who sit like beached whales on a couch in front of a TV set. But IT'S THEIR OWN FRICKIN FAULT THAT THEY ARE FAT !!!!


jesus man, how easy would that be if we could grow our hair back simply by adopting a healthy diet and excercising every day !!! I'd bet my left nut that every single guy on this forum would endure the harshest boot camp imaginable (with a big smile on their face the whole time) if it would just grow their hair back.


You simply CANNOT compare genetic hairloss to obesity. :cool:

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  • Senior Member
While I agree that bald guys are at a disadvantage, dont make it sound like if your bald, you mine as well climb in a bunker and forget trying to get into a good relationship, etc. There are plenty of woman with blad guys who are in very healthy relationships. Just bececasue your bald does not mean the only way you can be in a relationship is to deal with "issues"; thats just silly.


If I was with someone who would throw the blad thing in my face when she got upset, lets just say I would not be with her for very long. None of my girlfriends have ever done that or would ever do that and yes, they were all attractive.


Baldness sucks (In fact it really sucks) but its not the end of the world.




I know it's not the end of the world; I endured it for well over 17 years up til now. It never slowed me down or stopped me from getting chicks because I simply refused to let it do that to me.


But it did indeed cause me alot of pain and made courting women ALOT more difficult than it should have been. I've had quite a few relationships with very hot women over the years, some very painful and others not so much. But in every single case (including the current one) the balding definitely created complications that would have otherwise not been there. When you are with a chick who KNOWS how hot she is then you cannot fault her for using that to her advantage -- it's simply the way the female mind works IMO, and it doesn't mean that they are evil or malicious.


Even the sweetest, nicest ladies I have been with (with hearts of gold) always seem to have this premeditated vision of "prince charming", and he usually has at least NW2 hair. They may love you with all of their heart, but that doesn't mean that they are not thinking of "prince charming" in their mind whilst they are in the sack with YOU!


For most women, love has NOTHING to do with sex; there is usually a certain level of pragmatism involved in their view of love, hence the search for a mate who has a career, stability, etc. But when it comes to SEX they are thinking of something totally different. Most men, on the other hand, associate love with sex and in many cases cannot even learn to love a woman UNTIL a certain level of sexual fulfillment is involved. Then they will learn to endure alot of heartache and headaches caused by the woman because they cannot escape the addiction to the sex -- if it is good.


Anyway, these are my views from many years of experience in many different relationships.

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