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Lorenzo 1 year photos


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Thanks Baldecristo like I said the before pictures were flattering. We are all in the same boat I see alot of before pictures or people upset about hairloss that I say to myself if I had hair like that I would be happy.


As I stated before the lighting is not the same but it was not done on purpose. I feel even with the same lighting the different is mininal.

Thanks to websites like this people are very educated concerning hair loss and hair transplanation. My example is not the best when it comes to transformation and hair transplants since I have alot less loss compared to most. I want to share my story because I am happy with my transplant. Whether somebody get one done or goes to Dr. A B or C I really dont care. I am not showing my result so people will have a transplant or go to H&W. I have full respect for people that are bald or balding that doesnt let it affect there lives and dont worry about it.

All these top doctor are busy regardless of what is said on any websites. Website like this one helps educate people and helps them make a better decision.

In my opinion Tsakalos is not warning us of anything that an average educated person cant see on his own.

Hair transplant is cosmetic surgery.

You will not die if you go bald.

There is not such think as a perfect transplant as there is no such thing as perfection in anything.

Not all doctor are the same.

Regardless of the result there will always be people that arent happy with a great transplant.

Some people insecurity about hairloss is deeper than more hair.

A transplant changes a person appearance but not his thinking.

Those who want unrealistic results will never be happy.

A hair transplant doctor is not a mental doctor.


I wanted a transplant to improve my appearance. I was able to do so, so I have a transplant. It was not life or death but I wanted one. As for my thinking I was an asshole before and now I am an asshole with more hair.;)

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


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Hey lorenzo. I ll tell u what. Instead of going back to the clinic for pics, why dont u make your own photos, out in the natural light, from all corners, they way i do them ? Its really easy thing to do, the sun must not hit the scalp, just natural light instead of room light. Its really an easy task.


IMO i dont mind whether u will make more pics or not, but since u said u will, why going back to the clinic and not making your own pics ?

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I will take picturesi when somebody comes by to help me. I took a video its not the best but gives you an idea






Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


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Thanks Sean its not the best video. Looking at your before pictures you have an incredible starting point and donor area. Good luck on whatever decision you make.


I tryed to take a video of the back you cant see it at all. Once i get someone to help me I will do that

Edited by lorenzo

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


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Tskalos/ Megatron I agree the lighting a bit darker this was not done on purpose when I go back I will take more pictures. Regardless I look better in person and by using a high definition camera the result dont look as flattering as real life. I understand that both you guys lately have seemed quick to question anything H&W does but that is your agenda I guess. Megatron you told me once in my blog that you were expected me to have a wow result yet you recieved 3100 in your the same area I recieved 2500. How about your WOW result? Are you happy with your result? How about your pictures can you post some better quality ones?


I don't understand this post at all.


I said your hair looks great, but your post-op pictures aren't the best and you decide to attack me because of it and imply I have something against H&W?


then you go on to shoot a video with the same deceiving lighting conditions and you even admit that by using a high def camera the results wound't look as flattering as real which is pretty much consistent with my point.


and then you go on to imply my results aren't good which has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation. and you also say that my pictures aren't high quality? again, I don't understand what you're talking about because if anything I'm making my HT look worse then it is because of the wet hair, direct light and high def pics. feel free to say whatever you like on my thread dude, but let's keep this one to you.

Edited by Megatron
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Megatron thanks for being civil. I am confused but I am sure I confused you.


then you go on to shoot a video with the same deceiving lighting conditions and you even admit that by using a high def camera the results wound't look as flattering as real which is pretty much consistent with my point.





Where did I say that the result would look as flattering using a high defintion camera? I stated.



Regardless I look better in person and by using a high definition camera the result dont look as flattering as real life


I have said this in past posts. This states using a high definition camera is not as flattering as real life. In my experience and many clinic that use high def will agree that a person look better in real life then in pictures when using high def camera. That is why some clinic wont use an after picture under the worst condition (non flash high def camera).

I also stated that my before pictures with blonde hair and long hair preop gave me the illusion of alot more hair that I had. So the contrast if much less in picture than it would be in I took before picture with shorter dark hair. This is my mistake I should have cut my hair short and left it darker.



Megatron you told me once in my blog that you were expected me to have a wow result yet you recieved 3100 in your the same area I recieved 2500. How about your WOW result? Are you happy with your result? How about your pictures can you post some better quality ones?



My comments were in no way to insult your result , if I did that I apologize. My comments were that you were quick on questions the lighting in my after pictures (which I agree were a bit darker not on purpose). In contrast the lighting and the quality in your after pictures are no where near as good as mine are. I was curious as what Tskalos would say about your result since he seems critical of mine. Takng after with wet hair doesnt say much unless you have before pictures will wet hair. I have friends that hair look real dense even with wet hair they look alot thinner. I have never agreed with clinics that take before wet hair pictures and after dry pictures.


I tryed to take my own pictures and video I stated it is not the best quality. This is why I have never posted of my own pictures until Tskalos asked me to.


Megatron are you happy with your result? I am very happy with mine

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


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BTW Megatron I woke up I bit and read it again.


You made very little sense


I said your hair looks great, but your post-op pictures aren't the best and you decide to attack me because of it and imply I have something against H&W?




Then you say


then you go on to shoot a video with the same deceiving lighting conditions


I am not decieving anyone. I tryed to take pictures and video myself as Tskalos asked me, it was not the best and I stated that. Anyone is welcome to come meet me in person if they wish I have nothing at all to hide. Decieving means to mislead by deliberate misrepresentation or lies.

I have done none of the above and you say that you are not attacking?

Let me be honest and in no way this is not attacking just being honest since you find it appropriote to point out that I am being decietful. I dont like being called a liers which is what you said by calling me decieving.

My pictures are much better quality in before and after than yours. For somebody that appears anal why are you not the same way about your photos? If I dissected your results and pictures like you did with me I would have alot to say.This is what I call a hypercrite, take a look at this in the dictionary. I normally dont like to comment negitively about any doctors results so I wont say a word about your results. Only that it is nice of your doctor to offer you a free touch up.

Edited by lorenzo

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


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Although Tsakalos brought up a valid point, it's unfortunate that Lorenzo's thread has turned into an argument. The lighting is different but I think the trained eye can factor these things in when judging the pre/post op transformation and the overall quality of the hair transplant. The photos are all clear enough.


Lorenzo, I think the result looks great. The blonde dye wasn't exactly flattering even if it did reduce the hair/scalp contrast. I understand why you did it though. So often hairloss sufferers feel that minimizing the appearance of bare scalp is a priority and that living with, say, a hairstyle that we dislike, is a price worth paying. So part of the success of a transplant would be that feeling that we are able to ditch those annoying routines and treatments that we put ourselves through to try and disguise our thinning hair.

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Thanks Matt you represent a great doctor. I agree that I didnt want this to turn into an argument. The fact that lighting is different is true but it was not done to give an appearance of a better after results. I was not trying to decieve anyone that was got me a bit upset. I talked to Joe today its not that the lighting is different is that the mode on the camera needed to be changed when there is less brightness in the room.

Althought I realized that the lighting was different I believe it was not decietful and when I take newer pictures the result will remain very simular. My result is not an amazing result but an average result that is too be expected from a top clinic. As a hairloss patients I was posting as a patient to show my results not to try to sell anyone or fool anyone.

Thanks again Matt I agree with what you are saying. I usually like to streak my hair in the summer and keep it short.

Just like this video of me


My hair blonder does look thicker.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


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very good hair but like the other person says the before pics are in much brighter lighting than the post opp. its a bit annoying to see. still very good tho

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Balboa thanks for sharing your story. I understand the lighting is different. It honestly was not done on purpose and once I go back to the clinic I will take more after pictures with better lighting.

What amazing me is that doctor post pictures with wet before and after dry pics or worst after lighting or the famous combover (where not transplanted hair in the sides are used to give the illlusion of a better transplant):D. Nobody says a word at all I post pictures with the lighting a bit darker and I am being deceitful.


Anyones thats again.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


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for the record, I never said anything negative towards you or your result so I don't think I deserve this hostility. I do believe you're intelligent enough to realize that the post-op pictures / videos you took make your post-op look better than it is. deception is a harsh word, but it's the word I chose so I guess I'll stick by it.


once again, I'm not saying your results are bad! in fact, I have no clue how good / bad your results are because your pre-op and post op photos in your blog are impossible to compare.


If I dissected your results and pictures like you did with me I would have alot to say.This is what I call a hypercrite, take a look at this in the dictionary. I normally dont like to comment negitively about any doctors results so I wont say a word about your results. Only that it is nice of your doctor to offer you a free touch up.


you're saying I'm a hypocrite because my pictures are deceiving and you imply that if you weren't such a nice guy you'd tell me my results suck. again, feel free to post whatever you want on my blog as I'm happy to have this discussion with you there.


Non sono io cattivo sei tu troppo delicato.

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Megatron I dont want to argue with you anyone. I agreed from the beginning my after pictures lighting was a bit darker. Still I believe even with different lighting the quality of picture is still very good. I may even go tomorrow and take more pictures. Will you pay my gas?? ;)

I never said your pictures were decieving my point is I believe my after pictures are a much better quality than yours.


once again, I'm not saying your results are bad! in fact, I have no clue how good / bad your results are because your pre-op and post op photos in your blog are impossible to compare.



If you ever make it to Vancouver they have an incredible deal on laser surgery for eyes :D. Since you find it impossible to compare I can only blame that on your eyes.

Honestly man how can you say that? My comparison are much easier to compare than yours. I am not saying you did this on react but this what I see. If you give my permission I would like to put your before and after picture next to each other, on this post.


Per favore non mi dire che sei italiano. Io non sono delicato,sono siciliano.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


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Lorenzo, u are a joker mate! That said, Megatron indeed did not say anything negative abt your results so let it rest mate, although i must add this. Megatron, like what Dr Simmons said, taking photos of spiked up wet hair under light is definitely not going to please people. Just a thought, thats all, dun come rattling at me like i am Starscream LOL

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wb280 no worries thanks for your opinion. I am having fun with Megatron. I feel he is taking the piss out of me telling me that it impossible to compare my pictures.


Thanks again!

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


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LOL I had to look that up. But do Optimus Prime and Megatron make peace at the end of do they fight to their death?


My picture show me with light hair :D this picture is before my transplant


Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


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You must be very happy with your results, that what really matters. Infact in postop photos your hair looks amazing no doubt. Like everybody else I am also disappointed for not being able to compare your preop and postop photos. Members like me who are panning to have HT would like to look at photos posted by patients rather than by doctors. If we can compare preop and postop photos that would help us to determine what a good doctor can achieve. If you can post some photos in more light, It would helps us to have realistic goals.

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Thanks Baldingbro I understand and next time I am at H&W I will take better pictures. There is alot of tricks when showing pictures I was not out to deciet anyone in fact I never looked at the pictures until I was at home. Having said my after pictures although a bit darker are still done high quality with no flash. I can show you many example where the flash used, before wet pictures the famous combover and low quality pictures posted by other and nobody says a thing. Although there is a different in the lighting in my pictures my after pictures are much more realistic to the truth than many that post after pictures.

Thanks again

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


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LOL @ the Optimus vs Megatron picture. good find.


lorenzo, I'd prefer you not post my before / after pics on this thread for the simple fact that this is your thread, not mine. I'll do a series of before and after pics on my thread for my 12 month results which is in a couple of weeks.


i miei genitori sono entrambi abruzzesi. io abito in toronto.

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Megatron no worries. I am not going to take this personal anymore. Now that I know you are not only a brother in hair transplant but now a pazzano I cant give you a hard time anymore ;).


When I have time (I live 40 KM away) to go to the clinic I will take more pictures and this thread will finally end. With Optimus Prime pervailing once again!!

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


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I did go there yesterday and take new pictures. I asked Joe to post them for me since I had to get going. Joe is leaving today for Italy so I guess he had alot on his mind and forgot.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


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These are my pictures.







Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


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