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Dr. Ron Shapiro VS Dr Rahal for (hairline)


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Ciao, Im planning to do a hairline repair by next year. I heard Dr. ron shapiro and Dr. Rahal are the kings of hairlines. And both Minnesota and Ottawa are same distance from Roma also same prices and great rates for international patients, especially i need 2000-3000 grafts almost... Could you tell me who is better in your own point of view? Thx...Grazie.

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  • Senior Member
Ciao, Im planning to do a hairline repair by next year. I heard Dr. ron shapiro and Dr. Rahal are the kings of hairlines. And both Minnesota and Ottawa are same distance from Roma also same prices and great rates for international patients, especially i need 2000-3000 grafts almost... Could you tell me who is better in your own point of view? Thx...Grazie.

Hi, I'll leave it up to others to comment on who is best, but is your graft estimate based on a consultation with either of these doctors? It would be a good idea to seek an actual consultation with both so they can tell you what they think.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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  • Regular Member

Pls guys,,, Just name me one? Your own opinion.. Too much politics right here haha. Ron shapiro and rahal are with too different approaches in hair transplant...one beleives in dense packing and one doesnt, one beleives in lateral slits only and the others beleives in both with prefereing sagittal.. one has thicker results than the other, and one is more cautious in yielding and donor hair extracting than other.. I guess you guys know about that,,, I know both are the best thats why i choosed them...just type me a name and thats it... thanx...

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Man I think this is the third time this week that this question has been asked LOL!


While both are great in their own right, if the hairline is important to you (like it would be to me), then Rahal certainly goes denser. You could probably talk Shapiro into whatever you want if you have good donor and have stabilized your hairloss.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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  • Regular Member

I can't tell you who is best or which Doc to choose, but I know I've chosen Dr. Ron Shapiro and SMG for my own transplant in the coming months.


I'm a mid 40's guy whose an early Norwood 6-- been that way for many years. I have no hairline at all-- just a small tuff in the center of my forehead.


So I feel the risk of surgery is worth it to re-establish a hairline and frontal 1/3 presence of hair.


I've done a lot of research and there is no one in my view that provides consistent quality results.


SMG has the people, the skills, the experienced team of techs, and the man himself who essentially wrote the book on hair transplants.


Dr. Shapiro also has a worldwide reputation. Not only for his quality work but as a caring, compassionate man with a great "bedside manner"


Dr. Ron Shapiro is the man other docs go to to have their own work done.


I can't speak for others, but the above is the guy I want working on my scalp.


Every patient is different and the variables with regards to donor hair, coverage, skin types, healing, etc. are just to numerous to quantify and come up with a definitive answer as to who is best for YOU.


All I know is that I've chosen Dr. Shapiro because I feel he and his group are the BEST in the world at what they do. After years of researching this topic and searching the net, listening to stories, etc. I've found nothing that negates this view.


I think my goals and expectations are very much in line with what Dr. Shapiro can provide. As a result, I'm confident of a successful outcome.



Edited by Unregistered
The beginning of this post referenced a post that was removed due to misleading information.
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Forum member Antoniov appears to be creating a number of accounts in order to ask and answer his own questions in order to stir up controversy. I've already been able to pinpoint 3 of his accounts which includes Antoniov, DON007, and NAS007. While the IP address doesn't match the others, I can't help but wonder given the controversial nature of Hal's post, if he's somehow related to this group. I did send him a private message last night and haven't heard back yet.


I will be providing these IP addresses to JoTronic and any other potentially interested party who was attacked by this poster and let them begin any investigation they'd like to do in tracking down this person.


In the meantime, I do encourage the poster to cease and desist in trying to stir up senseless controversy amongst several leading hair restoration physicians.



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how does a person go to such lengths to stir controversy?

Pretty unbelievable, but it's like why on earth would you do that?

3 accounts with different IP's? What is the reason for it? What is there to gain out of all this?

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Update: I spoke with Hal privately and believe he's a legitimate member who was inconveniently caught in the crossfire of covert posting attempts by others.


As most of you know, we truly encourage and appreciate any and all members who provide their genuine opinions on any hair loss related topic or surgeon. However, covert manipulation or distortion of the facts in order to peddle hidden agendas prevents community members and guests from getting sincere information.


While this posters agenda is a bit inconspicuous, the creation of multiple accounts makes his agenda more obvious. By creating topics with seemingly genuine questions and then answering them in favor of one particular clinic over the other, he is attempting to steer members and guests away from the other clinic. We always welcome members to share their genuine opinions including which clinics they favor. However, manipulation and covert tactics are highly frowned upon by this community and prohibted according to our terms of service.


Anyone else is welcome to share their genuine opinions and experiences to this topic.


Best wishes,



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