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New blog entry H&W 4300 grafts


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  • Senior Member

Hi everyone,


I've created a blog of my recent HT and its progress. I don't post here much and probably won't post much in the future as I'm just too busy with other things but do enjoy coming and reading about all the experiences.


I hope my addition to the collection helps someone in the future to decide whether to ( or not ) have a HT. I think the more variation the blog has of different types of heads, hair, procedures and general diversity etc.. helps those that are seeking info. I know it helped me immensely so that is the reason I have added one.


Sorry about the linus picture..


My Blog




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  • Senior Member

Hi everyone,


I've created a blog of my recent HT and its progress. I don't post here much and probably won't post much in the future as I'm just too busy with other things but do enjoy coming and reading about all the experiences.


I hope my addition to the collection helps someone in the future to decide whether to ( or not ) have a HT. I think the more variation the blog has of different types of heads, hair, procedures and general diversity etc.. helps those that are seeking info. I know it helped me immensely so that is the reason I have added one.


Sorry about the linus picture..


My Blog




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  • Senior Member

Great looking hair transplant. I think the hairline and temple work makes it look extremely natural. That number of grafts should also provide great coverage / thickness.


*Very* impressive scar! I could barely even see it. That should look great in no time.




1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Thanks guys, I am happy so far. The grafts are jumping ship now and I'm kinda glad. This lets me live the old me one more time which will make it that much sweeter once I'm mopped.




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  • Senior Member

honestly if your level of baldness was where you were at before your first transplant with NHI that looks awesome( i dont see what was bad with it you had good coverage). ur new hairline is much better though on that note, and appears to be very dense. one of the best ive seen so far. in my opinion

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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Yeah I know my thinning isn't what could be called severe but if I was concerned enough 10 years ago to touch up my hairline, I guess that shows my vanity. But if I hadn't had a first procedure I would have had a pretty deep receding hairline today. At this point though, I could've gotten away with just a repair of a couple thousand grafts, maybe even a thousand and I did seriously consider this. Much cheaper route for sure, but I decided if was going under I was going to do it as best as possible.


What's bud?




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  • Senior Member

man wasn't trying to insult you for it just so you know, was just thinking to myself your hairtransplant with NHI couldn't have been that bad because your hair looked fine to me.(then again ive never had a hair transplant) goodluck with your new one . and its marijuana.

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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  • Senior Member

Oh no, I didn't take it as an insult, did I come across that way? sorry about that. Well take a look at the 2 pics in this post and you'll see how bad it really was.


My pits


Oh duh, I should have looked closer at your avitar icon_wink.gif

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  • Senior Member

Rambler, When I came online a few minutes ago I couldn't believe it was the same guy, you, posting your post HT pictures!! It seems like just a few weeks ago or less you were contemplating your situation and that your girlfreind looked at you real weird after you thought she saw your pitting; I hope that's accurate. You really took care of business quickly and went to Canada. I'm really surprised you got such a big session. I was thinking that you were probably going to do 1000 grafts or so!! Nice!! Dr. Hasson is a super-surgeon and that includes his artistic ability. You can see the ultra steady hand and straight lines he draws. I'm glad to see he did your temples also. I have a lop-sided head somewhat, one ear is lower than the other and I wanted a "point" on my hairline like a couple actors, Andy Garcia, and Dr. Hasson drew it in unbelievably symetrical, compensating for the uneveness to leave it perfect!!!! A freind of mine saw it and couldn't believe it either. You have a lot to look forward to and enjoy!

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Thanks Chucky, it was 2 days work but worth it I think.




Yep, same person. Actually I have been researching this for more time than I have been on this forum. When I joined this forum was when I was certain I needed to do something for real. Besides, I already had been through one so I had lived the experience of the generalities and healing etc..


My girlfriend didn't care one way or the other, it was after we split up and dating again that it became an issue, and then it was a real issue.


Towards the end I had a short list of surgeons to go with. I wouldn't hesitate to go with either Dr. Wong or Dr. Feller but decided on Dr. Hasson in the end and am pleased so far. Do you have a blog somewhere to look at your results? Sounds like you are real happy with yours.

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  • Senior Member

Rambler, I need to create a blog, but after two HTs over 4-5 years with weak results I was somewhat apathetic as you could imagine, so before I started jumping for joy, I layed low and just wanted to see some hair coming in first and did it start coming in!!

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  • Regular Member

Hi looks nice rambler.

But I have to say that you already had a good amount of hair on top. For such a small area 4300 grafts seems much to me. It reminds me of Armaniicon_smile.gif.

Allthough you're advantage is that you are already in your 40's so the probability that you will loose more hair is less than someone in his 20's.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

Likewise -- I'm not getting directed to your blog via the links.


It is good to see that things appear to be going so well, though; I remember when you first posted about your dilemma with NHI and the "pitting".


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I also cannot find it anymore.


Under the administrative tool, I see that Rambler has deactivated his blog from showing on the web.


Rambler, if you would like to show your blog, please log into your blog at www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog and re-activate your blog.


I have the ability to re-enable it also, but if this user did this on purpose, I don't want to re-activate it without his say so.



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Hey guys, I took the blog down temporarily whilst updating it. I will be putting it up again soon. Guess I could fix it up tonight.


Everything seems to be going good. I'm one month post-op and have lost 80-90% of the newly planted grafts. I think I may have a few "early sprouters" too even at this stage but can't be for certain.


I'm definitely in the waiting phase though so after I put the blog back up it will be a while until new entries are posted, or unless a miracle or something happens.



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