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Falceros 11 month photos

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Hello everyone,


For all of you who have been asking, I have updated my photo album. But because I have so many high resolution photos in it, with the flash media, computers have a tendency to run slowly and/or lock up.


So I thought I'd post the links to some of the pictures on this thread.


Overall, I am very satisfied with my results, though you can tell there are still some thinner areas that I'd like to address with a 4 surgery in a couple years. All the pictures were taken with a flash due to the fact that natural lighting wasn't available to me when I took these. Keep in mind some areas will look thicker whereas other areas will look thinner.


Keep in mind that I would be a full NW6 (except for the area below my crown that I believe is being kept with Propecia) with absolutely no native hair on the top of my head.


My hair in the front is a little longer than mid scalp to the crown area as well. Growing my hair longer will help make the hair appear thicker due to the feathering effect. But I really like how I can style my hair a little better with it being a little shorter.


Pictures below:


11 month left side

11 month right side

11 month top/crown

11 month back

11 month full face

11 month top angled

11 month hairline



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Hello everyone,


For all of you who have been asking, I have updated my photo album. But because I have so many high resolution photos in it, with the flash media, computers have a tendency to run slowly and/or lock up.


So I thought I'd post the links to some of the pictures on this thread.


Overall, I am very satisfied with my results, though you can tell there are still some thinner areas that I'd like to address with a 4 surgery in a couple years. All the pictures were taken with a flash due to the fact that natural lighting wasn't available to me when I took these. Keep in mind some areas will look thicker whereas other areas will look thinner.


Keep in mind that I would be a full NW6 (except for the area below my crown that I believe is being kept with Propecia) with absolutely no native hair on the top of my head.


My hair in the front is a little longer than mid scalp to the crown area as well. Growing my hair longer will help make the hair appear thicker due to the feathering effect. But I really like how I can style my hair a little better with it being a little shorter.


Pictures below:


11 month left side

11 month right side

11 month top/crown

11 month back

11 month full face

11 month top angled

11 month hairline



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If you take a look at my albums below, you'll see how far I've come. Even the before pictures however, don't do justice to the result since I have lost all my native hair on top of my head since the before pictures.


I will take some pictures in natural lighting sometime in the next month and post them (like I did for my 8 month pictures).


I am very happy with my result - however I would like to add some density at some point in the thinning areas in the next few years. But I am liking how I look again and have much more hair than I used to. So I'm not in a big hurry to get another HT right away.


Thanks for asking,



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  • Senior Member

just out of curiosity from someon who has never had a ht before: how do you know you have lost all of your native hairs? are the transplanted hairs of a completelly different texture?


And, of course you have had a huge transformation, that goes without saying. Im only asking about the "without flash" photos, as you pointed out to me recently how significant this can change the overall picture for better and for worse. Glad to see your new pictures and to hear your happy with your results.

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  • Regular Member

Wow Bill, you have come a long way man. Cant believe the transformation.


Looking at you from the front i cant even tell you had lost any hair or you had a HT. Looks so awesome and natural, and your gonna have this for the rest of your life. Damm i am so jealous because you have a better hairline than me. (I am at a NW 2)But i have a denser back half icon_biggrin.gif


Anyways Bill, keep us posted with more good news. Congrats on HTs



OOh can i also add that man put your shirt on cause you make some of us look like sissies icon_biggrin.gif

Man i dont wanna sound gay, but man i wouldnt mind having a body like yours too.

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  • Senior Member

Looks good buddy


You have come a long way!!


It's a shame your hair is so straight. Get a perm and your hair would look thicker.. I am lucky as my wavy hair covers a bit


You still have a couple months though!



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Guest wanthairs

looks great and a big difference from your 8 month pics.....Do you think the scar exceeds your safe zone though?????


In any case, it looks greta and I wouldnt bother with any more procedures.....if i were you

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I have always liked your results. It is quite an amazing transformation and a very natural look. In your particular case I don't believe that your safe zone is compromised. Possibly at some point but I think that you would be in your late 70s or 80s. Just a guess ofcourse but you have very thick sides.


The only area that I personally believe some surgeons might address a little better is the density of the central core. Again it is a question of coverage vs. density and I don't believe that H&W like to mess around with DFU's or TFU's.


It looks to me like the hairline has not only increased in density. but has started to soften a little. Any chance of risking a wet, slicked back couple of photos. I know we all like to shy away from those as they tend to reveal the true density, but just thought I'd ask.


Take care,





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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  • Senior Member

Bill looks great!!!!!


However, I had a hard time focusing on the hairline with all of the exposed chest hair!!!!!!


Holy Cow....... John Travolta???????


Anyway, you look good bro and I second NN--- I think a little shot into the central core and your done.


Looks Great!!


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Hello everyone,


Thank you for all the comments.


I'll try to answer some questions...


Regarding the safe zone...I've actually answered this on another thread, but here goes briefly.


There's been a lot of discussion about the safe zone and to me, there is a general safe zone and then a specific one. My scar does extend beyond the "general" safe zone in that if I did end up a NW7, my scar would extend into that area and I'd also lose some (but not much) transplanted hair. However, though I acknowledge the risk, with Dr. Hasson's professional opinion regarding my family history of hair loss combined with my hair characteristics and fact that there is no miniaturization in that area, I chose to let him take hair that extended beyond the general safe zone into what he believes is my specific safe zone.


Wet hair obviously would reveal a different picture as the hair clumps together revealing more scalp. I wouldn't say it "reveals true density" though as density is not defined by wet or dry hair but by the number of grafts/hairs in a given area. So wet hair will always appear less dense than dry hair. Perhaps I'll take some of those pictures as well at some point.


LOL B...yeah, I would be a great candidate for BHT assuming that one day there is some more consistency with it. Here's hoping icon_wink.gif.


Oh and I know I lost all my native hairs but a few toward the central region because Dr. Hasson examined my scalp prior to my third HT and there is an observable difference between transplanted and native hairs, especially with magnification.


If I missed any questions, shoot them at me again.


Thanks for the encouragement guys.



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  • Senior Member

Point of note


Bill is also on Propecia to STABILIZE future loss. That is the wild card as ideally his loss will not progress to the safe Zone



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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thanks bro!




You are correct. I would suspect however, that if I came off Propecia that I wouldn't lose the hair on the sides of my head but only the hair below my crown. But as I said...this is a projection and can never ben guaranteed. But I'd like to keep the native hair I have in the back below my crown (and everywhere else) so I stay on Propecia. This will minimize my risk as well.



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  • Regular Member



Thanks for the update...your transformation has been truly amazing...I'm definitely envious of your results...everything looks extremely natural...isn't it great to only wear a hat when you "want" to although I'm sure you might want to proudly display your PHILLIES hat today!

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  • Senior Member

Bill, you are looking awesome. Thanks for the great and honest pics. (Why not show honest pics with work like yours?) icon_smile.gif


Too bad BHT doesn't seem to work much, because you have about 35k grafts of donor chest hair. icon_eek.gif


My blog.


HT1: 4063 grafts by Dr. Hasson, 12/9/03


HT2: 3537 grafts by Dr. Hasson, 5/15/06


Total grafts: 7,600

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Hey Bill,


I better chime in before I make you feel bad again, lol. Your hairs are coming in nicely. Way to go! I'm very happy for you.


When are u coming up to see me? I think it's about time you made the trip so you can't say you're the only one who hasn't seen me.

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Thanks for the encouragement my friend. I have worn a hat so much the last several years that it's very rare that I wear one today. I finally feel good about the way I look without a hat! icon_smile.gif.


Btw...it's also good to see you come out of retirement and join us on the forums again icon_smile.gif. I had forgotten how long you've been a member (2001). Glad to see you in live chat also!




Thanks man! I believe in posting photos from all angles in all types of lighting to show the reality of a hair transplant. I'll tell you though...considering I was a NW6, I'm very impressed with my results!




You didn't really make me feel bad...but it IS good to hear from you icon_smile.gif. I am hoping sometime in the not too far future that I will be able to come and visit with you. Of course, if you are ever in PA in the meantime, let me know icon_smile.gif.



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Hi Bill,icon_smile.gif


I was pretty much joshing about visiting me up here in MN. Pat is here and we were joking about Grace and her flirtation with you while most likely being a guy with a beater shirt on with a beer gut. Anyway, just having some fun with you. We'll meet sometime soon with you being in the biz now. Maybe Pat will send you checking out clinics in the Hairforce One. Keep up the awesome job you do on the forum(no joshing).

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Well I would actually like to come up and visit you, Dr. Shapiro, and other clinics at some point. Perhaps eventually! But yes, I am sure we'll meet at some point...I count on it icon_wink.gif


Yeah, I prefer to think of Grace as the picture of the beautiful girl she posted. I'm sure she pulled that from a magazine ad somewhere. No wife beater beer gut dudes better be hitting on me icon_mad.gif



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