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Crown 1126 grafts


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All I can add is that the placement of these grafts was done in a fashion I have not seen since the 80's.


That said, I believe another doctor could make subtle changes to this in following surgeries to conceal the corn rows. Provided enough donor hair is available.


It was absolutely essential to remove this doctor from the recommended list of surgeons based on this evidence, it simply cannot be explained away. And to think it cost this patient as much as it did only adds insult to injury.


On the bright side, even if it does not turn out the way the patient had hoped its very likely it could be fixed up in the future.

Just be careful how (and where) you use your future grafts and keep this in mind.

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I don't think it's fair to compare this case to DaveJoseph. Whether or not he had negative results is unknown because he never produced the pictures we asked him to provide.


I believe DaveJoseph unfairly maligned Dr. Martinick.


Yet it is clear based on what we have seen here that Dr. Martinick's methods (at least in this case) are questionable. Therefore, we can no longer recommend her on our network at this time.



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wanthairs wrote


I had been readin quite alot of negative things about martinick for a while on a different site


Can you provide me a link so I can see ?


wylie wrote

It was absolutely essential to remove this doctor from the recommended list of surgeons based on this evidence, it simply cannot be explained away. And to think it cost this patient as much as it did only adds insult to injury


Wait for the results, also she is the only doctor in the southern hemisphere with any skill at all...how can you just recommend everybody in australia to travel to the USA ? Also may i write, as the only doctor in the australia with any cred where is the patients that talk negative about her ??? please provide some links..


nervousnelly wrote

Her reputation was/is on the line and she didn't seem to even know or research who the patient was.


Classic case of misreading her email...what i got from that message is patient confidentiality, her way of saying I cannot confirm nor deny this patient due to confidentiality.


Day 7

Gave my hair a buzz, scar can now be seen as hair at back was shaved undernealth...oops...not to worry i can conceal it using a techinique called a magic marker !!! it works great too...same results as before..scabs are coming off...ive only lost one graft on day4 and it was a 3 hair graft too damn it !!!



Day 9 today...

Im feeling good, so good to have hair where it was once bald...the front part of my hair seem lacklustre before but now with the addition off these hairs on the crown it seems a switch has been flicked and it feels great in the front and the back...

It is exact today and last nite i have notice significant improvment in my condition

Ive been keeping an eye on the results and am less worried about the comments on this site...it will make a big cosmetic difference is my opinion as i can already see some results...just as it is now i can live with but it will get better as well..!


my shock loss has stabilised and i think things are starting to get better. Hair is starting to blend in well with the previous work done...it feels so nice to have hair on my crown !!!!


ive updated the pics


Can I ask you guys at what day did you notice most significant improvement , cosmetically and health of hair??

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No one wants your surgery to turn out well more than me. Trust me. From what Ive seen there is no reason it wont.



There are much more articulate and informed people here who were not happy with this placement of grafts for only one issue to be concerned about. I would have to agree.


On another thread a poster mentioned he can spot HT at meters away and he is posting in Greece. Says you cannot find a good surgeon there anywhere and he wont get a HT


I dont know anything about this surgeon other than the pics. you posted and based on this it stands in sharp contrast to procedures in the U.S.


The coalition doctors are graded based on their standing and surgical skill among their peers, for one thing, and her peers in the U.S. would likely not have done that type of work (coalition doctors, others perhaps would have)


Thats the only real issue here, not whether or not your HT will please you or it will look good. It may look great. And I surely hope it does. However, in the future, research all your options and ask lots of questions of members here would be my advice before ever visiting this doctor for more work. And I surely hope everything turns out well, I also realize there can be a SHORTAGE of highly skilled doctors in the U.S., so living so far from the U.S. can only mean your situation in this regard is MUCH worse.


Good luck!

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Charlieb . Hope all turns out well. I too had graphs in the crown area some years ago. All turned out great. About 800 and some 300 towards front. I was just going in to add density. But happy to report no shockloss at all. And I had a lot more hair than you had up there . Anyway I would say about 6 months is when I started seeing the improvement . But I don't understand this quote"Wait for the results, also she is the only doctor in the southern hemisphere with any skill at all" I went to your area to get in done from the states.

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where did you go to get it done...from what i have been reading and seeing Canada is the place with the best surgeons...in hindsight i could off went there at roughly a bit more but i could off squeezed in a holiday as well...and proby mush more density would be achieved...

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I went to Australia. I had it done by Dr. Woods. This is only after I had a chance to go to 2 seminars that were offered in N.Y and I had a chance to meet at least a dozen of his patients . And after consulting with many docs here in the states too. Just liked what I saw. There is much information on the net but contacting former patients yourself is the way to go for final descions in my opinion. I went then and would go again if I even need another in my life.

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Charlie:

not trying to beat up a dead horse, but i read a post a few weeks ago regarding a patient having a procedure done by Dr Martinick, see link below. It really disturbed me. Most of the grafts planted 3 years before are no longer growing.


I am surprised that Bill and Pat did not investigated further on that issue.




I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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as far as that patient, as Bill and hairbank mentioned, and I also agree, it appears that the patient lost most of his native hair in the frontal receipent area; the patient also mentioned that he stopped taking finasteride--that would accelerate the loss of the native hair; so there is no relevance IMO between that case and Charlies....

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The 2 cases are in deed somewhat different. What bothers me more is the planning and technique in general. It saddens me that physicians are still performing HT's such as this. I hope that things work out as best as possible for Charlie.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Thanks for bringing this to our attention.


If you have read this entire thread, you will see that Dr. Martinick is no longer recommended in this community because we have lost faith in her ability to perform state of the art hair transplantation.



I do see that this patient case predates the Charlieb case and it does appear that he may have lost some of his transplanted hair. Unfortunately, I cannot speak for what was or wasn't done during that time as it predated my Associate Publisher position.


However, as soon as I saw these immediately postoperative pictures posted by Charlieb, action was taken.


Best wishes,



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  • 1 month later...
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Ive updated the pics, im looking much less bald now!!! im happy , although abit more growth would be very very nice...Dr Jen has been checking up on my progress and she said that at 4 mths the majority off men only have 20% growth, which Im not so sure is correct in my case, hope she knows better than me...although it is my head and i think the figure is about 85% already grown or maybe even 95%...lets hope i have more density...

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I don't see any cosmetic differance really, however, that is normal at 4 months; no way that 85-95% are "already grown." this is the time when everything is just beginning to happen;

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  • 3 months later...
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Ive updated my pics...there is a difference to the appearance and anyone that says there is no difference must not be seeing the whole picture...maybe my before and after pictures are not doing the work justice, note that the before pictures were done after about 3 weeks worth off hair growth and no haircut, the final 8 months pic is after only 1 weeks growth


i can feel the difference...i actually dont feel that bad about my hair anymore !!!


today i went and saw Dr Jen for the 8 month visit...she told me that she had underestimate the area and wanted to put in another 600 grafts (i got 1126) grafts the first time...but the best thing about it is it will be free, im getting it done next week, i will keep you guys informed.


can you comment on what you think off my results so far and what an additional 600 will do (keeping in mind i got 1100) and also the amount off time ive had to heal is 8 months do you think this is adequate time..i forgot to ask her this....overall i think Dr Jen is a great doctor which takes care off her patients best interests

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Firstly, 8 months is too early to judge the results. I also think it's too early to have another procedure done. Most docs will tell you to wait at least 1 year.


That being said, it is worrisome that the doctor is now saying she underestimated how many grafts you would need. To me that's an admission she dropped the ball. In all honesty, if you had gone to someone like H&W, I think you would have had this done right the first time (the graft count and placement would have been MUCH higher/denser/strategically placed).


Regarding your results (keeping in mind you're 8 months): I'm not sure with the graft count and placement you will get much more of a cosmetic difference. I personally would not be pleased if that were my end result. Guess we'll have to wait and see though....

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Thanks for keeping us updated on your progress. Though 8 months is still too early to judge the final result, I don't expect the next several months to make all that much difference given the placement of the grafts in the postoperative photos.


In my opinion, you are going to need a lot more than 600 grafts to achieve any real illusion of hair density.


In fact, if you compare your before pictures to your 8 month pictures, there is very little cosmetic difference. Using logic alone, it's clear that 600 more isn't going to add much more.


Best wishes,



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If you do not care about going through the physical and psychological swings of the procedure, and going through it for a cosmetic result that will be minimal (at best), I can't think of too many reasons for you to not go back to Martinick.


Assuming this isn't true, I strongly urge you to go elsewhere; in fact, I'd urge you to do *nothing* over going back, and go for Round Two when it is a round that you know you can and will win.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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"In fact, if you compare your before pictures to your 8 month pictures, there is very little cosmetic difference."


The before pic actually looks better.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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you guys crack me up !!!


everyone is entitled to an opinion i guess and thanks for the negativity AGAIN


but hey i know for a fact it has made a cosmetic difference and another 600 will be well worth getting....like i said not everyone has 10 grand laying around to fly to canada for 10 days to see HnW.


like many off you pointed out before the corn row (so archaic) or whatever as you can see the corn rows cannot be seen, one point that has been disproved.


Many are pointing out the pictures off before and after...i admit the before pic actually looks quite good...must off been having a good hair day that day or the lighting must off made it look good, but it wasnt that dense ...trust me on that it is more like picture 3.

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I guess it doesn't matter what others think as long as your happy, thats what it ultimately comes down to. Just know that when you post your pictures here and ask for some honest feedback, thats exactly what your gonna get, thats the great thing about this place.. All in all as long as your happy thats all that matters....

You only live once...

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