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My follicular journey

pushing 40

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Hey guys! I finally added my 4 month pics; they are actually 4 months and 1 week. I stopped buzzing it down after my 90 day update; I had been buzzing it down with a #2 every couple of weeks or so to keep things balanced out. I didn't want long (pre-existing) and short (new growth) hair mix you know.


A couple of observations:


1) It is a little frizzy! Very strange since my hair has ALWAYS been fine and STRAIGHT! Will it chill out in the next year?


2) Where old original hairline hair and new transplanted hairline hair come together on the sides (temple area) it looks a little awkward on close inspection; the old is very fine, light colored, and thin wispy type hair (non-balding though). The new hair is very thick and dark. Once it grows longer, you'll never see it but I did want to make the observation.

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  • Senior Member



Looking good, brother. The "oddities" that you mention will iron themselves out over time. You are only at four months post-op so you have at least a year to a year and a half for all of these idiosyncracies to work themselves out. The hairs that are coming in much thicker will continue to be thicker, coarser and even wirey for several months but they will relax and blend much better in the coming months. Be patient, and you will see a big difference in both density, softness and overall naturalness.



The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Thanks Joe! I am still trying to stop the "mirror inspection stops" every two hours! I am VERY VERY happy so far; especially when I look at my pre-op pics. Dr Hasson is DA MAN!! At 4 months I had good growth and thought "hmmm....is this all I transplanted?". Then I magnified a couple of high quality pics and could see hundreds of little specks where hair had not even popped through the skin yet. Very exciting!


Also, sadly I am no longer retired! I got offered a great engineering position with a company in aerodynamics research. Lots of money for very little work! My kind of job! icon_wink.gif


And, I've had to lay off the weight lifting for a while. Broke TWO ribs and bloodied up my liver and one lung. THE MOST painful experience I've ever had. icon_frown.gif If any of you have ever broken ribs you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you haven't, DON'T! Everything you do all day causes massive pain, from just breathing to trying to lay down or get up, open a car door, get milk out of the fridge. Everything! It has so totally sucked and the docs said it may be months before the pain subsides just because thats how ribs are. Depressing. However, the other night my wife said "look, this is getting old. You either need to put out, or get out!". So, I took a couple extra pain pills and "put out". It was worth it! icon_biggrin.gif

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Wow brother...you are truly looking awesome for only 4 months.


As Joe said...


Your hair takes some time to mature. At 4 months, this is only the beginning. You will experience a lot more growth.


Forget illusion of density - based on the number of grafts you received in such a small area - your hair will be the real deal in terms of density, or at least very close to it.


Ok...seriously...HOW in the world did you break two ribs and bloody your organs?


You gotta be careful dude!



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Thanks Bill. As far as the ribs go, I wasn't gonna say because it was actually REALLY stupid but what the heck. If I can share my baldness insecurities with you guys I guess I can share my stupidity too: I had a couple of old military ground burst simulators (think of a huge fire cracker) that I wanted to get rid of. What better way than to set them off and be done with it right? Well, it was pitch black outside so even better to get to see AND hear the kaboom. But, when I went to throw it, I dropped it at my feet. In the almost total darkness. So of course I took off running at full speed as fast and hard as I could. Did not see the knee high wooden landscaping fence only 10 feet away. Ass over apple carts I went, leaving a fair amount of knee skin on the fence. Somehow managed to land in a way that my elbow saw fit to practically meet my spinal column on a route that took it through the scenic bypass of my rib cage. Broke 2 ribs, separated a muscle from the ribs, bruised a lung and put a really nasty bloody bruise on my liver. This is one time it would have paid off to have a little body fat but alas, I have no cushioning. I'm just thankful nobody was taping it because it most assuredly would have been a "top tard" youtube award winner.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

Looks damn good.


40, your hair is like mine in many ways.. Don't worry, at 5 months the hair is still a bit kinky and coarse but come 14 months it will look really soft and identical to the sides .. I know you are amazed by the results ( which you should be ) but 5 months is nothing!! You have much more growth and maturity before the final cosmetic result is evident


Enjoy the ride, I am about 5 months too at #3..


Are you getting the funny comment from people??


Lost weight?

I like your new haircut?





1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Looking good P40, however, I'm looking forward to the photos a year from now of you and your wife both with corn rows. Ah hell, we are just looking forward to more pictures of your wife. LOL


Take care and keep the photos of your journey coming.





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks Gorp. I will try to post pics of the scar when I do my 6 month update this weekend. Its really difficult to take a pic of it so I'll have my wife try again Sat. And Gorp, love the side by side pic. Maybe I'll try that too. You're hairline is truly at the top of the "A" list!

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  • Regular Member

Very nice work. My first thought was overkill with the 4000 graphs, but nope, its just right...



I do have a question...you show a shaved head in pic '100 days' and then you have lots of hair in the pic "4 months" am I missing something here? Or... is it just the way the pic turned out, it looks like you REALLY sprouted in 20 or so days...


Either way, I'am sure you are ecstatic with the new fro'


Happy growing icon_smile.gif

3147 ish) grafts Dr. Konior


No meds.



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Good question. I went back thru my hair calender and HUGE file of "hair pics" as they are all dated accurately for me to reference. I have about 2.7 million I think. icon_smile.gif So here's what is: immediately after doing my 90 pics I buzzed down with a #2 guard that day. Ten days later I took a couple of 100 day pics just to have another reference point. Per my pics, I think 3 things went on in the next 20 days: my preexisting hair grew back up fairly quickly as normal (it grows fast); there really was some massive sprouting of newly transplanted hair, and lastly much of the shockloss came back in at the same time. A lot went on there.

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Just put up a couple of 6 month pics. Going back thru ALL of my hair pics on my computer has been painful. My hair looked like real ass before I had the ht. Maybe I'll post a couple of the really yucky ones for you to laugh at! Damn I'm glad I did this!!

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Things look great. I believe that things will remain frizzy for awhile but slowly start to eventually soften. What a dramatic change though. Must have felt great to point out your HT to that guy and his wife. I can't wait to be able to do that. I personally believe that it is nice to help others by showing them that a quality Ht is possible. I think that if I had known sooner I would currently look like Jotronic. LOL






Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Thanks Nell. I'm going to stop fussing about the frizz and just let things continue maturing. You know, I was just looking at someone's surgery photos and it hit me:



I actually went through with it; I sat in that chair and let Dr Hasson cut a chunk out of the back of my head, staple my ass back together, poke holes in my bare scalp, stick hairs in them and send me off with some ouchey pills! I almost cannot believe I actually made the plunge. Every time I look in the mirror I am so damn tickled its silly. I am so happy I did it but at the same time its almost like "what? I did what?"

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I just put up some 6 1/2 month photos. I think that's right?; my surgery was 20 March so 20 Oct will be 7 months. Got a hair cut for the first time since I last shaved it down in July I think. The back and sides were growing faster than the top transplanted hair so it started looking kind of silly. Still have the poofy/kinkies going on but I'm being patient. When I saw my haircut it kind of freaked me out. It looked just like I used to wear it when I was 20yrs old. Kind of sad actually that I have a haircut from 1986 but oh well, better than no hair at all. icon_smile.gif I had it cut by a barber I used to use before I retired. I mostly kept it shaved down back then but would let her cut it for me if I wanted a "decent" cut. She said "wow, I didn't recognize you with all that hair". At first I thought "wtf, does she realize?". But then she said "you used to keep it so short and now you're going hippie on me". I don't think she realized I actually had a lot "more" hair because it used to be buzzed all the time.

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That's my goal--I want to have my hair like I did in the 80's. My wifes response "Oh brother". I loved the 80's and am constantly listening to The Police, old U2, The Cult, The Cure, etc. If I can get the same style as Sting used to have back then I'm golden.


Things are looking great for you. Things have come along nicely and quite quick as well. Do you have a goal or type of hairstyle that you are shooting for?


Did your hairstylist make any comment about the texture of the hair??






Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Yeah baby! I saw the Cure in Orange France back then. Awesome show.


As far as hair style, I'm wanting a longer one. Not Joe Dirt mullet or anything but longer in the front where its almost the same length from front to back. We'll see how it works out.


Yes she did mention it as a matter of fact. She said it went quickly at a certain area fron very straight to kind of frizzy. I just said yeah I think because its been shaved so long and not used to growing long.

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OUTSTANDING! Youve just gotta be thrilled, pushing...Im leaning more and more towards going ahead with it everyday. Its got to be a strange feeling having so much more hair after years without it, isnt it? I know its a long process, but still after spending years without it its got to be strange in a good way.

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