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Need help selecting a HT Doctor

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Hi all


Firstly, great website - this has been a HUGE help in my research as I start looking for a solution for my balding head!


I have been reading the forums and researching on the Internet for about 6 months now and have finally decided that I am ready for a HT.


I need some help from the veterans and experts on this website to help me choose a doctor. So far I have had personal consultations with Dr. Pak from NHI, Dr. Rosanelli and online consultation with Dr. Armani (I know, I know :-)).


also I have sent the online consultation request to H&W and Dr. Rahal.


I think I am a Norwood 6 with black straight hair (Indian by origin)..


I have received the following estimates from the doctors so far:


1. 2200-2400 grafts by Dr. Rosanelli (effectively in zones 1 and 2, a little of zone 3) and

2. 2000 - 2400 by Dr. Pak - starting from the front and thinning as we go towards the crown

3. Dr.Armani quoted 2 sessions of 3000 grafts each (session 1 in zones 1 and 2 only and session 2 in zones 3 and 4 only).


I am still waiting on replies from H&W and Dr. Rahal.


Thoughts? Suggestions?


Doctor choice?


FUE/Strip (is Strip better given the number of grafts I need?)?


Thanks a lot in advance!

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  • Regular Member

Hi all


Firstly, great website - this has been a HUGE help in my research as I start looking for a solution for my balding head!


I have been reading the forums and researching on the Internet for about 6 months now and have finally decided that I am ready for a HT.


I need some help from the veterans and experts on this website to help me choose a doctor. So far I have had personal consultations with Dr. Pak from NHI, Dr. Rosanelli and online consultation with Dr. Armani (I know, I know :-)).


also I have sent the online consultation request to H&W and Dr. Rahal.


I think I am a Norwood 6 with black straight hair (Indian by origin)..


I have received the following estimates from the doctors so far:


1. 2200-2400 grafts by Dr. Rosanelli (effectively in zones 1 and 2, a little of zone 3) and

2. 2000 - 2400 by Dr. Pak - starting from the front and thinning as we go towards the crown

3. Dr.Armani quoted 2 sessions of 3000 grafts each (session 1 in zones 1 and 2 only and session 2 in zones 3 and 4 only).


I am still waiting on replies from H&W and Dr. Rahal.


Thoughts? Suggestions?


Doctor choice?


FUE/Strip (is Strip better given the number of grafts I need?)?


Thanks a lot in advance!

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  • Senior Member
een a HUGE help in my research as I start looking for a solution for my balding head!


I have been reading the forums and researching on the Internet for about 6 months now and have finally decided that I am ready for a HT.


I need some help from the veterans and experts on this website to help me choose a doctor. So far I have had personal consultations with Dr. Pak from NHI, Dr. Rosanelli and online consultation with Dr. Armani (I know, I know :-)).


also I have sent the online consultation request to H&W and Dr. Rahal.


Welcome to the board. Some pictures would be a real big help in order to give good responses. icon_smile.gif

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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3500 - 4500 grafts in one session from;


Hasson, Wong, Feller, Cooley, Lindsey, etc. All good, in no particular order.


I wouldn't let that greasy Armani touch my head. Sorry, but that's it for me. I don't know the other two.


2500 won't be enough for you, but I found that some (most) docs will recommend 2500 as a 'default' amount, even though you might need 4,000. Varying reasons, and none sinister imo.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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I have heard from Dr. Pak that the 2200 number is driven by the laxity of donor skin area and this is the number he has seen mostly for Asian males... does that agree with what most people on this forum think?



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Research, research, research and then some more. Speak to some Docs or clinics over the phone and you will get a personal "feel" for them. I would agree with DeWaynes comments but definately adding Rahal in there too!


Good luck choosing!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Indian_guy.

May I suggest looking specifically at many other Indian patients picture blogs and speaking to them? I say that because I have seen quite a few on this board and I believe the hair characteristics may be different. I do not know if 2200 grafts will be enough. This is a huge decision for you so I'm glad you are researching. icon_smile.gif

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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I guess I should be more accurate about the advice from Dr. Pak - he believes I need about 5000 to get coverage but can only 2200-2400 in one session, given the laxity and hair type.


Also any suggestions on whether FUE is less suitable given the larger number of grafts required?



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Originally posted by indian_guy:

I guess I should be more accurate about the advice from Dr. Pak - he believes I need about 5000 to get coverage but can only 2200-2400 in one session, given the laxity and hair type.


Also any suggestions on whether FUE is less suitable given the larger number of grafts required?




FUE would cost a damn fortune to cover your head, imo. However after you get about 4000+ from strip, you might go back and touch up with a little FUE.


Call Feller, as I think he is one of the experts on different hair characteristics from people of varying ethnicity.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by indian_guy:

So is cost the major inhibitor for going with FUE for large areas or is it just not best suited?


Just trying to ensure that I do not get the second best only for cost reasons :-)


I believe some people and doctors say that you get less of a success rate from FUE due to transaction (the pulling on) of the grafts. Dr Feller has spoken about this. He does both Fue and Strip. That would be a major factor to many people with a limited amount of donor as well as the money. Fue rates have come down though and for some people the risk of a scar is more important.

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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Strip is just more efficient and less expensive and proven. The only advantage to FUE is the lack of scar if you you decide to go bald again?? As far as the docs you are consulting....one consider what you want to accomplish(crown, overall outcome) I have not heard of Pak, rosanelli, and I believe Armani had some troubles on here. Second, this is permanant so pick a top rated Doc.... Feller, cooley, epstein, shapiro etc... you can't go wrong. 2. consider your location.... obviously less travel the better if meets all your other needs. 3. Is fast healing an issue..... then cooley is your man. As many others shave your head. Cooley also being a dermatologist has a special solution to prevent scabs and speeed healing.


So all in all depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

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Ideally, you would get something in the neighborhood of 5k. Realistically, this likely won't happen, though certain clinics can give you far-and-away the best shot of obtaining this; and, if not 5k, a number most closely approximating this.


There is no reason you shouldn't be able to likely get 3k as a *bare minimum*. And, in this case, you would likely be taking care of your hairline and frontal 1/3rd, while leaving the rest of your scalp as is.


Keep researching and decide how important it is for you to get the highest (or upper-echelon) # of grafts per session, versus committing to multiple ops. Regardless, if not 1 procedure, there is no reason you should be forced into 3 if not more to attain a solid look.


Also, FUE on you strikes me as inane -- you'd be paying a ridiculous premium while undergoing multiple ops, all while risking (if not ensuring) a weak yield. If the "strip-scar" is a huge deal to you certainly consider it, though. For "mega-session" FUE, which would be the only thing remotely appropriate for you, IMO, Bisanga is the only guy that springs to mind who I myself would trust and as far as I'm aware is pro-active in striving for mega-session FUEs.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Indian guy,

You are a full blown NW5+. You will need a large number of grafts moved in as few procedures as possible. Anything less than 4000 grafts in the first surgery will not give you a "complete" look.


You should be researching exclusively doctors who specialize in large sessions: Hasson, Wong, Feller, Rahal, Shapiro, maybe some others.


You will need the greatest yield and coverage, so strip should be your choice.

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Hi indian guy from the looks of your pattern you will need a megasession.


so far the best megasessions i have seen come from H&W...but that doesnt mean that they can do it on everyone you will have to have the laxity for this.There are some form of scalp excercises that can help with the laxity but you will need to do them religiously for months.I have heard that they help a lot with the laxity so maybe you are not ready for a transplant just yet...maybe you need some scalp training before the battle icon_smile.gif


When you go to H&W website you will see great results but keep in mind that you will have to take propecia or avodart in order to get a good result that will stand the test of time(maybe you continue to loose hair and end up nw7).So another good step before a transplant is to ty to take this drug for a year to see how you react to them(sideffects etc)


The downside with these megasessions is strip, but if you dont plan on shaving your head ever then it might be not be a big deal.there is always the possibility of scar streching and feel your scalp different after a large strip being taken.


If you dont want strip there is FUE a less invasive procedure but there are only a few doctors that can do it consistantly well.


The good side is that you wont have to have strip but the downside is that you propably wont get as much grafts as strip ...but if you are conservative and you prefer to avoid invasive measures FUE is a good way to go.


I hope you are aware that procedures are not a peace of cake...there is a waiting period for your scalp to look normal again so be prepared for that also.


Well thats about it i am sure others will have more to add.Keep your expectations real good luck and maybe take time for scalp exercises and trying to see how you respond to drugs before the big step.

should we believe everything?

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Originally posted by indian_guy:

So is cost the major inhibitor for going with FUE for large areas or is it just not best suited?


Just trying to ensure that I do not get the second best only for cost reasons :-)


No, cost is not a major factor. A major factor inhibitor for going with FUE is low growth and low yield. As our famous Thana had wrote: FUE is an inherently flawed procedure.


As for the number of grafts, you definitely need over 4K. However, due to laxity issues, you may need to do it in more than one session. 6K as quoted by dr. Armani seems a bit excessive.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for all the responses guys!! Very helpful indeed. After reading all these and researching some more, I have narrowed it down to the following:


1. Hasson and Wong

2. Feller

3. Rahal

4. Cooley

5. Alexander


I have sent online consultation requests to all of them so let us see what they say.


Thanks again!

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by indian_guy:

Thanks for all the responses guys!! Very helpful indeed. After reading all these and researching some more, I have narrowed it down to the following:


1. Hasson and Wong

2. Feller

3. Rahal

4. Cooley

5. Alexander


I have sent online consultation requests to all of them so let us see what they say.


Thanks again!


Call them and talk to them.

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hopeful: you mentioned a very important point:

"I hope you are aware that procedures are not a peace of cake...there is a waiting period for your scalp to look normal again so be prepared for that also."


Can you provide me any more details on what to expect? How long before the scalp looks "normal"? And what are some of the things I should expect to see after surgery?


Thanks a lot for the advice - it certainly helps for me to be prepared and not get surprises... too many doctors I am talking to make it seem like a minor surgery (the dentist comparison is the most common one :-)). I want to ensure that I know what a patient really goes through with this surgery.



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