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What a freakin' pain decision

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Its been a year now and I've finally decided to go ahead and get this done, hopefully in the next month or so. But, I'm having a really hard time decideing who to go to. Distance is not really a factor; I live in Maryland. But since I have so many right around here I've decided to "stay local" sort of. I'm trying to decide between Bernstein; Feller; Rose; Epstein; or maybe True and Dorin. I am no longer pushing 40; I turned 40 today. God that sucks....Anyway, its time to get it done. I am having a hard time decideing; doing consults with all of them if I can asap. My big thing is I want to wear my hair longer. It is very straight and looks a lot better that way. Almost all of the photos of people have them with their hair groomed straight back. That ain't me...I want it long and straight hanging however it wants to go. So, directional skills and all that are very important to me. Any advice guys?


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  • Senior Member

Its been a year now and I've finally decided to go ahead and get this done, hopefully in the next month or so. But, I'm having a really hard time decideing who to go to. Distance is not really a factor; I live in Maryland. But since I have so many right around here I've decided to "stay local" sort of. I'm trying to decide between Bernstein; Feller; Rose; Epstein; or maybe True and Dorin. I am no longer pushing 40; I turned 40 today. God that sucks....Anyway, its time to get it done. I am having a hard time decideing; doing consults with all of them if I can asap. My big thing is I want to wear my hair longer. It is very straight and looks a lot better that way. Almost all of the photos of people have them with their hair groomed straight back. That ain't me...I want it long and straight hanging however it wants to go. So, directional skills and all that are very important to me. Any advice guys?

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You make an astute observation regarding graft direction and the subsequent hair styles that are possible. Attached is a photo of one option I can pull off with my final result...



Okay, it's a bit messed because of "hat hair" but you get the idea.


Properly angled grafts you should allow you to be able to pull off most any style you want. I don't say this lightly, much less often, because you seem to be a great candidate. I know I only have one image to go by but I get the sense that you have density that is at least average if not higher. Also, your hair loss pattern is ideal for a great result with the right doctor.


One other factor needed to be able to pull off the hairstyle you want is density and for that you'll need numbers. 3500 to 4000 grafts densely packed will give you a result that should allow for your goals. Good luck with your final choice.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Dang that looks good Joe!


Pushin 40, your hair looks a bit on the fine side. I agree with Joe, that you'll want some serious density to achieve what you want. Some of the doctors you mentioned might be a bit conservative for you.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


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See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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pushing 40,


Your receding hairline is very similar to what I had. I ended up with about 2600 grafts and, although I am pleased with what I currently have, I feel that another 1000 or so would have really been the cats a$$! So, I agree with Jotronic on the '3500 to 4000 grafts densely packed' advice. I also wear my hair very long, so I know where you're coming from!

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As Joe pointed out above...hair placement is very important in determining a successful hair transplant...I'd say it's just as or even MORE important than density. A quality HT doctor will not only do "dense packing" for you, however, but also strategically place the hairs in the right position and angle. It sounds like your doc choices are good ones since you want to stay local.


Just from what I've observed and some advice:


1. True and Dorin are very good doctors but seem on the "conservative" side. If you are looking for a large number of grafts, definitely consult with them, but see others as well.


2. Local is a great goal, but don't limit your search to doctors ONLY in the area...try consulting with other well known doctors in other areas too. You can always choose a local doc, but it doesn't harm you to consult with doctors outside of the area too...at least you'll have something to compare. The rule of thumb is, don't let where you live determine who does your surgery.


3. Give yourself more than a month...that's my advice...in the meantime, start doing scalp exercises. many docs recommend it and it will only improve your scalp laxity. Jotronic has posted a vidoe on the Hasson and Wong website on how to do these exercises. These exercises will be beneficial to you no matter who you choose.



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Hey pushing....


Well..............I got there 2 months ahead of you........my D-day for the 40th was October 12th. Since you've made the choice to move forward though, 41 may be one of your best and "hairiest" birthdays yet (I hope) icon_wink.gif.


At any rate.....I think Jotronics advice is right on for you. If you go to a quality Doc, 3500-4500 grafts properly place should allow you to do what you want. I REALLY WANT TO STRESS TO YOU THAT YOU SHOULDN'T LET LOCATION FACTOR IN. Choose a quality Doc that your comfortable with that can deliver what you need. If go go somewhere that provides 2000-2500 I believe you'll be disappointed. You're going to need decent density wear your hair the way you're talking about.


You need quality and numbers, my friend. Do some consulting and let me know how it goes.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Dammitt Joe!!!!!! You such a show off!!!!!!!!


I swear to God, I try NOT to have hair envy,


Like I said, I TRY icon_biggrin.gif


Anyway, one of the BIGGEST differences between those we call TOP DOCS and those who are right underneath them is orientation and angulation.

The Docs at the top of the game closely mimic the natural angle and orientation of existing hair and are able to mimic this even in areas where no hair exists.


Pushing, any of the docs you have mentioned will be able to do a great job.

Bernstein will be a tad more conservative and cost more, so do your homework.


Hope this helps!

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Thanks for all the input guys; I really appreciate it. I have to admit, I hadn't really even thought out the whole "density" issue. Damn it. Glad you guys brought that up. My hair has always been rather thin and fine, even as a kid so I just hadn't thought about it. I started propecia last March; it may have stopped the fallout but no noticeable difference as far as more hair goes. Like my blog states, my temples receeded to where they are now before I turned 25. Then that frontal 1/3 slowly thinned over the last 15 yrs. Two of the docs recommended about 1800 graphs with just on-line photo consults so maybe I wasn't as clear as I need to be about my desires. And Jotronic, your photo kind of shows exactly what I'm talking about with what I want to be able to do. (By the way, my wife looked over at your photo on the laptop and said "oooh, who's that?")She doesn't care much about my hair but was astounded after reading through your history and photos and now she is more supportive; she was worried about me being cupie dolled and is much relieved now. Anyway, I think I might just drop the whole stay local thought, do a lot more consults, and make absolutely sure I get what I want. Not sure about my donor density but an in office doc evaluation should tell me that right?


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Oh Man, you got Phil Collins bad!!!!!!!


Anyway, to be honest, I would kill for what you have right now, and I am 10 years younger than you are.


I am starting from scratch where you still have most of your crown and laterals.


I would look to do one really large session 3500-4500 at once and REALLY transform that poor, lonely, and bald real estate into a hair jungle!!!!!!!


Don't do the 2200 grafts to "see how it looks"

Go for a homerun, because at 40 you still have a fair amount of hair left, and I see no reason you should have to do 2 surgeries and wait 2 years for the end result. Plus its cheaper!!!


I would however, do a nice soft mature hairline, as you never know what could happen down the road!!!!!


Your in great shape!!!!!!

Don't worry........


Now, if I could only steal some of Joe's mop.............

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I agree with B-spot! Go for the gold and get a large session up front. There's no point in playing it conservative at your age (no offense). I would advise a conservative approach (if any approach at all) for someone in their early 20s, but as for you...I'd go for 3500-4000 grafts if you have it. 1800 doesn't seem to be enough IMO...but I'm not a doctor. I also say that because longer hair can also be deceiving to some degree....I can't tell if your bangs are covering any bald spots that also need covering. But your recession seems to go back pretty far...so in your case, I'd say bigger is better...AND in the long run...as B-spot pointed out...cheaper!



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Instead of just looking at total graft count, talk to the doctor about proposed density per cm2.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Ha...I'm "pushing" my way in that direction myself... icon_razz.gif


Funny, the shots you took with longer hair look like I THOUGHT my hair was, pre-procedure, both texture-wise and balding-wise, but seeing the shorter shot, you have a lot more than I did, and seem to have more "resilient"/less flat/whatever hair, too.


If I were to SWAG it...I'd say that 3K grafts would dense-pack the hell out of the temples, and give you a stronger hairline, and give you enough "body" to have more options with how you wear your hair. At a minimum, you wouldn't need to keep it longer and comb it specifically to cover bald/really thin areas...


Also, proper graft direction is essential, regardless to how you wear your hair; it's part of what separates the artists from the hacks in this field...


Feel free to ask more questions!



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After looking at your other photos I think you're in a much better position than many getting a HT. Crown looks good as well as the rear portion of the mid-scalp and you have some in front to help out.


I agree with Gorpy's comment on coverage......ask the Doc how many it'll take to get you to 50 cm2 in front and go for it. My 3500-4500 is just a best guesstimate. I really think you could have some awesome results........not having the crown to worry about is huge as it can take so many precious grafts to cover with any appearance of density.


Let me know how it goes and what you decide.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Thanks guys. I spent all evening reading old posts about grafts per sq cm and density; think I have a much better understanding now. Dr. Berstein just wrote back suggesting 1800 but that just seems to few from what I've read and heard from you all. I definately want to do this in one fell swoop and be done; hopefully it will work out that way. I wanna be a rock star!! (maybe not.....)

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Depending on how you do your hairline, i.e. how much temple closure you do, it looks like you have about 60 to 70 cm2 to cover. Take that number and work with it. For example: 30 grafts per cm2 for 60 cm covered is 1800 grafts. Now, 30 per cm2 is pretty minimal density, so what if you went with 40? Now we're at 2400 for 60cm of coverage. See where I'm going with this?


Also keep in mind that some doctors will not close your temples much. You are relatively in good condition hair wise for your age, so I think you could afford to close them out a little. In my opinion, it looks better that way. But that's up to you.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Hey pushing, your situation looks similar to where I was prior to my HT. My hair loss up front prevented me from wearing my hair long, and when I cut it short it stuck out like an afro. And my forehead would shine like a beacon in the sun or with harsh lighting.


My blog is in my profile, lots of photos and a complete record of the entire procedure. Check it out if you like. You look like a great HT candidate.






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My HT Blog

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Hey Biscuit,


Thanks, I will look thru the blog! I'm still doing consults. Dr. Hasson reviewed my pics and says he thinks he can give me a pretty phenominal outcome and I don't doubt it. By the way, some of you were spot on; he recommended around 4000 dense packed.

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Wow, I just calculated up some numbers and this IS going to be expensive! I was figuring around 9 or 10K. Now after a couple of consults its looking more like 14-16K. 4000 dense packed graphs, accurately angled for my straight hair so I can wear it semi-long and sloppy like I want to . I'm told it would most likely put me back to exactly where I want to be. Now's the gut time I guess! That's a lot of money. My wife and I really place no value on money, only the things we want that it can get us you know. Its actually kind of strange really; we don't buy brand new cars as we see that as a complete waste of money. We buy 3 or 4 yr old cars in pefect shape for lass than half the price, pay em off in 12 months or less and then drive the living piss out of them as long as we can. Having crunched the numbers on that we've saved MEGA bucks over the last 20 yrs. Plus I'm a good back yard mechanic who does all the basic brake work, etc, myself. On the other hand, we think nothing of handing over $7 for a good cup of coffee if we want one right then. And we eat very healthy which many of you know is WAY more expensive than eating a crappy diet. We'll pay $20 for a tiny pallet of raw guanabana from Peru that takes only 3 minutes to eat and its gone. But there are so many other things we go cheap cheap cheap on you know? So many of our friends drive Cady Escalades and Navigators and we just don't have that desire. But at the same time, we aren't that way from trying to worship and save money so it can collect dust just for the sake of having it. Does that make any sense? All in priorities and values I guess. Anyway, I guess I'm trying to decide if the txplant is the silly new car or the $7 cup of perfectly brewed espresso my mouth is watering for. I am still in fantastic health with the same 30" waist I've had for 25 yrs; fairly young looking face and body of a lean tanned muscular swimmer. But that damn hairline tops it all off like a pizza box on top of a Christmas tree. Why wouldn't I get this surgery? You know, I might find this easier the more I think about it.

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