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I agree with Dr. F. I think that your growth has begun really early for a crown procedure and you should expect a lot more especially with the session size you had.


If I were you, I would not put any concealer as it looks really good now. Two little spots are lagging, but they will fill in over the next several months.


Looking good...go out au natural!!!

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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It seems a long time ago when we met in NY!


Your crown looks fantastic!


Have you ditched the black pillow yet? (If this seems like I know too much info. - Crown had to have a black pillow due to the gallons of dermatch he use to wear).


Please also confirm you have stopped the painkillers now!!


All the best mate




3,500 grafts - Dr Feller - 08/08/08

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Dr. Feller,


Thank you so much for posting those side by side pics. I never realized how far I've come until I saw your first "before" pic.


That last pic is with concealer fully washed out. I'm not comfortable enough to go "au natural" but hopefully by the summer, I can ditch the concealer.


I can't wait for that day if it comes. Overall, I am super happy with my results and I am so glad that I picked Dr. Feller and his staff. I am so happy that I pulled the trigger icon_biggrin.gif

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Thanks for the kind words. Your HT looks like it is going to come in great. You are very strong in the crown and the front looks like it was addressed with a nice dense pack. You should have a full head of hair in no time.


To Dr. F and his staff,


You'll find this funny. Still NOBODY knows that I got an HT except for my barber (who I decided to tell because he still couldn't notice!).

I guess the tanning salon in NY and all the other ridiculous stuff I did to pull off the story really paid off!

I think I am in the clear now, the only way other people will know is if I decide to tell them down the road icon_cool.gif

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Crown Royal,


Looks superb...a huge difference; congratulations!


I'm not surprised that your HT has been undetectable; after two procedures (I'm 5 months into my second) I've been amazed at how natural the hair looks even in the early stages -- aside from the weird shaving pattern, that is. A definite sign of skillful hair-tistry...


I suggest having a triple of actual Crown Royal to celebrate. Or Jameson's, if you take your drinking seriously icon_smile.gif



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  • 1 month later...
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Thanks Spex. That is relieving news. I do hope to get more growth. I'm not expecting a full crown, but there are certain areas that have not come around yet.


What would you guys say is the prime time for growth in the crown? Would you say from months 8 through 12? I'm just trying to get a gage of what to expect moving forward.

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Hey Crown - hope you are keeping well, seems like a long time since we were both in NYC!!


Crowns are a pain re: the slower growth, but you should achieve great coverage with 3.5k - I am just thinking about when to get mine done!


Your growth to date is looking good for a great final result, might be another 8 months to full maturity but it's going to worth the wait.


Keep sprouting.




3,500 grafts - Dr Feller - 08/08/08

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Thanks brotha. I am looking forward to the next 4 months. Hopefully it fills in some more.


As for you...WoW!!! Your transformation is incredible @ 6 months. Your hair looks great and will look even better in another 6 months. You must be ecstatic.


We need to celebrate next time I'm in the UK over some beers icon_razz.gif

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  • 1 month later...
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I updated my journal for 9.5 months! Check it out and please feel free to offer your opinions on my progress thus far.


Should I expect anything further past this point? Do you think the cowlick area will catch up to the rest?


Thank you in advance icon_smile.gif

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Looks great... honestly. Not just saying it. You look like a guy with a full head of hair, and at this point, perhaps a slightly wide cowlick.


I'm a month ahead of you (as you might recall) and I'm finding that there's a lot happening at this point. I think it really does continue to improve, even at ten months, etc. I am also hoping for more growth as well, but I am very impressed with Dr. Feller's work so far. I'll be sharing my results soon as well.


Continue to grow well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Wow, that's killer! Looks completely natural & THICK; love the whorl pattern. At ten months I wouldn't expect anything more too radical to occur, possibly some thickening as the grafts mature, not that you need it---I honestly wouldn't think you suffered from loss judging by these pics. The 'cow lick' area you refer to just appears like a natural whorl pattern to me, where you can see scalp in many men who aren't even plagued w/MPB.



Delicately helping those fragile souls who suffer from hair loss, w/motherly nourishment & care.

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  • 3 months later...

Crown Royal,

Thanks for updating your blog and for the kind words in your recent posting. I remember you well.


Your results are on par with what I was expecting although I agree you probably continue to thicken up through the next few months.


Yours was a HUGE area to fill, but I think the this photo series we put together will help you to see just how far you've come.




I suggest that you try to fully wash out your cover up before assessing your result as it tends to cause the hairs to clump together and diminish the effect of the HT. I know it's hard because it takes a few good washings to clear it all out.


I look forward to your visit when you can make back up to New York.


All the best.


Dr. Feller

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Crown Royal,


Thanks for going the distance and posting your final results. Honestly, the area of baldness in the crown was very large prior to transplanting. Though 3500 grafts sounds like a lot, it takes a great quantity of grafts/hairs to create any real illusion of density in the crown. But you have definitely come a long way since prior to your procedure.


Another procedure will certainly help add more density. Based on the photos in your 14 Month Journal on your website, I'd suggest you may need as many as 3000+ grafts to give him an adequate illusion of density in the crown.


Many of you may be shocked by that amount, but the crown isn't referred to as the "black hole" for grafts for nothing. Let's play the numbers game for a minute...


Remember that there are 50,000 to 60,000 hair follicles (22700 to 27000 follicular units) on top of the head. Since it takes about 50% original hair density to create an adequate illusion of ensity, figure it would take approximately 11350 to 13500 follicular units evenly distributed to give a Norwood 5A an adequate illusion of density. If you look at Crown Royal's baldness in the crown prior to surgery, I'd suggest that's approximately half (probably more) of area of the top of his scalp needing transplants. Thus, he'd need approximately 5700 to 6750 follicular units in the crown to give him an adequate illusion of density.


Obviously, numbers aren't the only thing that contribute the the illusion of density. There's placement, hair characteristics, scalp color to hair color ratio, etc.


Of course, Crown Royal will want to keep a good amount of donor in reserve for subsequent sessions as necessary, especially if the front begins to thin out. So how many grafts he and Dr. Feller agree to put in the crown should party depend on potential future loss and planning.


Best wishes,



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Thank you for the comments everyone. I especially appreciate the numbers you laid out Bill in regards to how many follicular units would be needed for an illusion of density. I wish I would've know that prior to my 1st procedure. I guess my hopes were set too high and weren't realistic. I thought 3,500 would give me enough coverage in the crown where I wouldn't need to use cover up, thus saving the remaining donor supply for areas in the future that may thin out.


I would certainly hope that another 3K grafts in the crown would get me where I want to be. However, that is another huge investment and I would have to discuss with Dr. Feller if that would be wise to use that much more out of my donor supply just to address the crown again.


I guess it's time to start planning surgery #2 :-(


Again...that won't be for another few years though



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