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8 Month Update Hair Transplant Results

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I thought I'd post them here too since my photo album is getting very large AND with the new flash animation, it's difficult to find:




full top and crown - natural light


full top and crown - flash


Hairline - Natural Light


Hairline - Flash


Right Profile - Natural Light


Left Profile - Natural Light


full top and crown reverse - natural light


Back of Head

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I thought I'd post them here too since my photo album is getting very large AND with the new flash animation, it's difficult to find:




full top and crown - natural light


full top and crown - flash


Hairline - Natural Light


Hairline - Flash


Right Profile - Natural Light


Left Profile - Natural Light


full top and crown reverse - natural light


Back of Head

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I did enjoy seeing your pics Bill!

Great photography, some of the best real pics in natural light I have seen.

thanks for sharing. icon_smile.gif

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  • Senior Member

yeh, some great pics Bill. You have definately got a fine maine going on there and from what i understand more thickening to come.


I guess that will be your last HT now or do you have sufficient donor for a touch up later if required?

"Plan for the worst & hope for the best"

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just read my own post, and I do not want anyone to get the wrong idea. some of the pictures look like you have a great head of hair some don't look as good.also the hair line looks good in some of the pics, and not so good in others. Over all you have come along way, I hope it gets better and better. just wondering what you think?.....If you are not happy with it in a few months,will you get another one?

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Gazza and Tom,


I'm very happy with the results so far, and some more thickening/softening is yet to come. But I will be embarking on another journey for my 4th surgery...but not for a couple years. Things are looking good, but not quite perfect yet, if you know what I mean.


My goals at this point are to soften the hairline, thicken the area behind it, and hit the crown with as many grafts that are left over as possible.





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Originally posted by Bill:


My goals at this point are to soften the hairline, thicken the area behind it, and hit the crown with as many grafts that are left over as possible.




Bill, Great Pics! I think overall you have great coverage and look fantastic!


I like your future plan on #4 if you decide later to go for perfection. Now, since you talk about perfection, this is all I see from the photos which would achieve that. This is not to offend and is JMO and I know you want the honest opinion. You have a few thick shafted hairs in the hairline which give great cover but look a little harsh. It is probably the nature of your donor hair and is tough to blend those in the front, kind of a catch 22, thick donor hair vs fine donor hair. It also appears your scar area on the sides have grown out in a slightly irregular direction, not that anyone would ever know (just your HT buddies). You maybe only could use a small FUE session to soften the hairline as I would not worry to much about the crown. The advantage with Fue here would be that the doc could select you finer hairs to use such as the ones nearer the nape of the neck where strip may not be possible. What do you think???


Again, I think anyone who is NW5-6 like you were can be inspired by your results!!


Oh, and next time, put on a shirt, if your mullet gets any longer you could pass for Joe Dirt icon_biggrin.gif





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We must always keep in mind how you (and everyone else) started so looks a lot better, but:

Here's to hoping that the hair on the scar softens up especially on the sides. I can still see it. Also, the hair is too thick for the hairline. I second nobuzz's call for FUE (I mentioned this to Bushy too)


Strip and FUE docs have to select thinner hair for the hairlines, an extra 15 minutes could make it look so much better. I am sure they can find a few hundred thinner ones in the mix, they just have to look for them.

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One thing about results at eight months is this. The growth may have come close to completion but the transformation usually has not. After eight months the hair can continue to mature and eventually soften a bit.


As far as nape hair goes; can someone show me a single nape hair transplanted hairline? Anywhere? I've yet to see one even though some clinics and many posters suggest it much less one that has grown.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Originally posted by nobuzz4me:


The advantage with Fue here would be that the doc could select you finer hairs to use such as the ones nearer the nape of the neck where strip may not be possible.






If you read carefully and do not get excited I mentioned hairs "nearer" the nape.


Bill has a lot of nape hair and it does not appear to be receding upwards. Bill himself mentioned he would like to soften the hairline in the future, FUE may be the best option if he so chooses.


We are just offering our unbiased opinions which is what I think he wants.





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I appreciate everyone's opinions and do not take offense. Honest evaluations are always the best and it is what I thrive on myself.


I want to add that I'm ecstatic about my results and feel that going to Dr. Hasson was the best decision I've made in this process. Does everything look "perfect"? No, probably not...but I believe it mimics nature extremely well and my results are quite impressive considering where I would be (a full blown NW6). I already have plans (even though in the future) to go back to Dr. Hasson for future work since a lot of my laxity has been coming back, more than I even expected after so many sessions.


Also we must keep in mind (and there is no blame here to ANY clinic), that my results did not solely come from Dr. Hasson...I've been to three doctors, and some of the imperfections, if you will could be attributed to any of the clinics. This is neither a defense nor attack of any clinic, but I also know that this COULD become a debate between Joe of Hasson and Wong and others, and I do not want this thread to turn into that.


I do, however, also agree with Joe that after a few hair cycles, and another 6+ months, only then should I evaluate the hardness/softness of the hairline, etc.


BUT, I do believe that even still, some extra hairline softening may be in order, along with some increased density in as many areas as I can get it. I call this hair greed icon_biggrin.gif


But once again...if THESE are the biggest critiques, I'll take them gladly and move forward knowing full well that some improvements can be made, but that my hair still looks very natural and significantly improved - even from the second and third HT.


Cheers bros,



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Bill, Looks great. I just can't believe you're talking about a 4th HT. I thought the whole idea of a mega session was to limit the amount of surgeries. More or less to get it over with in one session not four..... I'm curious, would you change doctors for the 4th time too? Man....you could have bought a real nice ride or paid for part of a college tuition for your kids for what you'll have spent! I just think between what you have now and what you'll have in another 4 to 6 months you'll be just fine. Just my opinion.

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Oh, and next time, put on a shirt, if your mullet gets any longer you could pass for Joe Dirt


Mullet? lol. Now there's an exaggeration if I ever heard it.


I've been cutting my own hair for so long, that does tend to be the only thing I neglect a little. though i can cut the sides, back, and top without any problem, getting the nape is extremely difficult. My wife doesn't feel that comfortable trying it as she's afraid she can't shave a straight line. lol.


I, on the other hand, am too cheap to get a haircut when I am doing a pretty good job cutting and styling myself. I'll save the $15 I would have spent on a haircut once every 3 weeks and put it in my "Give me more hair" fund for my 4th and final HT icon_biggrin.gif.



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Looks great Bill


It WILL soften and get denser.. Being critical is easy for people on here but it looks damn natural and nobody would know in person unless they had a trained eye and were looking.. This will even get more natural at 12-14 months..


Excellent results at 8 months



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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I understand where everyone is coming from with their comments, but we are talking about "in a perfect world." Your results from what I have seen in my research are about as good as we can expect--knowing that things will only get even better for you in upcoming months.


I think that all of us can continue to strive for perfection which is not an issue, but at some point we have to be willing to accept what we got. Where does one draw the line??


You look great and there is a major change from a NW5-6. I personally believe that once things grow and soften in the next few months you should be gold.





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Thanks guys,


Believe me, I can take the constructive criticism.


I know people here are giving their honest feedback and yet still being encouraging.


Trust me...I do it all the time....tell people like it is with the desire to help.


At this point, I am VERY satisfied with my results. But I believe in a few years I'll top off my results with one more surgery.



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Great pics Bill. You're lookin' good. How did you get such clarity on your natural lighting pictures? Did you use a tripod?


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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I really think everyone is being a bit pre mature in their assesment.. I always see a HUGE change is hair texture from 12 -14 months..

At 8 months you are just getting into the home stretch..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Hey guys,


Thanks for your support.


Some of the pictures I took myself just by extending my arms over my head (after all, I've taken SO many, I've become an expert at it). I then had my wife take a couple shots herself to try to get a few more clearer pictures. I'm glad they show the TRUE picture of what's going on, my progress and any imperfections revealed.


I agree that an overall assessment might be a bit premature, but I don't mind getting the feedback. It helps me solidify my goals and plans as to what I will do next.


As I said though...don't look for me getting a 4th HT for at least a few years. Gotta save up some money AND want to enjoy the new mane for awhile!



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Hey, bro, sorry it took so long for me to follow up on your new pics..........currently on vacation for a little R&R, took the laptop and checked HTN................it really looks great, my friend.


One thing I'll mention..........we both know that it will continue to grow and thicken, and, if you got no more I think it looks great the way it is. However, if you're anything like me with my crown work, you'll notice significant improvement between 9 & 10 months.........mine really started to come on about that time.


Also...............kudos to you for posting the pics the way you did. Natural lighting with all profiles and an overhead shot. IMO this is often overlooked by many who post pics. I'm reminded of this while on vacation, on the beach, swimming with my wife and kids.....exercising.......whatever.......it's nice to post pics that show posters (and lurkers) what the "real deal" looks like.


Way to go, bro, keep growin'!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Hi Bill,

I remember Dr. Arvind telling me how flash alters the pictures when taking crown/top area ones. I didnt get the hang of it till I saw the first 2 pictures you posted.


The flash ones look much thinner. Good that we dont keep flashing everyone when we meet casually.

The key is to look good in natural light. You do. Congrats.

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Kudos to you for being on vacation. I've been here, but more MIA due to some other obligations. So my posts haven't been as high as usual, but I've read the majority of the posts.


Thanks for the evaluation bro....I appreciate it. I do believe there is more crown development coming, and I look forward to the next several months.


I am truly happy with what I have...but certainly hair greed kicks in, especially now that I notice that a lot of my laxity has come back, which means I should have a good amount left for another session. But it won't be for a few years. Gotta save money for some other things in the meantime.


Regarding pictures...I have found that natural lighthing pictures truly ARE the best way to reveal the whole story, PLUS the overhead shots are critical since it really is a show all regarding density. The hairline shot is a show all regarding a natural hairline. All is important.


Thanks bro.




I'm glad my artistic picture taking (lol) could help you out!



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