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Multi Vitamin for men???

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  • Senior Member

Multi vitamins are worth considering from a overall health consideration, but as far as hair growth is concerned its a no no.

I know guys who take no exercise ,have a crap diet and smoke twenty a day and still have full heads of hair.

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  • Regular Member



Ditto Dabuski, vitamins will not make your hair grow!!


However general body health should be top of your list!! do a poll of 100 women, and ask them if a slim fit healthy guy whos bald, isn't more appealing to them than the guy Dabuski describes!!


Sometimes we get to hung up on our follicles, and forget that they are just one part of being attractive, and healthy!!


All the best



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Vitamins may rank up with laser combs as the top of the list on the Fleecing of America.


Although there are exceptions to the rule, if an american is healthy and eats a reasonable diet, extra vitamins are not necessary. Lots of the foods we eat daily are fortified with extra vitamins.


Remember than other than vitamins A K E and D, you Pee ALL of the other vitamins out daily. And for A K E and D, if you take too much of these(fairly hard to do but doable) you can have real problems as these vitamins are stored in fat.


Do NOT spend your hard earned cash on expensive hair growing vitamins. Eat a normal diet and spend the money on girls, or cars, or van halen tickets, but not expensive vitamins. And if you have to use vitamins, 1 a days are cheap and have everything the average healthy person could need.


And lastly, vitamins and herbs thin blood; and make surgery much harder. Check with you doc and stop them 10 days preop.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Dr. Lindsey (or anyone)


What do you think about the Whey Protein type stuff I can buy at the gym? I'm trying to cut way back on the red meat but otherwise I'm eating meat with most every meal. Is that stuff a waste of my money? I workout, but I'm just a regular guy trying to keep from having a heart attack; and keeping in just good enough shape to whip some ass if need be.... icon_cool.gif


BTW to all, ever since I visited a client at his meat slaughtering plant and he gave me the "tour", I've tried to significantly cut back on all things cow and goat! I'd suggest you all do the same..... icon_eek.gif

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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  • Regular Member



Protein suppliments, such as Whey, are a good means to ingest protein in an easily digestible form. They are a SUPPLIMENT to your normal diet, and should be used as such. However if you are training hard and looking to build muscle, you will need at least 1gm of protein per lb body weight, per day. So as such whey is a good option. Keep carbs and fat low, and keep up the aerobic work and you will get leaner!!


By the way i may be a follicular novice, but i'm definetly a long term gym head!!


All the best



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  • Senior Member

Whey is awesome but its utilized very quickly in the body making it an excellent post workout drink. If you going to use whey drink it throughout the day or buy slower digesting protein so that your body stays in an anabolic stage all day long . It will keep your metabolism roaring. A good thing is whey in morning upon waking up ,whey before and after a workout and a combo milk protein before bed or whey mixed with fiber to slow the digestion.

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  • Senior Member

Like Clive said fast healthy weightloss happens when you keep protein up ,carbs low ,a little healthy fat, such as flax seed in drink or almonds , and cardio in the morning on an empty stomach with some caffeine in ya

A 2 days on 1 day off lifting schedule also .At least 3 days a week if really busy.

A great drink is 2 scoops of a good tasting strawberry whey, 1/2 a bananna, a shot of flax seed oil blended with ice and a little skim milk and water.

You can use only water and ice but a little milk or all milk makes a big difference in taste but with some added calories

If it doesnt taste good you wont be inclined drink it everyday. Try a 50/50 mixure of milk and water

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  • Senior Member

Dr. Lindsey make a few good points. However, most Americans do not get the daily amount vitamins/nutrients that they need with just meals (they should but they dont)With busy professionals, working, kids, ect many eat on the run and do not get 3-4 good meals a day. You would be suprise how many people do not eat much if any breakfast which is the most important meal of the day.

THUS this is why supplements are good for everyone to supplement their diets.

Also, I slightly disagree with "enough vitamins in food we eat". Every person has a different metobolism and body type, thus some need more vitamins/minerals than others for optimal performance. It gets technical but each person is different. I could get deep into during 11 yrs in the NFL having personal Dieticians/Nurtient Experts/MDs working with me--I learned alot about the human body.

What works for one person or body type might not work on another. (they thought that you waste or excrete most vitamins are obsurd as a 100lb person needs a lot less than a 240lb person for example)

Basically, for a average man, if they take a Multi Performance Vitamin it should be enough to supplement their diet if they eat reasonably good. For Hairloss, their has been studies done with MSM/Zinc/Saw Pallmetto to act like a natural DHT inhibitor some what. Also Vit C, E, B12, B6, Aloe all have shown some type of health with cell generation (burn paitents in ICU get heavy doses of these vitamins to assist skin duplication/repair/growth--among other things).

Make sure you are taking Propecia and Rogain combo as it is the only CLINICALLY FDA treatment.

Then add your Vitamins and Supplements.

Also, Omega vitamins have shown some results with hair health.




Propecia/Rogaine xtra

MSM/Saw Pallmetto

Nioxin Shampoo

Zrii 3oz. daily

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