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Everything posted by Pale_Rider

  1. Did anyone heard anything about this? I have heard that the Chinese made some progress that were troubling Jahoda and Christiano. Hoax or what? http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/ten.TEA.2013.0547
  2. Here are some more serious info. Fully functional hair follicle regeneration through the rearrangement of stem cells and their niches : Nature Communications : Nature Publishing Group
  3. Baldness cure may have been found in Japan (VIDEO) Japan study raises hopes of cure for baldness - Yahoo! News
  4. You have to be one really stupid man to do yourself what that guy in the video has done to himself. His chest look like woman?s breasts.
  5. Some news from Aderans. Things look good for now. http://www.aderansresearch.com/pdfs/PR_03_28_12.pdf
  6. Do not know where to put this but I feel this is the right place. (Link removed by moderator - See Terms of Service)
  7. FDA Drug Safety Communication: 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) may increase the risk of a more serious form of prostate cancer
  8. Safety and Efficacy of Hair Stimulating Complex (HSC) on Hair Growth in Males With Androgenetic Alopecia - Full Text View - ClinicalTrials.gov
  9. Antibiotics were made to fight bacteria and they did a great job, Finasteride was made to treat prostate problems NOT hair loss. It is just if you have given your young son a shot of morphine when he fell of a bicycle and got his knee and elbows bloody just because morphine eases pain potentially making him a drug addict. It is just silly and a bit of mad. Giving young men Finasteride made for old age pensioners with enlarged prostates is more than a shame for 21 century medicine in my opinion. DHT is in our bodies for a very good reason and attacking it is just "killing the wrong person", risking some serious side effects of your reproductive system at such a young age is form of crime in my opinion. I am not against the right to use finasteride/dutasteride but you will have to agree at this post atomic and high tech information age using THAT quackery is just unacceptable. And I know that hair loss can decrease a quality of life and that some of the people would rather die than to be bald but if you look at the pros/cons you are in shit anyway. You are bald but have a libido and a healthy reproductive system, some girls will not want to talk to you because you are bald and that is ok, bad but ok, they do not like you, you move along and find a girl that will not mind if you are bald or not(there are lots of good looking girls out there that do not mind that or even quite the opposite, they like shaved bald men). On the other scenario you take finasteride/dutasteride maintain what you have, most of the girls dig you, but your libido is for shit and you can not stay up very long, guess how long that girl(or even the one that likes bald men) will stay with you if you are bad in bed? Third scenario, you get married and you can not get her pregnant even if you stopped using that drugs long time ago or get a sick child, you will never know is that child sick, deformed, mentally challenged etc. because of your years of using fin/dutas. Side effects that were never written by Merck. I say tough call on all scenarios. If you ask me the quality of your life will fail in any scenario it is just the matter of severity. In first one you are bald but physically healthy and have limited girlfriend options, second you have hair but you cannot screw like you used to and you are probably less enjoying it and third one you got married, stopped taking the drug(or a drug is not working for you anymore since it does not work forever) when the two of you decided to start a family, you are now bald, have a low libido, big boobs, potentially sterile and old. Your wife will divorce you or screw aside eventually. If you ask me I would rather have the first scenario, save up money for HT and get the best I can for I have left in my donor region. Call me a pessimist but I have done a lot of research on these drugs and every time I decide to take fin/dutas I find at least a dozen more reasons not to do it. Best thing a man can do is to stop taking this half cocked products, refuse to buy and finance this profit hungry inefficient pharmaceutical companies and make them that way to start making products that will actually work and that we will all finally have benefits from it. That is why capitalism is so great, you can punish someone where it hurts him the most, his pocket. I too believe in future medicine I am 27 years old and if I can get full head of hair at the age of 40-47 I would still be a happy man.
  10. For 21 st century, Propecia, Avodart and other DHT blockers are just like blood letting in medieval ages. The one who does not see that is just blind in my opinion. I mean there is no a single, specialized drug for hair loss, we are using a positive side effect from a medicine that is used for a completely different thing with potentially serious side effects that we are willing to take to maintain a few hairs. If it was not sad it would be funny.
  11. 1 mg Propecia patent is expiring or already expired, so new Propecia variants from other companies will be available. Other than Propecia there is no alternative drug for AA developed by Merck(at least not to my knowledge) so Merck can just kiss ass or cope with the competition and develop something that will give better results with less risk on your health.
  12. Now read this bold part again and again and again. :rolleyes: Personal choice is to take marijuana or heroin too but they are still banned. And BTW since you are mentioning FDA. https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:uBENszbSj2gJ:www.yourlawyer.com/pdf/FDA%2520Says%2520Prostate%2520Drugs%2520Can%2520Cause%2520Cancer.pdf+FDA+Propecia+can+cause+cancer&hl=hr&gl=hr&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgnWb80HXDB-2PT8FfjzhUZ3YUudhtL6G3TAdGAjEdEbQt_K1t2a8BFAqxqycRdN-_XL_mkFZLJb_Zir_zFezIS20BER7HwDJS5r-7-C0swaLFhDBc3Ow-oSK3IaGpiA-so0-20&sig=AHIEtbS3aqQPJvRH6QGGQxB57ilpmF2SDQ FDA Warns Some Prostate Drugs Could Cause More Severe Cancer
  13. I surely hope that Propecia, Avodart and other medieval "medicines" will be banned for hairloss during my lifetime. I personally think that people are more and more aware of potential long term side effects that do not go away after you stop using these drugs. I would rather lose a couple of my fingers than messing with my health, especially my "mojo".
  14. Everything that will bust out Propecia/Rogaine out will be a good therapy. I do not know how you feel about Propecia/Rogaine but to me that is middle age technology. I would compare it to blood letting in the 16th century, more harm than benefits.
  15. Interview with Dr. Rolf Hoffmann, RepliCel's Chief Medical Officer | equities.com
  16. More updates from RepliCel RepliCel Provides Update on First-in-man Clinical Trials and Recent Corporate Activity | RepliCel
  17. Well they are a young firm but we shall see what will they do in the future. Maybe they do nothing significant but at least they will save someone else?s time not to research that way.
  18. Well I have searched this part of forum to see if there is any topic devoted to this firm, it seems there is not(if there is I beg the mods to delete this topic and redirect this post there). It seems that we have a new horse in the race of conquering MPB so if you are interested you can read here about their way to solve this problem. RepliCel
  19. Some Aderans updates. Aderans Research Enrolls 300th Subject in Clinical Trial and is Awarded Patent for Cell Potency Assay
  20. I agree, HT?s are going to be automated so the main cost of manual labor will drop and HT?s are going to be more affordable for the masses. Mass affordability is the key to make great profits, good old Ford is a fine example. Making unlimited grafts for transplanting using cloning technique and automated machine for implanting it in the scalp is the key to victory. Dr. Jim Harris Purchases the First ARTAS Hair Restoration System for Automating the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Procedure | Hair Loss Q & A
  21. 2% user XP in side effects is damn disputable.
  22. We went from Louis Bleriot, Wright brothers and their first air death traps to full aerial combats in 5-6 year time. My personal opinion is that great inventions come after great world wars. When the world is starting to rebuild itself, the economy is rising and there is a need and hunger for everything.
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