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losing hair and depression


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I totally agree with lost my swagger. Even in the best of hands, a HT is just the begining of a very long road. And the worst part is you may never reach your destination. Trust me after 2 Ht's and a year and 3 mos under a hat, I'm not there yet. I sincerely regret ever having a HT. Think about it. your constantly told to wait 18 months for the final result. Well by that time a large quantity of patients will experience further loss. It reminds me of the rat on the wheel, except I'm the rat. While my second HT was to fill in an extremely sparse first one, it was done by Dr. Feller who is considered one of the best in the field. And while I'm only 5.5 months post op from Feller, unless I see an extremely drastic difference in the next couple of months I'll be very unhappy. Bottom line Ht's are too much money and time, and too uncertain in my perspective.

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For the most part, I'd say your post is realistic and spot on.


Nobody should go in thinking that hair transplant surgery is a perfect solution. There are limitations and risks that should be considered and thoroughly understood prior to undergoing the procedure. It's also crtical for doctor's to educate their patients and help them learn what can realistically be accomplished in a single and multiple hair transplant procedures.


I do however, disagree with a few things you said.


I disagree that less than optimal results are disregarded by reputable physicians and/or this community. I also disagree with the insinuation you made that all clinics attempt to cover up less than expected results by plastering a multitude of positive results in its place. Whereas some may employ those tactics, reputable clinics will do all they can to help the occasional patient with less than expected results, not dismiss them. I also think that our community is highly responsive to those with less than optimal results. I'd even argue that sometimes, a few members have been too quick to judge a doctor's overall ability based on a single result - even before they hear both sides of the story and how the doctor is handling the concerns.


I think this statement needs to be clarified: "EVERY dr has plenty of patients who are less then thrilled with their outcomes.. EVERY dr"


I mostly agree however, the word "plenty" should be quantified. Do you have statistical data on this? If not, I'm not sure using this word is accurate, especially if you're considering the law of percentages. Also remember, that patients may not be thrilled even if their results are as what's expected, simply because of a patient having unrealistic expectations and goals. Idealistically, clinics will help patients learn what can realistically be accomplished prior to the procedure thus, minimizing the possibility of patients holding unrealistic expectations.


Ultra refined follicular unit hair transplantation has revolutionized the hair transplant profession, allowing patients to achieve more natural looking results now more than ever. However, it's still surgery and far from flawless.


Anyway, overall good post.




P.S. Watch your use of profanity as I did have to edit your post a little.

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I think this statement needs to be clarified: "EVERY dr has plenty of patients who are less then thrilled with their outcomes.. EVERY dr"


I mostly agree however, the word "plenty" should be quantified. Do you have statistical data on this? If not, I'm not sure using this word is accurate, especially if you're considering the law of percentages. Also remember, that patients may not be thrilled even if their results are as what's expected, simply because of a patient having unrealistic expectations and goals. Idealistically, clinics will help patients learn what can realistically be accomplished prior to the procedure thus, minimizing the possibility of patients holding unrealistic expectations.



Bill my opinion that every single solitary doctor has "plenty" of unsatisfied patients is comes from nothing other than my 4 years of searching the online forums as well as my personal experience... thru my time ive found myself in contact with several ht patients via phone, e-mail, PM,... we have shared experiences views and opinions, and had candid conversations...


make no mistake, i do believe that HTs can be the "right" option for some... but a question i think you should ask yourself is WHY people on this site may develop these unrealistic expectations you speak of...even people who surf this and other sites come back post op and express that their result was not what they had expected.. the express that their outcome lacks density or is "thinner" than they thought... im not saying this will always be the case but this is NO DOUBT a concern than anyone who spends enough time on here will see pop up time and time again....without saying things that may get me into trouble ill say i believe the industry does more than its part to help perpetuate these unrealistic(in many cases) goals............. i know, i know Bill, you feel the top docs dont do this as they are "ethical"....... but thats where we disagree... i believe they do it, just on a MUCH softer, and perhaps less life shattering scale..it does not, in my view make it ethical, all i see it as is the lesser of two evils. and i DONT BELIEVE A DOCTOR DESERVES THE TITLE "ETHICAL" SIMPLY BECAUSE HE GIVES MORE TRUTH THAN A BUTHCER.. these dotors that we all put in our the infamous "TOP 5"(for now anywayicon_wink.gif) all work on guys in their 20's and some have ZERO problem lowering hairlines aswell... something we all just LOVE TO KILL ARMANI ABOUT dont we?...


these top docs.. these SKILLED docs are in no way in the same class as the MANY still practicing butchers out there......and i want to make it clear i believe there is a tremedous difference between the two....


i dont believe every clinic covers up their bad results online, though i do absolutely believe it does happen still..and these doctors try VERY hard to maintain their online status as it makes them quite wealthy. there are deals made and and behind closed door agreements than i feel are more prominent than the majority of us posters and lurkers are led to believe, again that statement nothing more than what i believe to be my well informed opinion. i dont have any charts, studies, grafts, or numbers to support what ive said in this post or my previous one... if thats a quallification i must have inorder to make the statments ive made then i give you permission to edit accoringly Bill...just let me know what and why if possible....

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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Without getting into the more subjective and up-for-debate things like what doctors may or may not be doing behind closed doors, and how many do this and such, I do agree w/ LMS that a phenomena occurs where patients go into surgery with theirs eyes covered, to varying degrees.


This forum and the doctors represented from within represent in a multitude of ways the very best that modern hair transplantation has to offer. At the same time, the solution we seek isn't as simple as logging on, picking one of the most noted doctors, sending in your pics, getting back a graft #, and then going in and expecting to be totally satisfied. Since Bill joined this thread, I'll also say that I think he sets a very reasonable tone whenever he individually talks to people, and that he is extremely careful to not have a patient go in uninformed or with unrealistic expectations.


Nonetheless, Bill aside, too often I would have to agree with LMS that there is a subset culture where many are going in -- even if it is to a good clinic -- with a combination of unrealistic expectations and/or not having done exhaustive research. This is still just my opinion, I suppose, but I feel for the former category of people, "TheEmperor" is a fine example. The follow-up question is *why* his expectations were "unrealistic". How much of it was him personally not doing his due diligence, and how much was him being fed a too-rosy picture from his doctor, or not being cautioned enough of potentialities before going in. As for the latter category of person, I think it is when they come to the site, see a few results from....Rahal....sign up for their HT, make a thread saying they researched and are going to Rahal, and then get universal applauding of their decision. And it's a decision that may very well end up being their best one, but this type of patient is primed for a rude awakening more than one who had their cage rattled pre-op and did even a "bit" more research.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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There are some very good points being made here. I think I'm definitely an example of one who didn't completely understand what I was getting into with HT's. Before my first procedure, I thought I had realistic expectations. I knew that I'd have a mature/high hairline and that my density wouldn't be that of my teenage years. But even with those reasonable expectations, I was pretty disappointed. Disappointed that my hair didn't look quite right with or without concealers. Disappointed that I would have to address the same area so soon. But now that I started, there is no turning back. I have no choice but make the best out of HT's. And I feel/hope that I have better days ahead of me. But of course, that remains to be seen.


But like everyone has said, it's a HUGE commitment. Not just financially but emotionally. Maybe this site does raise some guy's hopes up with those stellar results, but I don't feel that this site pushed me into getting a HT. I probably already had my mind made up that I just didn't want to be bald.


It's ironic. You are balding and are obsessed with losing your hair. You get a HT thinking you won't be obsessed with your hair anymore, but you end up obsessing even more. I'm just hoping that I won't be so self-conscious about it in the future.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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  • Senior Member
It's ironic. You are balding and are obsessed with losing your hair. You get a HT thinking you won't be obsessed with your hair anymore, but you end up obsessing even more. I'm just hoping that I won't be so self-conscious about it in the future.


so true.

Using Propecia since 1997

Using Rogaine Foam once a day since 2012

Using Niazoral 2% once a week since 2012

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That is a perfect quote by aaron.I havent had a transplant, but if i did, even if it was great, i think i would be more self conscious and obsessed about it. The thing with me is balding doesnt give you a choice anymore-style etc etc But once you have a transplant their is not much choice either, you don't suddenly get all your prior options back-you have one path and that is to chase your balding, and if your lucky you will get a very good illusion of hair....but you will still be looking in the mirror every 5 mins and have paid alot of money...but isn't that one of the factors in getting a HT to stop the anxiety and obsession, not increase and change what you are obsessed about. IMO meds and later acceptance is the only real way to beat hair loss.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

I really appreciate you all , every member here gave me something to learn .

in general i say that in mean time i can't make HT because i don't have money and i think i'll never have such an amount of money to make many good HT .

maybe in the future when the cloning of hair roots dream comes true , and if I have the money i'll do HT but now i can't never

but indeed thank you all .

my hair now is worst than before look at the newly picture




still don't fell good icon_frown.gif

i have a question guy , does anyone heard about " biofibere before" before ? if yea please post .

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Hi there Mo7a-


You have gotten a lot of really good compliments and feedback from the posters on the network. Since a hair transplant is out of the question at this moment in your life due to monetary reasons, you can always try meds. I can't remember if you said that Propecia was out of the question. If so there is always Rogaine. Understand that if you use either or, each person is different and will respond differently. At best, you could regrow some hair but more realistically, keep what you have.


I have been in EXACTLY the same black hole with this hair thing that you're going through. I have been so obsessed, that every spare minute I could, I would check out my hair in the mirror to see if I had lost anymore. I wasted a lot of time and just made myself more unhappy. I understand that you're depressed and I'm sure you would rather have hair but a lot of the posters feel that you would look really good with a shaved head. Since you can't go the transplant route at this moment and if meds are out of the question, you should highly consider going this route. At this point have this be your style, take care of your body and be healthy. As I said in an earlier post, most guys lose at least some hair in their life. If your concern is not looking attractive to the opposite sex, rest easy. Most women could care less if you have hair or not. It's how you present yourself and your level of confidence that makes you attractive.

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If you are going to get a transplant (or go on a medication that could have a lot of side effects), do it only for yourself, not for others. Don't do it because you think some other people (such as women) want you to do it.


Sure, some women will not date a bald guy. But plenty will. I could post examples all night. For instance, the hottest girl I went to college with is currently dating a NW4.

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