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Dr Hasson hairlines


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When it comes to hairline work would Dr Hasson be mentioned in the top two or three.I like Dr Alexander and Dr Ron Shapiros for hairlines and they seem to be mentioned more when it comes to this type of work but im also very impressed with Dr Hassons hairline pics.Is Dr Hasson more popular for crown work than hairlines and are the other two docs possibly better at hairlines.

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  • Regular Member

When it comes to hairline work would Dr Hasson be mentioned in the top two or three.I like Dr Alexander and Dr Ron Shapiros for hairlines and they seem to be mentioned more when it comes to this type of work but im also very impressed with Dr Hassons hairline pics.Is Dr Hasson more popular for crown work than hairlines and are the other two docs possibly better at hairlines.

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  • Senior Member

It all depends on the type of hairline you desire and the level of your hair loss in the area. I would consider Dr. Hasson as in the top 5 in this area. Shapiro and Rahal would be included in this group also.

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Other than the obvious (naturalness), I have found that hairline design is very personal. Each surgeon will apply their individual artistic design and it varies from patient to patient, ultimately what they feel is the best way to frame the face with existing and possible future hair loss.


There was a very interesting panel discussion at the annual ISHRS conference about hairline design. A few top surgeons in the field showed their idea of hairline drawings on the same few prospective patients, and all came out at least slightly different.


In my opinion, all the surgeons you mentioned do first-rate work and have a unique artistic talent for designing hairlines. Looking through patient photos will help you discover some of their uniqueness and help you discover which artist impresses you the most.


Best wishes,



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Your interest in Hasson & Wong is appreciated.


As far as we are concerned H&W, and in your case Dr. Hasson, are unrivaled for hairline work. The reason we feel confident enough to say this is because of how we present our work to the public.


If you look at the photos of Dr. Hasson's work below you will see that the clarity and attention to detail is something you will not see from other clinics. You can literally see each individual hair as it exits the scalp. There is ZERO evidence of surgery having ever been performed. In addition to the clarity the result is not skewed by lighting that may not be natural. Mainly I am referring to flash or "studio lighting" photography as this makes hairlines look at least twice as dense than found in reality and can soften otherwise not so soft hair. Our photos are taken under fluorescent lighting just like you'll find in any office building. If you wish you can download the photos and open them in any image editor and enlarge them at will so you can see more detail.


Finally, note that when our photos are posted in this forum I do not post them in the Flash based photo album that is provided by the forum software. I post them independently so the full size of the image is available. We want you to see as much detail as possible so you are fully informed of how the work looks.


If you are considering Dr. Hasson for hairline work based on photos you have seen then knowing how the photos were taken may help to put his results into a better perspective.


Again, thank you for your interest in Dr. Hasson and his work. If you have any more questions you can call or email anytime.













The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Dark hair has the potential to highlight any inherent unnaturalness in the grown-out result.


This is the standard that ALL surgeons should be aiming for. icon_cool.gif




These views are from my own learned experience. I am NOT a Doctor, but people say that I do look like one from a distance.

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In my experience, what you said is exactly true. This is because the flash from the camera adds a shadow behind the hair follicle when coming at it straight on from the hairline. Over top, this shadow is not evident and the extra light makes it appear thinner.


In my opinion, photos without flash are the most accurate and pictures in natural lighting are optimal.


Best wishes,



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Here is a good example of how a hairline result can be skewed...




I could easily post this as a before/after result with say 2500 grafts. In reality, the photos were taken ten seconds apart. The thinner appearance is without flash, the thicker wall of hair is with flash. Studio lighting does this too.


I made a post over two years ago with more details on this. You can read it here...


False results through false lighting

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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There absolutely should be disclaimers from both clinics *and* patients alike when using flash.


Ideally, IMO, many photos should contain multiple "disclaimers"; that is to say, intentional or unintentional, Photo-X tilts (let's hope it just tilts) the result in a various direction. There can be many realities to a HT, as simple and blatent as wet hair vs. dry, short vs. long; too often, even from clinics themselves, our ability as patients to decipher the truth of a "result" is made increasingly difficult.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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One way is to just include explanatory diologue along w/ pix posted, and when done through the weblogs or photo albums in the titles and description area. Sometimes, even when all of the traditional que's have been checked off, there exists room for a "disclaimer", that, ultimately, benefits patients as it displays greater transprency of information. i.e., in my top-down shots, even in clear pics in bright sunlight, it can look like I have near-perfect coverage/density; that said, it doesn't *always* look that way, even in "less harsh" conditions depending on how my hair is styled. Which reality is truth and which truth is reality of the result?


When I get some free time I think I'm going to go about documenting my hair in various stages of being; not all of them will be obv "tampering", and this will closely mimic the various ways various clinics can and do go about posting pics, and how different a " before/after result" can be.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Unfortunately, quite a few things I'd like to do I never get around to, so don't praise me just yet! Then again, those "things" are usually important matters that pertain to my relationships and livlihood -- so, I'm sure I will in fact embark upon this e-balding quest! icon_wink.gif


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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