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Just had another repair session with Dr. Bernstein


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Hi Everyone...I completed my third repair session with Dr. Bernstein today. I've said it before, and I will say it again...my results are spectacular; Dr. B and his staff are superb, and I am so pleased with my choice. Parenthetically, he is also one of the best surgeons that I have ever met, and I have met my share. My results are spot on with what I expected and I am eager to continue with a 4th repair then a full transplant. I made the right decision, and it feels great. PM me for more details if you wish.

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  • Regular Member

Hi Everyone...I completed my third repair session with Dr. Bernstein today. I've said it before, and I will say it again...my results are spectacular; Dr. B and his staff are superb, and I am so pleased with my choice. Parenthetically, he is also one of the best surgeons that I have ever met, and I have met my share. My results are spot on with what I expected and I am eager to continue with a 4th repair then a full transplant. I made the right decision, and it feels great. PM me for more details if you wish.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by ccexxp1:

Hi Everyone...I completed my third repair session with Dr. Bernstein today. I've said it before, and I will say it again...my results are spectacular; Dr. B and his staff are superb, and I am so pleased with my choice. Parenthetically, he is also one of the best surgeons that I have ever met, and I have met my share. My results are spot on with what I expected and I am eager to continue with a 4th repair then a full transplant. I made the right decision, and it feels great. PM me for more details if you wish.


What do you mean, continue with a 4th repair then a full transplant? During the repair jobs are you just getting a small number of grafts?


I ask because I got a repair job and 2,750 grafts at the same time so I'm wondering if you had something different. Thx.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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I'm sorry everyone, I don't have any pics-nor will I. I'm kinda private so I'm not able to post pics, but, I will be happy to answer any questions..

Dewayne: I had a state of the art 1990 transplant using plugs, and although it looked great for then, technology has changed. I guess that I had it worse than you, since Dr. b could not take them out and proceed with a transplant all at once. Originally, I thought that I could just hide the old plugs by putting new hair in between the plugs. No go, i saw about 5 dr's and chose dr. Bernstein. All of the dr,'s basically said the same thing; remove the plugs, break them up and replace them. This "repair" could be done in about 3 to 4 different session, and the first session Dr B removed 100 plugs, and broke them up and replaced them individually. (that netted about 550 grafts-individuals and 2's) Next round he grabbed about 80 (that netted about 200 grafts), this one he got 53 (netting about 150 grafts). The next and final repair will be about 40, more like a fine tuning. Once that heals (about 3 months in between each session) I can then have a full hair transplant using hair from the back of my head and filled in the areas. That is the concept of repairs. People who see me notice that it looks more natural, less pluggy, but its thin. The final transplant will fill in a lot of the thinness. Hope this non-medical explanation helps!!


I hate to be a jerk and not post pics, I know that a picture would say 1000 words, I'm sorry, i just don't have them. Perhaps when this whole event is complete, in another year or so, I will be able to put a before and after for everyone. Believe me, I understand everyone who has questions, I had so many before I began.


Bottom line for me is that it was tough choosing a Dr., and since I needed such extensive repair as opposed to being a fresh head, I feel that I made the right choice for me. Its a good feeling!


Hope that answers some questions....

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Bottom line for me is that it was tough choosing a Dr., and since I needed such extensive repair as opposed to being a fresh head, I feel that I made the right choice for me. Its a good feeling!


Way to go ccexxp1. Congratulations. You and I have repair in common. My old procedures weren't strip, but plug extractions, like divots, leaving me with a moth eaten donor area. I assume, being 1990, yours was strip..yes? Fortunately, Dr. Wong was able to harvest enough hair (in spite of the depleted donor area) to make mine a successful repair. Only a few old plugs needed to be removed. The rest were hidden with FUs. I was lucky there also.

It sounds as if what you needed was more extensive and therefore more difficult. All the best for quick healing and a great outcome.


"Temples 'n Crowns Forever"


Uncjim's Hair Loss WebLog



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Posted April 17, 2008 01:46 PM

Hi ccexxp1,


I am going to get HT done by Dr. Bernstien next week. I have heard a lot of good things about him. I am in CA and I am flying to NY. I am 36 and NW6 and he recommended 2500 grafts. But stragely, I am less worried about my hairline and more about other things.

1. What are the chances of one getting serious infection from the procedure ( Dr. Bernstien's clinic). Hepities? HIV? any other?

2. What does Dr. Bernstien does to control the infection during and after the procedure.

3. What do you think about his staff. Do they take all the needed precautions against infections?


Even though I went ahead and made all the arrangements, leave from job, flight and hotel etc. I am having second thoughts on account of the above concerns. So if people can tell me their experiences with Dr. Bernstien and his staff I would appreciate it.

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Ya, most people dont worry about that stuff. It's just like any other medical procedure. They do it in the cleanest of environments. As far as afterwards thats gonna have alot to do w/ you. Just follow the post op instructions and you'll be just fine.

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Hi Nick:

1. I am not a Dr., but, his clinic is the cleanest facility that I have been in. Everyone is prepped professionally and I bet there is little risk of the drama you mentioned. i am not a dr. though, but felt very secure.

2. He puts some sort of cream BUT you are asking a medical question that I am unqualified to answer

3. I love his staff, further they have been there for years, a good sign. Again, it seemed that they took necessary precautions, but I'm not a Dr.

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Apparently this can be a touchy subject, though I really don't think it should be, as to me it really revolves around transparency for the patient:


Shooting to get 2500 grafts on a NW6, while I think it can be appropriate, I also think warrants some extra-considerations on the part of the patient. Ending up with 2500, and aiming for 2500 are also two very, very different things. From people I've spoken with privately, as well as various public declarations, I've seen too many people who've ended up "surprised" by the outcome, which I don't think should ever be the case.


As Nick still seems to have a lot of general questions, I just say this to make sure that he is fully aware of every aspect of his procedure, including a good sense of "expected outcome". I am always startled by the "surprise" some people have when their results come in.


Anyways, as for your 3 questions, I wouldn't be concerned in the slightest about any of them.


Not actually seeing Nick's pics, and just going off the #s (NW6, 2500) I would never make any delcaritive statements, and I don't intend to, as I just say this as a simple inquiry for his benefit.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • 3 months later...
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Hi MikieB: Here are my observations-instead of a "wall of pluggy hair", it now is more natural looking, including the hairline, and its uniformly spread out. So, people who know me well, tell me that the hairline with plugs (the barbie doll look) is gone.


The next day, for me at least, is a mess. I am home, there are stitches, the prior hair is shaved, and my "real" hair on the sides is a different length (kinda like bozo the clown!!) Within a few days, the "mess" appearance goes away, and, after 10 days when my stitches come out, I get the side hair cut to match. Considering the process, its not so bad. I just wear a hat. Also, please try and understand my personality, I like and want immediacy, which is NOT possible for this type of work. It does take time, and I'm doing my best with that.


The "plugs" that were removed are redistibuted on the top, or perhaps, of my head. Ultimately, the hair transplant, which comes after the repairs sessions are all mended, will "fill in the blanks" and shape, or creat, a hairline that is natural appearing...at least this is my understanding, please know that I am not a medical professional.

I hope this helps you understand what my journey through hair repair has been.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by ccexxp1:

I'm sorry everyone, I don't have any pics-nor will I. I'm kinda private so I'm not able to post pics, but, I will be happy to answer any questions..


I don't think we will see any pics Bill icon_frown.gif

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