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I'm new and I have few questions regarding Bosley

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I did a Bosley procedure 3 days ago. In San Francisco office. 1,553 grafts.


My forehead is swollen and scar on the back of my head hurts a lot. I feel bad, three days I don't go to work and school.


I was so stupid and did NO research about Bosley until today. I have a few questiuons and I desperetly need help !!! PLEASE !!!


1. How long will I have this scar? Will it look better in a few months? Or I got stuck with it forever? What can I do to get rid of it?


2. Why do You all say that Bosley is bad? Bosley was the first one who started the hair transplantation, right? It's why I went there. I believe that if they been doing it for so long they are simply the best.


3. Why do You believe that the Doctors who I can find on this web site do a better job? Simply, why does Bosley suck and they don't? They EXACTLY the same procedure and how come they do the best job and Bosley only do the opposite (the bad job)?


4. OK. Even if I was so stupid and I didn't do any researchers and I was wrong about Bosley what should I do now ?????? The procedure is done and it's too late to do anything about that.


Should I just sit and wait for 1 year? And then go to the Doctors You all talking about here?



Sorry, if I ask too many questions and questions are stupid. I'm just so scared and frustrated after I've read some of Your messages about Bosley.


I wish, I haven't gone to them at all. I spent $7,500 and now I don't even wanna think about what gonnna happen to me.




PLEASE, HELP !!!!!!!



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I did a Bosley procedure 3 days ago. In San Francisco office. 1,553 grafts.


My forehead is swollen and scar on the back of my head hurts a lot. I feel bad, three days I don't go to work and school.


I was so stupid and did NO research about Bosley until today. I have a few questiuons and I desperetly need help !!! PLEASE !!!


1. How long will I have this scar? Will it look better in a few months? Or I got stuck with it forever? What can I do to get rid of it?


2. Why do You all say that Bosley is bad? Bosley was the first one who started the hair transplantation, right? It's why I went there. I believe that if they been doing it for so long they are simply the best.


3. Why do You believe that the Doctors who I can find on this web site do a better job? Simply, why does Bosley suck and they don't? They EXACTLY the same procedure and how come they do the best job and Bosley only do the opposite (the bad job)?


4. OK. Even if I was so stupid and I didn't do any researchers and I was wrong about Bosley what should I do now ?????? The procedure is done and it's too late to do anything about that.


Should I just sit and wait for 1 year? And then go to the Doctors You all talking about here?



Sorry, if I ask too many questions and questions are stupid. I'm just so scared and frustrated after I've read some of Your messages about Bosley.


I wish, I haven't gone to them at all. I spent $7,500 and now I don't even wanna think about what gonnna happen to me.




PLEASE, HELP !!!!!!!



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I've seen posters here who've gone to various Bosley clinics and come out okay so don't despair. Time will tell when the results start to show. I'll take a stab at answering your Q's:


1) The best of scars will never be invisible to where you can shave down. Your goal should be with hair about 1/2" or longer for it not to be noticable. That will take time. You may want to buy some Mederma to use on the scar or something to aid in the healing process. For now, if it swells or you have pain, ice it and use some mild painkillers.


2) Bosley has earned the reputation of "hair mill" from inconsistent results produced over the years. They have slick marketing and spend a lot of money on it which is why they're able to sell it. People see their ads which they can make look unbelievably good, and they do, so people sign up with no research. Unfortunately, there's a large scale with respect to quality of hair transplants produced and Bosely doesn't consistently land at the top of it.


3) The coalition surgeons recommended here have been put under the best of microscopes when it comes to what they deliver. From the initial consultation as to whether or not a person is suited for or ready to have a HT to the ultra refined technological results they can achieve with very small incisions, the best possible donor closure methods, dense packing of grafts when appropriate, EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE STAFF............many, many more factors go into separating the "wanna be" clinics who can make money performing HT's versus the surgeons/clinics that specialize and really care about their patients and "consistently" produce EXCELLENT results.


4) Nothing you can do now but wait to see what the results will be. At this stage, since you're fresh from surgery, it may help to look at some detailed pics of the work you had done. At the least, many here have seen tons of before and after pics of work done and may be able to provide you with insight as to the quality of work you received. Have you documented your procedure with pics?


As I said, don't despair. It may turn out okay given time. You'll just have to wait and see. Focus on documenting your recovery and growth as best you can to track your success. It may help you keep your mind off of the whole Bosley thing and look forward to what will hopefully be the results you hoped to achieve.


Best of luck for recovery and quick growth!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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I agree with Hairbank who has been a faithfull respected contributor to this comunity for some time. You are also in a position to help others with your expirience. I would recommend you document your results take lots of pics start a web blog and lets see what happens, maybe you will have great end results, but document it and lets see. the good news is your probally have donor left to have a top doc fix it, IF it doesnt turn out. If you want the best advise post pics on here, good luck.

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I think hairbank has summed it up pretty well. I would say that Bosley has cleaned up its act in recent times, the bosley of old was notorious for false and misleading advertisements and other deceptive conduct some of which is documented on: http://www.bosleymedicalviolations.com/


The problem with Bosley and other 'hair mills' is that they are an umbrella company for unnamed doctors performing HT's, some good and some bad. Unlike other plastic surgery a HT requires skill, artistry and the use of the latest technology and techniques to achieve the best results. I believe only the best doctors in the world are able to dense pack and create a totally undetectable result. The quality docs mentioned on this site use the latest technology and techniques to provide the most optimal results with minimalist scarring.


As for your symptoms don't worry, as it is not uncommon to have a swollen forhead and discomfort in your donor area. Your post-op instructions should instruct you to place an icepack on your forhead for the first few days after surgery to keep the swelling down. Most of the discomfort of the surgery should subside within 5-7 days.


3-4 months post op will be a good indication on how well your surgery was. Any shockloss you had in your recipient and donor area should grow back and you will start to notice your new HT hair coming through. As mentioned previously it is best to take timely pictures and document your progress. Also follow your post-op instructions dillegently do not put any strain on your donor area (e.g. heavy weightlifting, situps, running, etc) or go in the sun for at least a couple months post op.


Keep your chin up Alec, you have a long wait ahead of you. Don't stress about what is done and just concentrate on the future. The good news is that you still have a lot of grafts in the bank should you need to use them in future. If the donor scar is a problem it can easily be removed by a quality doc in your next HT should you have the need.


If they havent instructed you already you should get on Propecia/Proscar to slow/halt your hairloss.

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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You only got 1,500 grafts so the good news is you should have more. Bosley is not highly respected on this forum because they are a commercial hair mill, I believe most coalition docs have only one place of practice...bosley has more centers then Princeton review. I do live in the bay area, if you want to meet up send me a pm. As far as your quote "what gonna happen to me"...you will grow hair what % no one knows but stay positive, it is the best thing for you in a long road to re-growth....I highly recommend you read literature on the site regarding what to expect after your ht, to help calm your nerves.


good growth to you man

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Hello Alec1974 and welcome to the forums. I agree with my fellow comrades....don't despair...what's done is done....some have come out of Bosley with decent results. Let's just wait and see what happens.


A quick correction if I may:


3-4 months post op will be a good indication on how well your surgery was


3-4 months isn't a good indication of how well your surgery was...though it might be a good indication of how well the donor area is healing. It is only around this time frame that you will start to notice growth. You should have a much better indication between the 6-8 month mark, however, it takes up to a year+ to mature in it's entirety.


I hope this helps.



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Welcome to our hair restoration community. As you can see from the above posts, this forum has many members who are very knowledgable about hair transplantation. They are also generous in offering advice and support to others (Thanks to all the above posters for your sound advice and support).


I agree with the above comments and suggest that you relax and spend time comparing your surgical experience to others on this forum. There are dozens of weblogs that show patient results at every stage of the hair transplant process, before, immediately after and weeks and months later.


You will find that many of the issues you are now concerned about are common to all hair transplant patients.


I'm confident that if you invest in learning more you will ultimately be empowered to achieve the results you want.


I also encourage you to document your own recovery process by creating a free Hair Loss Weblog of your own at www.HairLossWeblogs.com


Best wishes for great healing and growth.

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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Wow !!! I have 6 (!!!) messges from You, guys. Sorry, I feel so weak that I can't reply right now.


My forehead swollowing and and it goes down on my face. My nose became twice bigger than it was and I can open my eyes only in a half way. I go to bed and promise to reply more tomorrow.



Love You all and thank You for the encouragement.



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Usually the scar goes away very fast ,and it will be no problem after a couple of months.

As you sad Bosley has been doing this for a long time, so he can`t be that bad .

If he had 5 to 8 microscopes ,5 to 8 people helping him , and at the hair line he used only 1 hair graft I think you will be fine

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Take heart that the swelling typically last only 3 days. We advise our patients to start icing immedately after surgery for three days to minimize their chances of swelling (along with medications). If a patient swells, it shows up 72 hours (3 days) after surgery. It starts at the top of the forehead, then just above the eyes the next day, and finally it reaches below your eyes the third day. The visibility is minimal as the swelling drains down to your cheeks on the fourth day. If you don't have post-op instructions, you need to call your HT doctor's office for their specific instructions. I'd advise you to calmly research what you can to to get optimal growth at this point.


I hope you find comfort and gain useful knowledge from all the caring posters above who are here to lend support to all those who seek it.


Best of luck to you.

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I recommend alternating hot and cold compresses to the area. What you can do is take a warm wash cloth and apply it to the area for five minutes followed by a massage from the middle of the forehead towards the temples for five minutes, and then place a cold wash cloth to the area for five minutes every hour while swollen.


A few years ago we added the warm followed by the massage instead of just the cold to our post-operative instructions and out patients rarely swelled, and if they did all they had to do is start this process and the swelling went down right away.


The alternating of the hot, massage and cold gets the fluid moving and makes it go down.

I am the patient coordinator for Dr. Scott Alexander in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Alexander's Coalition Membership Profile

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Oh, Man !!!!!


I still can't believe how nice You are, guys. I feel like I'm talking to my New Family !!! Thank You so much.


I feel much better today. Physically I'm in a very good shape, the scar hurts a little bit, but except this I feel great.


I can't go to School or to work since Monday. I use this Time to do my homework (I wanna become RN), clean my room, my computer files, to call or write to my friends, watch some new movies etc.


I felt depressed BEFORE I came HERE, however now I'm full of energy.


1. My swelling is under my eyes now. Looks horrible, but now I know that is normal, right?

I made a huge mistake. I ignored Doctor's advice to use the ice right after the procedure, because after the prosedure - 4 days ago - my forehead looked OK. I even went to work next day, and on 2nd day.


On Monday (2nd day after the procedure) the swelling started. As You guys said, it started from my forehead and now it's under my eyes. Now,I have no choice, but to stay hone and use some ice and "alternating hot and cold compresses." Thanks a bunch.


2. I'm sorry, but I still confused about the ccar. Will it go away COMPLETELY (new hair will grow where was the scar ???) by itself in a few months or I have to do something about that? It's a big concern for me, because I'm a kick-boxer and must have short hair cut (Number 2).


So my plan is to take Propecia daily (I'm doing it for 4 days now) and wait for about 1 year. I will be reading these forum posts and materials You've advised me to read.


Then, in 1 year, I will, probably, go to the Doctors You all talking about HERE.


Hope, that the Bosley Doctor did a good job. He did about 50% of procedure and, then, 2 RN's did another 50%. They looked very professional, however it's only my guess.


They washed my hair on the next day, gave me good advises and checking on me (RN calling me) every day so far.


I will post my pictures and will do my best to be an active member. I found many useful advises HERE and I want to be useful for someone as well.



Love You all,



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hi i am viki frm india & i am just 23 yrs old guy. i have also loss my hair frm the front side of my head. i want to know what is the hair transplant & how does it works? Is it successful or not? plz tell me also best hair transplant doctors in india or in delhi. plz reply me as soon as. plz help me.

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Dear Viki,


Could, You, please open a new thread? I believe, You will get more respondes.


I can help You very little, because I had my procedure 5 days ago at Bosley in San Francisco and I'm very new HERE.


They took hair from my back (donor area) and put them in the front of my head. It was 1,553 grafts. It was VERY painful and for 5 days I have to stay home, becuase my forehead and now eyes are swollen a lot.


Most of the people HERE don't recommend Bosley. Please, open a new thread and keep on learning, OK?



Good luck to You, Brother.



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I'm not sure if someone already answered this question, if so I apologize. But...the scar you have will not go away permanently...probably not in the sense that you mean. If you were sealed with the tricho method, some hairs may grow through the scar, but there still will be a scar. Most top docs know how to make a scar that is very concealable, very thin, and one might even be able to buzz down to a 2 or 1 clip (1 clip is very rare) without seeing the scar. But there WILL be a scar, even if it isn't noticable. I hope that information helps.


Anyway...yes, this forum is great because everyone is here to support one another, offering honest and true advice and wisdom as much as possible. Most of us here are in the same boat, either having undergone surgery...like myself, or searching the forums to possibly undergo surgery. Swelling is perfectly normal...even if you do ice, it happens...just wait it out....you'll look normal again soon, at least with swelling. As far as the hair goes, you won't start noticing new growth until about 3 months, and even then you'll have to wait until about 5 or 6 months before you notice any big changes. But advice that's been given so far is very true....take pictures of your progress...document and compare as the months go by. Soon you will start to lose the transplanted hairs, but do not despair...this is normal. The follicles will remain underneath the surface of the skin and will start to grow in a few months. You may experience shock loss which means you might look more bald than you did before the HT until the hair starts to grow. Most shock lossed hair will grow back, assuming the hairs weren't transected AND the hairs weren't predestined to fall out.


I hope this helps.



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Day 11, so far so good.


Swollen is gone, grafts look good and I feel excellent. On Saturday I'm gonna remove my stiches at the San Francisco Bosley office.


I don't have enough words to describe how much I appreciate all Your Advices and Help, Brothers and Sisters.


I will keep everyone posted and hope, my story (succesful or not) will help others as well.



Love You all.



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Best of luck to you, Alec. Keep us posted on your progress and document your progression. Are you eventually going to post some before/after pics?



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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