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Dec 20th with Dr. Calder of Ziering Medical in So Cal


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I have had a consultation with Dr. Calder of Ziering Medical in So. California today. Can anyone please share their experiences with this group?





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Welcome to our community.


It would probably be a good idea to use the find feature of our forum community to see what other members have been saying about this physician.


Unfortunately, I have not heard of this physician before. In my opinion, it is best to undergo hair transplantation with a hair restoration physician who has a proven track record of positive and consistent results. In my opinion, selecting an unknown physician brings unnecessary risk that could potentially lead to poor results.


Do your research carefully.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

I am not familiar with Dr Calder. I am familiar with Dr. Zeiring. HE is a good physician and will do a good job for you. As has been recomended on this site, you may want to find out how long Dr. Calder has been doing hair restoration.

Ricardo Mejia MD

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I felt very uncomfortable during my consult with Dr. Zeiring.

His salesman did most of the consult and Dr. Zeiring came in and spent about 5 minutes with me. He seemed very fake and the salesman seemed very pushy.

They were trying to steer me into a supposed cancellation slot about 2 weeks out.

If you want to stay close to home try Dr. Alexander in Phoenix. It's a short cheap plane ride from LAX and a much better doctor in my opinion.

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We have the opportunity to see live patients from physicians at our International Hair restoration surgery meetings. Dr. Zeiring did good work on the patients presented. In regards to the subsequent comments, I agree if patients do not have a good consultation and they do not feel comfortable, there is always possibility of unclear goals and expectations with the patient and doctor.

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Hey Jason, icon_smile.gif


Ha, ha, have you seen Dr. Zeiring? There's no relations between Ian and Dr. Craig Zeiring. I'm pretty sure you were kidding around, but just in case... I met Dr. Z a long time ago at one of the conferences and their clinic has removed sutures for our patients many times in the past.


Dr. Zeiring worked for MHR for number of years before heading to Southern Cal. to open his own practice. I believe he has quite a few doctors working at his practice now with two locations in so. cal and one in las vegas.

It would be nice to see some of his patient's results on the forum. I think he was also on Extreme makeover couple years back.

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I want to clarify that Dr. Ziering and his associated are NOT recommended on this site because in my opinion money and patient volume are more important to their organization than optimal patient care.


I base my opinion on input from both patients, former employees and hair transplant physicians.


I don't care how many TV appearances their PR people line up for them - in my opinion they are not to be recommended.

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I only went for a consult with Dr. Ziering, my impression is completely in line with what Pat is saying, I would not consider his practice for a HT based on their lack of verified quality results and pushy sales techniques. It is obvious that Dr. Ziering is in it for the money.

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Guest wanthairs



this is a forum for the benefit of the patients, not Doctors. We question everything and all the doctors are scrutinised. That is why I (and many other participants here) appear to have what is flowering as a good, natural looking transplant and not a cornfield

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hopefully this doctor will READ a thread like this one and realize that less is more, and that advertising and pushy sales people are a friggin RED FLAG.


Maybe he is a good doctor, but if you employ sales tactics like those and have any horse sense, you'll know to FLEE! Sadly, some are taken in and scheduling an appointment in a few weeks.


To treat this like you're selling someone a used car is just unethical.

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  • 1 year later...

It's funny to hear about the comments, but am a hair surgical technician, worked with several hair surgeons...

I'll tell you a story, I was once was on the ISHRS in Florida sponsored by MHR, Dr. Ron Shapiro was demonstrating dense packing and I was assigned on his case, I still can remember because his best staff is on that case and we did the FUT, as we were placing we kinda divided the head so both of us can fit placing( if you know what i mean, any1 who has HT must know) so it happens I finished off my side first at least an hour before she was done, then Dr. Shapiro told me is the case done? said yes and he couldn't believe it... to sum it up I am used in doing dense packing with Dr. Ziering that Dr. Shapiro sites is a walk in the park... after that he called me to do the "stick and place technique" and got recruited to join his practice... no way I wouldn't live in MN... so in quality i would know Dr. Ziering is better at least compare to Dr. Shapiro.

Ethics, I don't know I haven't worked with him in a while, last was about 2003.


PS: If you're talking about expensive procedure try, $15,000 for 1200 grafts, or $10,000 for a scar revision, or $30,000 for 2200 grafts... any guess???? This MD is ofcourse is in NYC>>>

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I gather you currently work for Dr. Ziering. I know Dr. Ziering well so please give my regards to him, Char too.


Over the years Dr. Shapiro has spent a great deal of his own money to bring his staff to surgery conferences because techs provided by the hosting clinics were not used to his incisions. He felt in order to demontrate properly, he needed his own techs. He started to bring his own techs to Orlando in 2002. He brought along 4 technicians to that workshop while he brought me and another tech to another conference in Mexico a week before the Orlando workshop.


I believe in 2003, I attended the OLSW with Dr. Ron. It seems odd that neither one of us remembers a MHR tech who impressed us so much we offered a job to. I remember Judy helped me plant but your account of your participation is nothing like what Dr. Ron or I recall. As you know, the cameras are there for the planning, donor harvesting, and incision phases. Then the cameras usually roll for another ?? hour to an hour after planting begins. So any demonstration of 'sticking and Placing' or 'buddying' is done at the beginning of the planting phase, not at the end of the surgery. Feel free to email me if you'd like to refresh our memory in better detail.

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ace, all you did was refresh a very old topic and remind the people on this forum that ziering has low ethical standards. at the same time you tried to slag a clinic that most people on this forum hold in the highest regards. great job!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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You do realize that you just revived a thread that was almost 2 years old?


Since you've alluded to working for Dr. Ziering, please read through the terms of service you agreed to when you signed up and add a disclosure in your forum signature that you are affiliated with Dr. Ziering.


You are welcome to address patient concerns as it relates to Dr. Ziering (as long as you adhere to our terms of service), but it's pretty shady and lacks class to make claims that your doctor is better than another one...especially one as world renowned as Dr. Shapiro.





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