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Everything posted by kamin

  1. It's most likely not permanent hair loss, just shedding. The hair with the bulb on the end is known as a club hair. The following is from one of my previous posts. I found the info on the Internet: "Hair grows in a cycle: anagen (living growing hair), catagen (in-between phase) and telogen (resting or falling-out phase). Telogen lasts a few months and is terminated by a new anagen hair. The result is shedding a hair with a bulb at the end (club hair). It is normal to lose 50 or more telogen hairs a day."
  2. You have your opinion, just-a-guy, other people have their opinions. Now, SHADDUP. :-)
  3. kamin

    Propecia Time

    I've read that the original subjects that tested Propecia used 1mg once per day. So this is what the positive results were based on, which is why many doctors suggest taking it once every 24 hours regardless of how long it's supposed to inhibit DHT. They want you to mimic the actual studies.
  4. I see no reason why you can't use Nizoral now. If you do a Google search on hairsprays with no alcohol, you'll find some. I've read that one should wait at least three weeks after a HT before swimming (as long as the sutures are out).
  5. Jagdish, I hear ya! That would have been the first thing I would have removed!
  6. Get more opinions from other doctors.
  7. Looks great, Troy! Thanks for the updates!
  8. Eddie does kick some a$$! Has (had) some cool hair, too! However, I've seen some recent pictures of him and it looks like his age, etc. is finally catching up to him. Bummer.
  9. csofrank, Looks good!! Thanks for the update!
  10. When I ran out of my Iamin Gel, I was told to use Polysporin instead of Neosporin because Neosporin contains Neomycin sulfate, which can cause side effects with certain people. See the following link for more info: http://www.epinions.com/content_127274094212
  11. Your receding hairline (Before picture) looks a lot like what mine did before I got my HT's. Looks as if the hair is growing in nicely. Thanks for the update!
  12. Being that I'm a musician and Eddie Van Halen is one of my favorite guitarists, I used him as my avatar. He had some kick-a$$ hair back in the day! That got me to thinking about how some of these musicians (or anyone, for that matter) can abuse themselves with alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, and crappy diets but still have great-looking healthy hair. I'm always reading about how a healthy diet, etc. is important for good-looking hair. Probably genetics.
  13. Being that I'm a musician and Eddie Van Halen is one of my favorite guitarists, I used him as my avatar. He had some kick-a$$ hair back in the day! That got me to thinking about how some of these musicians (or anyone, for that matter) can abuse themselves with alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, and crappy diets but still have great-looking healthy hair. I'm always reading about how a healthy diet, etc. is important for good-looking hair. Probably genetics.
  14. No need for any replies to this, but I just answered a couple of posts from info I found at the following website: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/productreviews/men/propecia/ I found the following (taken from this website) interesting because I know that many people use different methods of using finasteride and Nizoral: "Propecia should be administered at 1mg daily in pill form, with no exceptions. Many people talk about custom dosing, skipping days, doubling up, etc. This will not only do nothing to help your hair loss, but will also do your system more harm than good. Hormones are very delicate chemicals that operate in conjunction with each other Therefore a constant daily dose will ensure a stable hormonal environment, and keep your biology in harmony. It is a little known fact that the FDA trial participants all used a shampoo like Nizoral for the duration of the trial. This was required, as the increased sebum production, inflammation, and irritation caused by the balding process can limit the effectiveness of any treatment. This is why it is STRONGLY recommended that a regimen including Propecia also include Nizoral shampoo used once every 3 days in rotation with your normal shampoo. You will not see optimum results without Nizoral, or a shampoo like it, in your regimen."
  15. No need for any replies to this, but I just answered a couple of posts from info I found at the following website: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/productreviews/men/propecia/ I found the following (taken from this website) interesting because I know that many people use different methods of using finasteride and Nizoral: "Propecia should be administered at 1mg daily in pill form, with no exceptions. Many people talk about custom dosing, skipping days, doubling up, etc. This will not only do nothing to help your hair loss, but will also do your system more harm than good. Hormones are very delicate chemicals that operate in conjunction with each other Therefore a constant daily dose will ensure a stable hormonal environment, and keep your biology in harmony. It is a little known fact that the FDA trial participants all used a shampoo like Nizoral for the duration of the trial. This was required, as the increased sebum production, inflammation, and irritation caused by the balding process can limit the effectiveness of any treatment. This is why it is STRONGLY recommended that a regimen including Propecia also include Nizoral shampoo used once every 3 days in rotation with your normal shampoo. You will not see optimum results without Nizoral, or a shampoo like it, in your regimen."
  16. It is normal to naturally lose up to 100 hairs per day, so 15-20 is nothing to worry about. 11 ejaculate? That's all? I heard about a guy who did 12 ejaculate. It's only a matter of time before 13 ejaculate is common.
  17. Just responded to a similar post with the same answer as below. Found the info at the following website. Note the Nizoral info at the bottom: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/productreviews/men/propecia/ SHEDDING: Our hair naturally goes through growth and resting cycles. Each hair has its own cycle, and at any given time, a large % of follicles are "resting" while the remainder are "growing" as hair on the scalp. When Propecia enters the system, the sudden removal of DHT from the follicles can sometimes shock a large number of follicles to enter into the resting phase at the same time. Its known as a synchronization of the hair cycle. To the layman, it's frequently known as the "shedding sh*ts". Panic can set in as the person who sought to stop their hair loss, suddenly see's it get worse right before their eyes. The change is typically not noticeable to anyone but the one on the treatment, but its enough to cause many to freak out and lose their stability. We are here to inform you to NOT worry about shedding. If you are shedding, this means you are responding to the treatment. A larger number of hairs have entered into dormancy so that they can rest, and rejuvenate in 2 or 3 months free of any DHT affliction. It's as simple as that. Shedding rarely lasts more than 4 months, and typically results in a sudden "awakening" of large numbers of hairs. PATIENCE: Propecia takes time. Do not expect results in 3 months. If you are a good responder, your hair loss will stop at about month 4. You typically will not see any regrowth until month 6 to 8, and your optimum results on the treatment won't be seen until after one full year. Be patient, know that you've got an 83% chance to keep what you have today, and let it do its job. NIZORAL: As mentioned above, it is a little known fact that the FDA required trial participants to use an anti-inflammatory shampoo like Nizoral for the duration of the trials. This means you should too. You must keep your scalp in a non-itchy, non-inflamed, non-flaky state in order for Propecia (or any other treatment for that matter) to work well.
  18. Found this on the following website: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/productreviews/men/propecia/ SHEDDING: Our hair naturally goes through growth and resting cycles. Each hair has its own cycle, and at any given time, a large % of follicles are "resting" while the remainder are "growing" as hair on the scalp. When Propecia enters the system, the sudden removal of DHT from the follicles can sometimes shock a large number of follicles to enter into the resting phase at the same time. Its known as a synchronization of the hair cycle. To the layman, it's frequently known as the "shedding sh*ts". Panic can set in as the person who sought to stop their hair loss, suddenly see's it get worse right before their eyes. The change is typically not noticeable to anyone but the one on the treatment, but its enough to cause many to freak out and lose their stability. We are here to inform you to NOT worry about shedding. If you are shedding, this means you are responding to the treatment. A larger number of hairs have entered into dormancy so that they can rest, and rejuvenate in 2 or 3 months free of any DHT affliction. It's as simple as that. Shedding rarely lasts more than 4 months, and typically results in a sudden "awakening" of large numbers of hairs. PATIENCE: Propecia takes time. Do not expect results in 3 months. If you are a good responder, your hair loss will stop at about month 4. You typically will not see any regrowth until month 6 to 8, and your optimum results on the treatment won't be seen until after one full year. Be patient, know that you've got an 83% chance to keep what you have today, and let it do its job.
  19. I wouldn't ask him. If he wants anyone to know, he will mention it. Asking him could make him feel uncomfortable. Maybe you could start a conversation about how you're thinking about getting an HT and ask his opinion. Maybe he'll open up then.
  20. I just did a quick Google search and came up with this link (one of many) that answers your questions: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
  21. Sounds like normal shedding to me. Found the following on a website: "Hair grows in a cycle: anagen (living growing hair), catagen (in-between phase) and telogen (resting or falling-out phase). Telogen lasts a few months and is terminated by a new anagen hair. The result is shedding a hair with a bulb at the end (club hair). It is normal to lose 50 or more telogen hairs a day."
  22. I've found that there are three things that one must concentrate on for maximum fat loss: 1.) Diet 2.) Weight training 3.) Cardio I was able to get to 10.5% body fat by eating 5-6 small meals per day, each meal consisting of high-quality protein, carbs, and fat. You must eat at least five times per day to keep your metabolism up. Also, lots of water. I worked out with weights approximately four times per week, giving my body ample time for recovery. For cardio, I did 30-60 minutes five times per week in the morning before eating anything. Pain-in-the-ass??? YES!!! Needless to say, I'm not at 10.5% body fat anymore. This is what what worked for me. It may not work for others. Everyone's body is different.
  23. Two years is approximately 12 inches of hair. That's a long time to grow it out and then buzz it! I know that if I grew my hair for two years, I wouldn't want to cut it after all that time!
  24. Jefff, While you still have a nice head of long hair, I can understand how you're feeling. I also had long hair for quite a while (actually letting it grow long again after having two HT's). Since I'm a musician and appearance is important on stage, when it started receding, even a little bit, at around 30 years of age (1990), it was devestating. Being under the lights made it worse! I didn't know about Propecia back then or if it was even available (I'm 45 now). Got my first HT in 10/04 (1500+ grafts) and my second in 11/05 (1000+ grafts) and am very pleased with the results. If I had to do it over again, I would have gotten all the grafts done in one fell swoop, however. Start using finasteride (Propecia or Proscar) right away to stop further hair loss. If you're that unhappy with your hair right now, follow through with some consultations to see what they can do. Since you're 37 years old, I believe that Dr. True (or any other doctor) will take your request seriously. One other thing, I notice that you part your hair in the middle. Try a part on the side. That will cover up some of the thinness on top. Good luck!
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