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Everything posted by Bobman

  1. Hey Everyone!!! I'm going in for my Third and final procedure next month! For those that don't remember me or know me, in September of 2004 I had 4,849 grafts with Hasson & Wong...focusing on the front/top of my head. Then nine months later returned for a 2,955 grafts session for the crown, for a total of 7,804 grafts in two sessions! I've posted some pics to show my progress from the start and finish of my journey. And now, I'm going back to Hasson & Wong for my Third and final procedure to take advantage of the Tri-Closure technique and maybe get about 1,000 grafts and thick up the crown. Miss you all very much and if you know me at all.....you know I'll be keeping you posted! PS: See my post on this site in the Photo Album category.
  2. Hey Everyone!!! I'm going in for my Third and final procedure next month! For those that don't remember me or know me, in September of 2004 I had 4,849 grafts with Hasson & Wong...focusing on the front/top of my head. Then nine months later returned for a 2,955 grafts session for the crown, for a total of 7,804 grafts in two sessions! I've posted some pics to show my progress from the start and finish of my journey. And now, I'm going back to Hasson & Wong for my Third and final procedure to take advantage of the Tri-Closure technique and maybe get about 1,000 grafts and thick up the crown. Miss you all very much and if you know me at all.....you know I'll be keeping you posted! PS: See my post on this site in the Photo Album category.
  3. I want to agree with what Joe had posted before regarding my results. Not only from a price point of view, but from an "end result" point of view. I chose Hasson & Wong because of the consistent results other patients were getting. And now I'm one of them. How do you really put a price on how great it feels to have a second lease on life...you can't. I trusted Hasson & Wong with more than money. But if that were the only reason for my decision, as to if they were unethical or not...then I would have done "other" research and still found that they are. Fact is...they provide more for less...Period. They should charge more...they are worth it...I would have paid double. At the time I knew I had hired the best...so money played a very small part.
  4. Michaellovesnyc: Sorry, didn't see the next reply you posted... I style my hair when it's wet, then let it settle that way. Afterwards..I usually use my hands to brush through it. If it seems difficult to deal with, I'll wet a brush a bit and use that...or, I'll use some soft mouse or palm aid for control. That evening was simple....just wet, style, let dry and wet brush. Thanks for the compliment on my hair style of choice these days. I'll be going much shorter this summer....maybe even buzz. Spex: Nobody suspected a thing...they just said I hadn't changed since High School. A compliment I gladly accepted.
  5. Bill: Glad I helped you...your choice was top notch! I'm sure your gonna look great when all is said and done. Thank you for the kudos! iwanthair: LOL! At my age these days....thats all there is! Michaellovesync: Wow...and Thanks!
  6. HK500: Thank you...I like helping where I can. John: "that gay"...ha ha ha, you're too funny. I don't really have any idea on the meds question....we'll have to see over time. Fact is....almost all my hair on my crown and top are HT. So, I believe its just a matter of taking care of one's self through proper diet and excercises, vitamins etc... all that should help in the long run in my opinion.
  7. hairbank: I have been happy with more volume up front and keeping the sides and back tighter for a cleaner look. Actually sitting in a stylist's chair for more than five minutes IS a great feeling, I agree. You're so welcome...and you know what they say about "giving"....it comes back 10 fold. Have a great Christmas! Pat: You're killing me with this sweater thing....AH! But a big THANK YOU for the compliment...coming from you it's really nice to hear. Michaellovesnyc: Thank you my "non-gay" buddy! And, sorry but I didn't do any banging of old classmates...not that the offer(s) weren't there. Funny, I did see a couple of guys walk out at the end of the night with former classmate chickies...hmmmmm? To add to your first comment...I just found out from a woman I'm dating that she confided in me that I'm the "hot Dad" of the school where I pick up my son...you know how women talk...funny stuff.
  8. Larry David: Must have been the right sweater to wear, since I got hit on (strong) by about three very fine ladies that evening. Martin: "jumper"??? and it's 1986 buddy. LOL! Well Nobuzz...I guess you can't please everyone.
  9. I don't seem to have the trouble like before. My confidence is much higher these days.
  10. stumper: No topic or anything...all natur'al. nobuzz4me: no-one had any Ht's that I could tell. I normally don't scan for them...the bad ones just kinda "pop" out at cha, right? The reunion wasn't really the reason for my transformation...just something I could appreciate this time around.
  11. Well here I am...and this weekend was great! Two nights of meeting people that I haven't seen in forever. Fact is and I'll cut to the chase....EVERYONE said plain and simply that I look like I haven't changed a bit. Many have changed....and there were the classic goatee/shaved heads and whatnot. And there were many that didn't. At the end of it all and with a friend that I had been hanging with...I confided in her what I had done....she was very impressed. Now I'm working on a new goal....gotta keep the momentum going to be my best.....you know the drill. Thanks again fellas for everything!
  12. Hey...sorry...but my camera is being a bitch. Should have some photos soon....even if I have to borrow one dammit!
  13. Mark H: You know, I did...but cannot seem to find it. Back in the beginning I used to keep everything in such a nice order...but now, its filed somewhere in this house....just don't know where. Sorry bro......
  14. Mark H: Yes...I do and I plan to do a third and final HT sometime in 2007. irish homer: Thanks mate!
  15. Hey all....just wanted to chime in. Have been busy with business' and life. Gonna get my hair cut and colored this Friday...getting ready for my 20 year class reunion next month the 25th. Feel free to shout out and ask me anything you want.....later gater!
  16. Troy: I totally agree and appreciate the kudos to my attitude. Some people just don't get it. One thing for sure...is change. With that, I try to stay humble and remain grateful for the good things I have now. One of my beliefs is that we can't control for the most part the things that happen to us...but we can change what they mean to us. Thanks again man!
  17. Hello Janna. Thanks for the nice compliment. I often don't feel my age anymore since the transformation. I'll be sure to forward your congrats...
  18. Thanks Archy. Since the HT and some haircuts and color later...I'm very comfortable in my own skin these days. Now, my exwife may or may not have left when I wasn't at my best in life...and that truely is her loss. As for the woman that I've met...who knows...you're right about the spark AND its the ones that can handle the valleys of life with you that make the difference. This may or may not be the one....only time will tell...but in the meantime I'm in a good place. Best of luck and I'm really looking forward to seeing those pics.
  19. Thanks Fellas! I like that...30's are the new 20's....LOL! All in all, I'd rather be with someone thats totally honest, than someone that tells me what I "want" to hear.
  20. Just wanted to let everyone know....I may have found the woman of my dreams! Normally I don't share my life like this...but it is a direct result of having a hair transplant. I had recently pointed out a picture of me and my family...and it was me skinny NOT fat...well dressed, y'know. Anyway I asked her point blank if she would have been attracted to me if I had approached her like that and she was honest and said "no way". Shallow....maybe, but physical attraction is physical attraction....I know I wouldn't be attracted to her if initially if she was fat...period. So fellas...I'm really in a good place now....thought I'd share.
  21. Just wanted to let everyone know....I may have found the woman of my dreams! Normally I don't share my life like this...but it is a direct result of having a hair transplant. I had recently pointed out a picture of me and my family...and it was me skinny NOT fat...well dressed, y'know. Anyway I asked her point blank if she would have been attracted to me if I had approached her like that and she was honest and said "no way". Shallow....maybe, but physical attraction is physical attraction....I know I wouldn't be attracted to her if initially if she was fat...period. So fellas...I'm really in a good place now....thought I'd share.
  22. Just wanted to let everyone know....I may have found the woman of my dreams! Normally I don't share my life like this...but it is a direct result of having a hair transplant. I had recently pointed out a picture of me and my family...and it was me skinny NOT fat...well dressed, y'know. Anyway I asked her point blank if she would have been attracted to me if I had approached her like that and she was honest and said "no way". Shallow....maybe, but physical attraction is physical attraction....I know I wouldn't be attracted to her if initially if she was fat...period. So fellas...I'm really in a good place now....thought I'd share.
  23. Salt-n-Peppa: Go one step further and video yourself. Sit in the same spot and every two weeks or month...do a frontal and spin all the way around. I believe if I would have been so savvy as to do something like that...it would have helped people to see the results even better. And thank you very much for the compliment. I'm sure yours will be a thing of beauty.
  24. Ifloss: Botox...hmmmmm. LOL! Thanks for gettin my back bro! Qwert: But it is...trust me. I'm me! Just a better version now....thanks to Dr.Hasson!
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