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Everything posted by Bobman

  1. Sir Fivehead: If I were to find New Docs that want to enlarge or start a clinic, and those Docs had it in them to raise the bar (like Dr.Hasson and Dr.Wong) and continue to learn and grow their business and techniques...there is no way on earth that with the "documented results" of these doctors I would have a hard time in any way, shape or form booking a surgery with them. There are SO MANY people out there getting work done by sub-par docs, even after a consultation with H&W and viewing the results. So, my response is that it's not rocket science...but rather good results. And if you were to come in and ask me where I had MY work done...and then after that, meeting and seeing the patients of THAT clinic in which I was employed by...then I believe that with the right education, time and commitment to the Doctors I represent...there is no reason that the clinic I will work for couldn't do the kind of volume or more so than other clinics in the business. All I need is an opportunity to get in there and build it! lornezo: Thank you...and all the best to you sir.
  2. I see your point, but my goal would be to find a clinic or doctor that wants to or already does the kind of work that I've had the privilege of getting. I think it's silly to think Dr.Hasson and Dr.Wong are the ONLY doctors able to get the results they do. I mean, many doctors are very talented but lazy or just don't have their business set up to see just what they could offer people. And if some of these doctors would get over themselves and be open to learn from other amazing doctors like Hasson & Wong...not just techniques but the whole way in which they operate their business, I think we would see a major paradigm shift in the industry. The rule has always been...90% of the sales are made by 10% of the salesmen. In this case, it's clinics that produce outstanding results. My goal is to help that new clinic or doctor (or even established clinic or doc) recognize their hidden potential and help as many people as possible.
  3. Great. When you find someone that would be a good fit for the both of us...please let me know.
  4. As most of you know me, "Bobman" is world renown for an amazing hair transplant transformation and documentation of the journey. And with so many wonderful people I've had the privilege of emailing, talking with over the phone and making time to meet in person, I have come to the decision that I want to get involved in the hair transplant industry. My goal is to help a clinic gain more business through my experience and results as a hair transplant consultant. I want to affiliate myself with the right clinic and create relationships for life. Please forward to any clinic or doctor you know in the business that wants to put their best foot forward in helping educate and facilitate more clients. Serious inquiries can email me here on a 'private message'. Thank you all for the support and to HAIR TRANSPLANT NETWORK for everything it did for me and does for the men and women everywhere.
  5. As most of you know me, "Bobman" is world renown for an amazing hair transplant transformation and documentation of the journey. And with so many wonderful people I've had the privilege of emailing, talking with over the phone and making time to meet in person, I have come to the decision that I want to get involved in the hair transplant industry. My goal is to help a clinic gain more business through my experience and results as a hair transplant consultant. I want to affiliate myself with the right clinic and create relationships for life. Please forward to any clinic or doctor you know in the business that wants to put their best foot forward in helping educate and facilitate more clients. Serious inquiries can email me here on a 'private message'. Thank you all for the support and to HAIR TRANSPLANT NETWORK for everything it did for me and does for the men and women everywhere.
  6. Smoothy: Yeah...I love how it shapes my face with my buzz cut. Spex: Sweet indeed!
  7. Thanks Joe! Good to hear from you...hope all is well!
  8. Spex: Love the logo bro! It really is hard to believe I was once a bald ass dude. My kids and I were watching home movies from about five years ago and man-O-man was I bald. I kept looking in the mirror to make sure I didn't still look like that....LOL. What a journey!
  9. I just uploaded some new photos...they seem to be a bit better.
  10. 3v: Thank you very much. Yes...I'm on Avodart and take it about every other day. badger: welcome to the brotherhood of Hair Restoration. I'm so very glad to have had the chance to "give back". Like they say...someday it will all come back to you ten-fold.
  11. Bill: Thanks man! Again...just doing my part to give back! And "Kudos" is quite right!
  12. Fallenstar: Thank you very much. And it looks like you have some KILLER donor left to fill that crown brother! Best of luck to you and God Bless!
  13. balody: Thank you. I feel the same way. And to think I wasn't even considering it to begin with...LOL. thanatopsis: And DID I EVER have a large bald spot! Totally feel blessed!
  14. I've taken some photos of my Temple work July, 15th, 2008. You can view it at: http://www.hairlosshelp.com/websites/Bobman/
  15. Sorry to hear about your journey. Take a look at Dr.Hasson or Dr.Wong in regards to your next possible surgery. I've seen some amazing transformations in the realm of reconstructive and repair hair transplant surgeries. I don't make a dime off this...but think you should at least give them a call.
  16. misterno: I saw your post and pics. You seem to have a similar amount of loss I once had. When it comes to research, I too found it so very important and looked at various hair transplant surgeons like yourself. Price wasn't an issue and travel meant nothing, as long as I got the result. Please take a look at my website: http://www.hairlosshelp.com/websites/Bobman/ And feel free to call me if you ever want to ask me questions. You can get my number through Mike. Wish you well...hope to hear from you.
  17. What's Aaaaap People!!! Sorry I haven't been around...just been livin' life y'know?!? Anyway, let's tackle some of those comments shall we. I have not ever taken a picture or used concealer as of yet. I wondered just recently on it's effectivness and talked with Doug about it briefly. He sent me a small sample and I haven't tried it out yet. I would assume that it would just lessen any thin spots and glare under direct lighting. I'll let y'all know when I try it...K? Also, I'll do a #3 this summer and take some pics. By now, my whole head seems fully mature and the hair has very much relaxed and has given way to a normal, unkinky if you will feel and look. Again...as I've stated before...I don't have the same density as I did when I was 19 or 20, but a HELL of a transformation that presents a much MUCH better version of who I was before the HTs. And words cannot ever describe the way my interaction with the world and it's interaction with me, because of it. Thanks for the opinions and compliments. I will try to chime back more often. Caio for now!
  18. Dr.Lindsay: You've expressed that you don't employ consultants. As someone that has had great results and because of those results I'M seriously looking at becoming a Consultant in the hair transplant industry...if it weren't for the insight and goodwill of the consultant(s), I would have not understood what it was I was doing and quite possibly would have taken the wrong road. No disrespect, but Consultants do more than just drum up more business...they educate and inform for a better overall patient experiences and expected results. Yes, as a Consultant I would keep the doctor busy...but more importantly, it would be fostering long term loyal relationships. I'm glad they were there for me when I needed them most.
  19. Mikeb921: When people ask me, "why did you go all the way to Canada?" And my reply to them is always the same..."because they are the best. If I had to travel to Africa to have the best, I would have." And money cannot even equate to how much my life has transformed because of such an amazing HT. Excellent posts on the subject...great advice and in the end it's all about RESULTS. If you ask me...I'll just simply tell you...I'm VERY happy. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any other concerns or questions if you wish.
  20. MrJobi: Thanks...but I've yet to find my charger for the camera. I'll post ASAP. notgoing: Yeah...no pics yet bro...but soon I hope. If you want you can visit my site at myrentalcarsecrets.com Not Oprah material...but who knows, right?!? I'm focused mainly on radio. I have an interview on the site now from Windsor, ON...but I'm uploading today a recent interview from Seattle.
  21. My little hairs are starting to grow...and coming in nicely. Sorry I haven't been able to find my camera's charger....so next week I'll be borrowing my daughter's camera so I can post some. Also been very busy with radio interviews and website traffic for my new book. So please stay tuned!
  22. Well, my little guys are starting for shed. As soon as I find my camera...I'll take some pics.
  23. Wow Nic....you look amazing! I think you're the king...IMO. A true inspiration and excellent forum poster.
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