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Everything posted by hoose

  1. Alcohol in moderation can fit into an overall healthy lifestyle--physically and pschologically. It really has no direct effect on MPB and propecia;
  2. time to do something, sounds like a good idea; by the holiday season next year your new hair will be sprouting and lookin good.
  3. looks good; ypu will be very happy in 6 months.
  4. I googled her and found this on her website; maybe her website is outdated and she doesn't practice these methods; also from the website I got the impression that she does other skin related cosmetic procure: "Micrografts are parts of the scalp that contain one or two follicular units. Mini grafts contain from three to eight capillary follicles. These small units of hair allow the creation of a natural appearance replacing the baby doll look, or the toothbrush look that has been thus far associated with hair transplant surgery. Dr Alba Reyes Sagiv places micro grafts of one to two hairs in small receptive incisions (.5mm), along the scalp, generally along the hairline to give a natural and attractive look. Mini grafts of three to five hairs are strategically placed to give more density and cover more surface area. With this technique, as well as the expertise of Dr. Alba Reyes Sagiv, a natural appearance is achieved."
  5. just 4 hair, At 2 weeks post op, the grafts are solid; you would practically have to surgically room them to get them out of your scalp now.
  6. cooleyfied, major improvement!; however, I like to see the hairline from differant angles when evaluating a result; could you post some pics with the bangs lifted up to expose the hairline?
  7. sxaden, well, I'll try to answer your questions; the size of the sessions vary for each individual's needs; also a HT will not give you a full head of hair--you will not achieve the same density that you had before you started losing your hair; however, with the right surgeon and good characteristics the allusion of a full-head of hair can be achieved. Most surgeons charge 4-5$/graft for the first 2000 grafts and then around 2.50/graft after that. With today's standards 2000 grafts and under is considered a "small" session; 3500+ is considered a "large" session; Most doc do free consultations; here is a link to the list of coalition docs that perform clean, refined work consistently: http://www.hairlosslearningcenter.org/hair-loss-content...s/our_physicians.asp Also do not go to the hair mills--MHR, Bosley...their results are inconsistent and many do not perform refined work; stay with a coalition doc.
  8. hoose


    It is not critical to take exactly 1 mg of finasteride a day; most posters here split a tablet into 4 pieces and take 1 piece a day; actually most people average about 1.25 mg a day by splitting a 5 mg tablet into 4 pieces; do not worry about splitting them perfectly--your body can not tell the differance; just average 1 mg a day and that is fine; actually studies show that less than 1mg/day is almost as effective, so if you take ".6" for example one day, it is not going to hamper your results.
  9. ayaz, welcome; you say you lost 70& of your hair--that is relative to each individual; if you have lost 70% of your hair, I would guess you are a norwood 6 and therefore may not be a candidate for a HT at 27; I would not move forward with a surgery with Dr. Ashok; I think a poster here named Jagdish had a surgery with him and the results were sub-par; I would recommend consulting with one of the coalition docs on this forum; many do on-line consultations; do not let location dictate where you go; Finax is the generic finasteride and I would continue with finasteride to stabalize your hairloss; I am not familiar with Dr. Narisimha; also at your age if you are already at an advanced stage of hair loss, chances are you could lose more and have to do future surgeries; IMO I would continue with finasteride while further reaserching and consulting with coalition docs; Also, I have never heard of laser-assisted HT. I would be wary.
  10. I know that in my procedure I looked dramatically differant from the 6 month compared to the 1 year mark--more density, maturity etc...also my donor area was quite sensitive when styling etc. for at least 6 months; I would recommend waiting till at least 1 year post-op; in the big picture waiting another 6 months is a small amount of time, and the benefits such as excising more grafts due to scalp laxity returning back to normal etc. will be worth the wait--IMO
  11. I agree, nice transformation glock; it looks natural and there appears to be ample density for styling etc; it looks good as a stand-alone ht, but leaves you with the option if you desire to fill-in/refine, but it is not a neccessity; only if you get hair greed
  12. rich, if you posted some pics, the posters would do an excellent job of assessing your individual situation; keep in mind that the norwoods are estimations--they are used as a guide--they are not exactly black and white; by looking at pics in the picture section you can get a good idea of before and after
  13. to live and die in la, same thing for dermatologist--doesn't mean shit; for example check out this link below from the news in my town about this dermatologist--unbelievable http://www.woodtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=7372950
  14. IMO, it will heal with time; just like a pimple on your face, the pimple takes time to dry up and for the redness to fade. I would just leave it alone and just give it the "gift of time."
  15. I don't think it matter if you take them together or separate; just get a routine a stay with it
  16. diamondlight; I'm big into fitness/bodybuilding; here is a pic from my last show; I'm preparing for another show in april of 08
  17. eod = every other day; also proscar = 5mg of finastride; it is cheaper but you have to split the tablets into 1/4's; many poster do this; it is just as effective as propecia at 1/3 of the cost of propecia; I have never heard of finilo; I have heard of finpecia by Cipla in India; it has been talked about on the forums; I would recommend proscar and split it into 1/4's;
  18. as far as hair transplantation goes ABHRS certification doesn't mean shit. Most of the MHR and Bosley docs are board certified and this forum has many posters who have had sub-par work performed; basically any doc, can get board certified; by the way Dr Wong is certified and he an excellent doc.
  19. at the temple area , even on propecia, is almost certain to recede back as he gets older and will need work to fill in behind the original work.
  20. I agree with Bill and NN the work is first class, but the hailine semms quite low; I am also a conservative kind of guy
  21. I use "surf hair"; you can get it at walmart for around 3$;
  22. I remember reading a study or something that .5 mg/day is about 80% as effective as 1 mg a day; so in summary it is almost as effective; a poster here, hairbank, takes 1 mg eod and has reported good results; I think he said he even had some minor growth at the hairline at that dose.
  23. listen to wanthairs, you definitely do not need a HT; maybe you can show some addtional pics from differant angles etc..but looking at the pics you don't need a HT. the Hairline you drew at the temple you would not want to go that low anyway; that would be too risky because it is too early to determine how much hair you could loss. I really surprises me that the doc even considered it considering your level of loss; also I don't feel that 1200 would grafts would make a huge cosmetic diferance;
  24. jwaves, Definitely avoid physical activity post-op; if you do a search on scar stretching you should find a lot of info; it is a frequently discussed topic; I would recomment no heavy lifting or sports for a month and gradually increase your activity from there; I wouldn't do any excercises like crunches for 3 months because some people have the tendency to pull from their head using their hands; also squats and deadlifts you may want to wait 3 months due to the overall strain they put on your body; these are just my opinions; other posters may have differant opinions on this and hopefully they will chime in.
  25. sposthole, since you are in Minnesota I would avise you to see Dr. Shapiro in Minneapolis. He is top notch and performs state of the art work and has a great repuatation on this site. Dr Simmons works for MHR and you want to avoid them; many people on this site have had unsatisfactory results from MHR; with Dr. Shapiro so close and convient, I wouldn't even consider another doc.
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