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Everything posted by Salt-N-Peppa

  1. Don't do any scalp exercises for at least 6 months........once you do start though, it will seem insanely tight!! Just keep doing the exercises on a daily basis once you start back. I kinda screwed up by not doing quite enough stretching ( though I thought that I had done enough). I suppose it is like money. you can never have enough!! Last thought, , with your scar at its current size, your donor harvest may be impacted for HT #2....again, good luck my friend. Cheers
  2. Yo Mikeman.............or should I say Jughead??? I have envy of the total amount of donor hairs you have. I myself have a skinny pinhead and only got about 6800 FU's after two surgeries. I am constantly amazed at how many grafts the HT Doctors are getting these days. Take care of that scar and be sure to keep us posted on your progress. Cheers.
  3. Every once in a great while, this site gets an individual on board that likes to be the center of attention like a petulant 3 year old. This month it is Starz. As is typical, they throw around accusations trying to prompt a response. Ignore him, ban him...it doesn't matter because he has already destroyed his credibility. Cheers.
  4. No reason to delay......as for me, two days later, it was dark and I was all alone :-)
  5. hmmmm, I may have to consider a perm because your curly hair really does a good job of adding to the illusion of a full head of hair. You hair really looks good. Congratulations. S-n-P
  6. Just buy a new camera. As cheap as they have become it isn't worth the frustration of actually trying to read an instruction manual!! :-)) Cheers
  7. Very nice indeed- a wonderfully natural looking hairline, congratulations. S-n-P
  8. FWIW- I consulted with two Doctors and did not feel comfortable with either.....way too much over promising for my tastes. I then accidently and luckily stumbled onto this site, I did a lot of reading and finally made my decision to use a Coalition Doctor. (Doctor Hasson). Good luck with your research and your decision making process. If you don't feel the Doctor you have consulted with is right for you, just keep walking.S-n-P
  9. Going out the next day is no problem at all. Just be very careful not to bump your head! Those transplants could easily get dislodged at that point. If I recall correctly, Dr Hasson says that by day 10, the transplants will have 90% of their total strength. Good luck. S-n-P
  10. I guess you are referring hysterical scene in the movie " Something about Mary"......
  11. Yo Mike, welcome onboard. As Bill said, choosing a Doctor becomes a personal decision since you have reduced your list to these fine Doctors. Having a HT is part surgery and part artistry. You need to get in sync with the vision your Doctor has, and your desires. There are many people here that post their progress for you to look at. A Doctor that can routinely turn out excellent results is where you should focus. Many websites can show an individual superior result,but is this the norm or merely a showcase example? Good luck, have fun researching and talking to Dortors! Cheers. Salt-n-Peppa
  12. Please post your before and after pictures. We quite often see people touting various products but the never seem to post pictures of the claims. Maybe you will be different, but I doubt it-
  13. I tried Nair once when I was going for the porn star look .....just once. Had the leave my "do-dads" soaking in a bucket of Aloe Vera for a couple of days. S-n-P
  14. Just do a little Man-Scaping down there. Jump in the shower with shaving cream and razor and have fun.......just be careful about getting nicks and cuts!!! The good thing about man-scaping is "the allusion of growth" No sense looking like a French womens' armpit! Cheers, S-n-P
  15. The aspect of this forum that I appreciate the most is when Doctors make postings of their techniques,concerns and new developments. Thank you Doctor Rassman for your message. Cheers and good luck with your patient, please post her progress as she fully heals. S-n-P
  16. If he was on Rogaine, all I can say is "hair greed". Dudes hair is like a beaver pelt.
  17. The other thing I found surprising about the client they were showing off, they did not show a before picture.....He had a front hairline but it appeared everything behind was virtually bare. Strange to me.
  18. I watched the whole show last night--- -It started talking about HT with 2 Bosley execs and a demo client ( not a great choice of hair restoration in my opinion). -Donny then had a medical Doctor that talked about Propecia and Rogaine. The Doctor pointed out several times that those drugs work best if you are in the earlier stages of hair loss AND you use the product daily for about 8 months to see any real results AND if you stop using it, after 3 months you go back to your natural state. He also pointed out the there is a 2% sexual dysfunction rate in blind clinical trials. -then Donny had the COO or CEO of the lasercomb company ( list price is $540.00!!). Donny was fascinated by the marketing aspect and the markup over cost. The exec kept pointing out that the FDA has now approved this lasercomb for hairloss treatment. He pointed out similiar limitations to the drugs, namely, it works best if you are not totally bald....he actually claimed regrowth of 19 hairs per sq. cm ! ( I'm just repeating what he said, don't shoot the messenger). - Last up was an older gentleman who makes custom hairpieces that cost about 4000 per system. He interestingly had HT done in front of his hairpiece. -- The segment ended with the Doctor from Bosley saying that he believed "hair cloning" would be commercially available in 2009 or 2010. He claimed that they were doing research on this in Europe and ????( I can't recall the second location), he appeared quite comfident on this. My opinion of this show is if you are a frequent lurker on this forum, you already know everything presented. Secondly, Donny is a former marketing exec, he seemed to sift all of his guests through that filter of , how much money can they make, what kind of markup, what kind of growth potential. Thats about all that I can remember at this point about the show. S-n-P
  19. Another showcase HT in my opinion!!! Super look, you must be absolutely thrilled.
  20. Rico Suave- very distinguished look. Siskel and Ebert give two thumbs up ( except the tall one died a few years back---not sure if he was S or E)
  21. Interesting observation. After my first HT of 4944, my head remained pink for quite some time. In fact, Dr Hasson mentioned the pinkness when I was in his office for HT #2. But, for some reason, my scalp did not retain any redness after HT #2 (1960). I don't have any logical reason because my crown is now at the same density my front 2/3 . Things that make you go hmmmmmm.
  22. Thanks, I'll stick with Dermamatch. I don't want to use it as a lifetime crutch, merely to assist me until I have full growth from HT #2. Until then, "all things in moderation". Thanks for the knowledge. S-n-P
  23. From what you say, I too believe that a single HT would be sufficient for you....( assuming your self analysis is spot on). Something you should think seriously about is, left to naturally regress, where do you expect your hairline and density to be in 10 years. I say this to force you to think realistically at how you want your restored hairline and added density to be placed. Unfortunately, a HT is not going to restore your hair to that of an 18 year old. Realistic goals and expectations, in the hands of a skilled Doctor will give you a lifetime of hair of your head. Good luck with your research, I think you'll enjoy this forum. Cheers, S-n-P
  24. I want to look like George Clooney. Not his hair, just him...........up for that challenge?? Cheers Jotronic----S-n-P
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