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Everything posted by chucky

  1. Glad you are happy with your results so far. Dr Gabel is producing fine work judging by the examples i`ve seen.
  2. Hi markcia Do you have any pictures you could share with us.
  3. Good chance you`ll drop dead with a heart attack though with the steroids.
  4. In England shaved heads are still looked upon as yobbish depending on how you dress as well. Just like tattoos yhey have a similar effect.
  5. Charming i must say,if it wasn`t for us Brits you Americans would still be wearing beaver hats and buffalo skins. Not everyone has the power of ESP.
  6. They have money,lots of it which helps with the chicks even if you`re bald,fat,skinny or just one ugly person. can you imagine lyle with no hair http://www.tvguide.com/celebrities/lyle-lovett/photos/163218/1
  7. Do you not go out much ng2gb. Who needs disco lights with a room full of baldies
  8. Yeah i second that Spex is a top bloke and will try and help anyone out
  9. No problem mate. I know what you`re going through and understand why you ask so many questions regarding procedures and seeking advice. Unfortunately you will always get unsympathetic people who don`t wish to help you but they are in the minority and should be ignored. Re the doctors that have offered advice and help,have any shown you similar scar repair pictures with fue.I know you will not want to post the doctors names who have offered their services to you freely but if they read this i commend you. Where about in the UK are you as i`m in Newcastle and if convenient i dont mind meeting up for a chat. Keep your chin up and try to be positive as i`m sure you will get that scar repaired. cheers Bri
  10. Kriss You`ve got to remember in capable hands and if you`re the right candidate fue can be great.
  11. I had 10/15% survival/growth rates from my fue session with that well known Greek clinic
  12. I think you may be confusing me with your split personality and thats what happens to you on your weekly consult at the shrinks Only funning mate but what are droors,i`ve never heard underwear called that before.
  13. Hi Sagaboy Was it both Drs who done your ht as a team effort. I`m sure you will achieve the result you want. Well done for doing your research and making a great choice.
  14. Hi Frog Are you wanting to get your whole scar as it is fillled with fue or are you looking at getting some of it cut out if possible and then fue. Whats the rest of your hair like ie where norton transplanted. I hope you`re feeling ok and that you get sorted soon.
  15. poo bay,A*** H**e ,its a no go area for me You`ll have no worries from me on that issue ng2gb.The only crowns i like are turkey crowns at christmas and full head of hair crowns.
  16. Basically if a doctor uses a 1mm punch it will leave a bigger hole in your head than a 0.75 mm punch and in some doctors opinions the bigger punch may damage the follicles next to the one being extracted. Also the smaller the hole the more densely hairs can be placed.
  17. Haey annaj si tahw i ekil dna eht serutcip fo ruoy toh sebab.
  18. Hi Baxter Your hair is looking good and at only 4 months,great growth so far. Are you planning on getting your crown done seeing that you have good donor and it would round your feeling 30 ish look off . Pamela cutting your hair as well,SMG `s ongoing patient care seems to be very good.
  19. He`s a virgin Come on Jobi post your pictures.
  20. I can safely say no one drops anchor in poo bay where i`m concerned. I like the ladies.
  21. He bought me a rubber ring and a giant sized tub of vaseline
  22. You`ve either got it or you haven`t and i`m not talking hair for once. Its good down hear having a laugh but all the serious weight lifters will not be happy their post has been hijacked
  23. ng2gb where you gone,been mugged on the way to the drugstore/walmart.
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