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Everything posted by chucky

  1. Bill you have lost track on this post.Richie was quoted a strip of 500,then Mick rang him and said the quote was for fue.Richie says Dr farjo never mentioned fue at their clinic only when Mick rang up.
  2. I know what you mean YoungGuy,he is just posting away without a shred of decency to admit he made false or misinformed accusations.
  3. In this statementDr Farjo AGREED he would do a small strip for 500 grafts even though he would prefer to wait.If Richie said yes he would have got a strip surgery done for 500 grafts which would have not achieved a desired effect. How many times on this forum will someone post saying i want a small surgery of x amount of grafts and all the regulars will say dont do it for that amount,get on the meds or wait 1-2 years.This is the advice in my opinion should have been given to Richie,to wait which is what they wanted to do but were still prepared to do the small strip ht. I feel small numbers of grafts are appropriate via fue when there is minimal hairloss not a large diffuse thinning crown. As to my other question does anyone know any coalition doctors who will do a strip surgery for a small number of grafts where the cosmetic effect will be minimum to say the least.If so i would like to ask them the same question. thanks again and i`m not causing trouble.
  4. Hey Mick quote 3. Dr Farjo agreed that he could do a very small area to the safe zone of the crown .this your own words, you were prepared to do a strip for 500 grafts all being you preferred to wait.Why quote a price for a procedure you now say dr Farjo was not prepared to do. How am i trying to stir things up,i have asked a question i would ask any coalition doctor. Are you stating that because a doctor attends various meetings/seminars he is doing more than others in the field of hairloss.
  5. I can only advise on my experience with DHI Greece which was 3 years ago.I had a 1043 fue procedure with them and got very poor results,about 20% growth if i`m lucky. DHI only do fue/no touch so cant offer strip. DHI charge per hair as well which is a no no in my book. HDC do strip and fue,if they are recomending strip i presume you have been quoted 1000 plus grafts by both of them. I have seen a few HDC results online which look good but if i were you i would cross DHI off and ask HDC for some patients you can possibly meet and evaluate their results in person. I hope this info is of help to you.
  6. I would like to comment on this again and no farjo bashing comments please as these are logical questions for Mick to answer when he`s available. I find it inapropriate to offer a strip procedure for 500 grafts on a diffuse thinning crown when clearly Richies pictures show that more than that are needed .Mick stated Dr Farjo agreed he could do a very small area to the safe zone of the crown.Where is this safe zone on the crown as i understood it as the whole of your crown can be affected to MPB. Furthermore if a strip for 500 grafts is acceptable in the present time are there any other coalition doctors practicing hair transplants for 500 grafts via strip. Mick i trust you can answer these questions when you have time. Thanks Chucky
  7. I dont understand why HDC would tell you to go to DHI for their no touch procedure when HDC do fue and strip themselves. If this is true who was it at HDC that advised you to go to DHI. This does not make sense at all as they are competitors. Very strange
  8. Shoudn`t someone be apologising on this thread regarding comments made earlier in the post.
  9. Nescare Gold as i`m a cheap skate
  10. Thanks for the pictures petesman You do have a lot of growth from your pictures as you said you didn`t have much left there pre op. 2200 is only going to give a thin coverage so are you going to get more work done once your results have grown out. thanks again and good growth.
  11. Looking at those photos you`ve healed really well and are going to one happy chap when when all those little beauties grow out.
  12. Glad it all went well for you and i look forward to your pictures.
  13. Nice one ccexxp1,it must be such a relief to get rid of those damm plugs.
  14. Seen your pictures elsewhere Sadhairloss. Very nice its looking,nice placement of grafts.
  15. Its way cheaper in the UK Proscar ??120 for 15 month supply minox foam ??10 per can about 1 month minox liquid ??6 per month Can you not buy it online from the UK or do your customs not allow it as they are pretty strict.
  16. Hi Frog Anything i can help you with i will. Keep your chin up.
  17. Quote from Felixthecat topic stater """ however , from time to time - and on several different forums - i come across posts about Dr.Coles "ethics" . Since according to Felix this is not the only forum where Dr Coles ethics are questioned i suggest that Felix provide these links for anyone interested to have a look. As i have said before i personally have nothing against Dr Cole .
  18. Hi Petesman I had a very poor result from dhi in greece but i`m glad you feel you have a good result to date from dhi in Ireland. Are you planning on posting any pictures as i`d like to see your progress and i hope you get your desired result once all your new hair has grown out. Thanks and good growth to you.
  19. Markcia i take it that no reply to my question means no pictures. On the question of ethics do you remember this nice ethical reply by yourself. markcia Veteran Real Hair Club Member Posted July 13, 2005 05:05 PM Hide Post TYPICAL FRENCHMAN. WHAT CAN THE AMERICANS DO FOR ME. STAY IN FRANCE. DONT FORGET, IF IT WERE NOT FOR THE AMERICANS YOU WOULD ALL BE SPEAKING GERMAN. NO JUST KIDDING....MAY I SUGGEST BOSLEY FOR ALL FRENCHMAN. Posts: 45 | Location: NY | Registered: June 28, 2005
  20. Hi Markcia I asked before so i`ll ask again have you any photo`s to show your ht with Dr Cole.Then everyone can see your results and judge for themselves. I have nothing against Dr Cole and know posters who are happy with their ht from him but i agree with Bill on the Dr Feller issue and if you do have an issue just start a new thread regarding this. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and what doctor they feel is the best for them.
  21. Pastaboy Have you decided on a course of action yet or are you still looking into your options.
  22. I agree with Jobi,it may give a fuller looking hair but thats about it in my opinion.
  23. Very nice result,the curly hair should straighten out in time to match your existing hair.plenty more growth to come as well.
  24. Hi ng2gb Its not a stupid post,it may go off track from time to time like a lot of posts do but i agree with you with the current exchange rate us Brits have it good when travelling to North america. In some peoples opinions there are good docs in the UK,some on the net and maybe some who are not but for myself i want the very best hair transplant possible.Therefor in my opinion after doing so much research and all the photos and feedback on the forums i have come to the conclusion that i have to travel to North America to achieve the best possible results available at the present time. Others may disagree but the consistent good results i see from certain North American doctors gives me the feeling of security,trust,comfort ,etc knowing i will be getting my hair transplant from a world class doctor. Undoubtably there are great doctors in other parts of the world but as stated the exchange rate is so good and i personnally like many other Brits quite like you Americans .(Blair+Bush)
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