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Everything posted by chucky

  1. some people,lucky people have great results and one that stands out for me is a guy called tommytwo on shln. i met him and he showed me before pictures of his crown and then i had a look at his crown after he`d been on proscar,you could have knocked me down with a feather,his results are amazing. i wish mine were like his but if the shoe doesn`t fit
  2. ng2gb where are you man i`ve had loads to drink and you are M.I.A. you are a good laugh and help take the seriousness off hairloss
  3. hi ultra zone i appreciate your reply and if you are genuine as i`ve said before i apologise . i truly hope you are genuine but i still have my suspicions and you have every right to question my motives as this is a public forum for open discussion whether it be for or against what you believe to be true. thanks
  4. hi Bill if you read the following from my earlier post you will see its not only his grammer and language i picked up on . i saw recommendations on here (where) its his first post and he attacks dr kiely . he is quoting price comparisons(marketing ploy) i`m not gonna say the name of the CLINIC so you think i`m someone working for them,why make that statement if you are just an ordinary first time poster. without naming clinics he quotes i`m going to do a no scar procedure which is dhi plop. dhi is not mentioned as that will create negative comments also if he reads posts how can he say strip is outdated. one other point is when i started my thread about norton you said dont trash talk them without reason,is this not what ultra zone is doing re dr kiely after meeting him for 3 minutes.
  5. sorry to hear that frog i must of got it wrong saying h&w,maybe i read rahal was your choice but they`re all great anyway . have you had any assessments/plan of action from docs and rough pricing to repair this terrible situation you find yourself in. what area in the uk are you from as i travelled from newcastle to wakefield to be done over. hi nortonvictim could you pm me where hartley works so i can do a bit of digging. thanks
  6. thanks janna for clearing that up and thanks jobi.
  7. hi fixing-it which docs are they if you dont mind hi janna oil is the cause of many things
  8. Bill i`ve had a lot of experience with dhi and their tactics and i do believe in my opinion ultra zone is dhi.if i`m wrong i will apoligise to him. i`ve offered ultra zone a chance to speak to myself in person over the phone which if offered to myself when i was looking into a ht i would have gladly taken. i will wait with anticipation for ultra zone to reply as i have no malice intended with my posts on this subject and if he is genuine i would like to offer my help. thanks all
  9. hi frog thats one bad scar,it is far worse than mine and my heart goes out to you. because of victims like us posting our experiences we will hopefully save someone else a life of misery. how are you getting on with going to h&w for your repair. hope you are well despite the obvious
  10. the only other clinics i know that claim to do these megasessions of fue are norton and dhi and that says it all in my opinion.
  11. lungs if h&w are so close why didn`t you go there first for a consult after reading all the positives on here about them. they would give you a honest opinion on your hairloss as they dont need to operate on people who dont need a ht. i`m pleased you are now taking the advice from the guys here
  12. sorry ultra but i have recieved numerous emails from dhi and your grammer and english are the same so i do feel you work for dhi. anyone do a search on shabba on here and shln and compare. you also say you read the posts carefully so why go to dhi.if you did read them you would see the negative comments about these cowboys and would have posted asking for positive experiences with these. you attack dr kiely vigorously having only met him for 3 mins and you claim to have a lot of money so after reserching this forum as you have stated you still decide to go with dhi, come on . if you are legit pm me your phone number and i`ll ring you or just pm me and i`ll give you my home number,cant say fairer than that and we can have a chat. ps just done a search on shabba and the post has been deleted ????
  13. hi josh how much per graft have you been quoted by the stough clinic and what are you having done,strip or fue thanks
  14. hi josh thanks ,all i`m trying to do is make people aware and i still in my opinion think ultra zone is dhi after my detective work. you can call me kojak from now on
  15. i feel prices will go up as the price of oil is rising which has a knock on effect to practically everything.
  16. hi janna does the price increase when the patient doesn`t shave down as time is money and the dr will have to pay overtime to his staff if a session runs for longer than expected
  17. hi rahul people are interested in this. if there has been early growth could you post pictures even if it is at an early stage
  18. no probs janna,it justs proves dont believe everything you read
  19. hi irish glad your ok i`ve looked at dr collins website and he shows no pictures at all and as you say 10 euros`s per graft or 12 euro`s for repairs is way too expensive in my opinion. the following link is what i`ve found re dr collins but the guys surgery was 3 years ago http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/7152501.stm
  20. i have read dr kiely`s website and he states he was trained by the late dr seager and worked with dr shapiro,there are links to both drs websites. On dr kiely`s website there is one part titled FUT V`s DHI/FUE (which is under construction) in my opinion this indicates there is a battle for business going on between these two therefor i feel ultra zones post needs to be read with an error of caution for the following reasons. i saw recommendations on here (where) its his first post and he attacks dr kiely . he is quoting price comparisons(marketing ploy) i`m not gonna say the name of the CLINIC so you think i`m someone working for them,why make that statement if you are just an ordinary first time poster. without naming clinics he quotes i`m going to do a no scar procedure which is dhi plop. dhi is not mentioned as that will create negative comments. in my opinion this post seems dubious and reeks of dhi marketing. finally ultra zone if i`m wrong and you are a genuine poster i apoligise in advance.
  21. hi ultra zone listen carefully to the advice given by the members,you`ve made a wise decision coming on the forums so dont waste the info . i dont know much about clinics in ireland but dont go to dhi offering you there no touch technique i would say no thank you.i`ve only had an unfortunate experience with dhi in greece but i know the ireland drs are trained by them so in my opinion are churning out the same results. do more research and dont jump in as i know you`ve probably took a while to pluck up the courage to decide the ht route is for you and you are quite excited by the results you`ve been promised. if its not one of these clinics ask to meet former patients so you can see their results in person take care
  22. i used procerin and it did nothing at all. if it had the results it claims to achieve everyone would be using it. in my opinion it is a waste of money
  23. M.I.A like myself with one sore head,hope you had a good one ng2gb.
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